I have the following statement defined in a procedure. It works just fine when the statement is valid.
However, when there's an error in the statement the SqlCod (and SqlState) are 0 and "00000" respectively.
(the "tagValues" contained an apostrophe)
To make things worse, the values in my output parameters ouEntNbr and ouShprNbr are from the last time the procedure was called.
I noticed in debug that SqlErr3 is 0
What is the proper way to check this?
... stuff here
Clear ouEntNbr;
Clear ouShprNbr;
sqlStmt = 'Values(Select ent_nbr, trim(shpr_nbr) from SHOPTAGS where site_id = ' +
sq + inSiteId + sq + ' and tag_val in (' + tagValues + ')' +
' and active = ' + sq + 'Y' + sq +
' Fetch First Row Only) Into ?';
Exec Sql Prepare dyn_sql From :sqlStmt;
Exec Sql Execute dyn_sql using :ouEntNbr :entInd, :ouShprNbr :shprInd;
if SqlCod <> 0;
return *off;
return *on;
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