Without a strong name .net will just use the assembly reference to find the dll, you can update it all you want, change version numbers all you want, . net won't care.
Sent from my wireless device, please excuse typos and terseness.
On Aug 11, 2012, at 1:22 PM, "Richard Schoen" <richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Can you do that when you reference a DLL so it doesn't version check so if you replace a version with same signatures it just works ?
Richard Schoen
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message: 1
date: Sat, 11 Aug 2012 12:45:58 +0000
from: "Walden H. Leverich" <WaldenL@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [SystemiDotNet] Logging (log4net et al)
I've found that referring to DLLs withOUT referencing specific versions and just keeping everything in the bin directory is the way to go. Any attempt to use the GAC is typically a nightmare, and if you're not using the GAC you don't need strong naming.
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