EGL will never generate RPG until the Rational people re-think their
relationship with the System i.
You can leave off the last part of the sentence Joe. It will never generate
Claus Weiss and I (among many others) tried for years to get them to
consider including RPG in their plans. Since I left IBM about 10 years ago,
you can see how long this has been going on. Just as many in our community
refuse to take COBOL seriously because they have not looked at the language
since ANSI '68, so many with a mainframe background can't get past the idea
of RPG being this rinky dink little language that writes reports.
In reality there really is no reason for a generator to produce COBOL or RPG
... Perhaps we should focus on getting themt o generate W-code just as the
RPG compiler does? It would make much more sense and since IBM have W-code
oriented backends on all platforms, it should really be the cheapest option
for them anyway. Why encourage them to generate something that can only
constrain EGL's capabilities to match those of the target language? Even
with java byte-code makes more sense than generating Java itself.
Jon Paris
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