That command worked for me. All my source files are 112 in length,
but when I try to work on a client CLP in the traditional 92 char
source file, the command text gets truncated when I save it to a 92
char QCLSRC. If you look in the archives under "Another CL Parser
question" you can see Violaine's response that worked for me. Quoted below:
Hi Dave,
This request is on our list of requirements.
I did do some quick testing, and you can try the following trick:
1) after opening your member, press Esc to go to the LPEX command line
2) Enter the following LPEX command (which will set the record length for
the currently open member/file to 12 for sequence numbers + 80 for the
text area):
set save.textLimit 92
Note that this will cause the message about lines being truncated to be
issued if you have text that exceeds 80 characters.
3)You can then trigger formatting on each statement by typing a blank on
the line.
hope that helps!
Violaine Batthish
WebSphere Development Studio Client, IBM Toronto Lab
At 04:40 PM 6/28/2007, Brian wrote:
It looks like the option posted as "set save.textLimit 80"
might be headed down the correct path.
Dave Murvin
DRM Enterprises, Inc.
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