> DennisRootes@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> Usually EDTLIBL, GO SOMETHING, or WRKXXXXX. It seems I'll need an
>> emulator to run those types of commands interactively, so I'm left to
>> alt-tab or use the Arcad emulator I just recently found out about.
>> But on
>> the bright side I like that Arcad emulator. =)
DeLong, Eric wrote:
In V7, when I open "iSeries Objects" in my connection, I have an
element named "Library List". Opening that shows links to all
libraries specified on my current libl... Right clicking on any of
this gives me add/remove/move options....
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned yet or not, but if you have two
or three library lists that you switch between, having one connection
for each library list seems to work well for some people.
As for GO xxxxxxx, [...] [i]f it's just to get to a command, you could
just figure out the command you're trying to access, and add it to RSE
in the iSeries Commands subsystem.
I sometimes go back to the green screen to find a command name using GO
CMDxxx. You can also check the two fairly extensive documents in the
WDSC help under "WebSphere Development Studio Client for iSeries ->
Reference -> Language Reference -> iSeries programming information ->
Control language information" (whew!). You might find it works for you,
personally it doesn't suit my needs well.
Once you know the command you want, if you need to be reminded of the
parameters or want to look at the help, you can hit F1 or F4 with the
cursor on any command in a CL source, and you will get the help or a
prompt respectively. The first time you do this it will take a while
but subsequent prompts or help requests are much faster.
Library, Object, or Member filters in RSE give you WRKLIB, WRKOBJ,
or WRKMBR capabilities.
Don't forget about the iSeries Table View. It's great for one-off type
searches that you don't want to build a filter for. An example might be
"does that other programmer have this source in her development
library?". The iSeries Table works much like PDM.
Hope this helps,
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