From: Dick Gregory
Jesus, my mailbox is full. What do you guys do all day?
Ah, yesterday I was a little under the weather, so I had lots of time
<grin>. But really, this is what sometimes happens when people start
tossing opinions. Jon started it with what I'm sure he considered a pretty
innocuous throwaway statement, but which I thought was just dangerous enough
to need clarification.
But you're right, the horse has been beaten. It's clear Jon wasn't really
dissing EGL, just expressing his concern about its future based on past
experience with other similar products. And unfortunately that also
subjected the list to the ongoing saga of RPG-CGI vs. J2EE, which can easily
spin out of control.
So I'll voluntarily step out now. We'll let Aaron get his last retort in
because I took a few parting shots, and then we can let this list get back
to its regularly scheduled programming.
Just remember that EGL is pretty directly on-topic here, since WDSC supports
the Rational Business Developer extensions that provide support for EGL.
And I'll be bringing you a lot more news about EGL in the coming months,
because believe me you'll be wanting to look at this technology. I would
tell you more, but the black helicopters outside my window are signaling
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