Regarding setting up our own compile, I read the suggested Wiki and
comments. I added /* *EVENTF SRCMBR(&N) */ to the compile command in WDSC
and changed the CURLIB to the destination library(where EVFEVENT is) but I
still don't receive the errors in Iseries error list. Is there such a thing
as having too many "layers" to the compile command being evoked? We call a
CL program, which in turn calls a second a CL program which calls a third
CL program to do the appropriate compile. Any comments are welcome.

Sent by: To
wdsci-l-bounces@m wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx cc

15/12/2007 10:05 WDSCI-L Digest, Vol 5, Issue 806

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Today's Topics:

1. SEP and UPDPROD(*NO)... (Robert Rogerson)
2. Re: SEP and UPDPROD(*NO)... (Joe Pluta)
3. Re: SEP and UPDPROD(*NO)... (David Gibbs)
4. Setting up our own Compile from WDSC (Rod Verity)
5. Re: Setting up our own Compile from WDSC (Joe Pluta)
6. Re: Setting up our own Compile from WDSC (David Gibbs)
7. Re: Setting up our own Compile from WDSC (Buck)
8. Re: SEP and UPDPROD(*NO)... (Robert Rogerson)
9. Timeout issue on Webfaced applications (Michael Soucy)
10. Re: Timeout issue on Webfaced applications (Mike Hockings)
11. Re: Timeout issue on Webfaced applications
(Thorbj?rn Ravn Andersen)


message: 1
date: Fri, 14 Dec 2007 13:11:19 -0500
from: Robert Rogerson <robertrogerson@xxxxxxxxxx>
subject: [WDSCI-L] SEP and UPDPROD(*NO)...

I was attempting to debug a program when the message

Member <membername> cannot be opened while UPDPROD(*NO)

was issued. I tried to modify the SEP but the UPDPROD parameter is not

Does the command default for STRDBG need to be changed to UPDPROD(*YES) or
is there another method?

Robert A. Rogerson

Sr. Programmer Analyst

Cinram International Inc.

5590 Finch Avenue East

Toronto, Ont M1B-1T1

Tel: 416-298-8190 Ext: 4351

Email: <mailto:robertrogerson@xxxxxxxxxx> robertrogerson@xxxxxxxxxx


message: 2
date: Fri, 14 Dec 2007 12:21:49 -0600
from: "Joe Pluta" <joepluta@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] SEP and UPDPROD(*NO)...

Ah heck, it's been a bit since I did this, but I think if you go into
Preferences and under Run/Debug and then iSeries Debug, you'll see an
Production Files checkbox. I *THINK* that is used by the SEP.


From: Robert Rogerson

I was attempting to debug a program when the message

Member <membername> cannot be opened while UPDPROD(*NO)

was issued. I tried to modify the SEP but the UPDPROD parameter is not

Does the command default for STRDBG need to be changed to UPDPROD(*YES)
is there another method?


message: 3
date: Fri, 14 Dec 2007 12:28:22 -0600
from: David Gibbs <david@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] SEP and UPDPROD(*NO)...

Robert Rogerson wrote:
Does the command default for STRDBG need to be changed to UPDPROD(*YES)
is there another method?

Go to your preferences, expand Run / Debug, click on iSeries Debug, the
first check box on the dialog is "Update production files".


System i ... for when you can't afford to be out of business


message: 4
date: Fri, 14 Dec 2007 12:41:17 -0600
from: Rod Verity <rod_verity@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: [WDSCI-L] Setting up our own Compile from WDSC

Currently, in green screen mode, we have our own compile job. We are
working with Cobol but that should not matter at this stage. The purpose of
our compile process is:
1. Determine and set the library list according to the output object
library name(this is so the proper copybooks are picked up)
2. Determine the type of program whether it be CBL, SQLCBL,CICSCBL,CICSMAP,
etc and then run the appropriate CRTCBLPGM, CRTSQLCBL, CRTCICSCBL or
whatever command

In WDSC, I set up a compile option to run this process. It runs ok but a
response does not come back whether it compiled cleanly or not. To get at
the Error list, I have to go to the object destination library, find
EVFEVENT, then find the program.mbr. I then have to right click on that
.mbr and select Show in Error List. This is obviously not a satisfactory

Does anyone have any idea how I should modify our compile process so I can
achieve the above functions before the CRT command is run so that I
automatically receive the error listing displayed in the Iseries Error


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message: 5
date: Fri, 14 Dec 2007 12:48:13 -0600
from: "Joe Pluta" <joepluta@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Setting up our own Compile from WDSC

You have to add an EVENTF option to your command; sensing this option
WDSC to retrieve the event file. I believe you can add it as a comment on
your compile command: /* OPTION(*EVENTF) */


From: Rod Verity

Does anyone have any idea how I should modify our compile process so I
achieve the above functions before the CRT command is run so that I
automatically receive the error listing displayed in the Iseries Error


message: 6
date: Fri, 14 Dec 2007 12:52:45 -0600
from: David Gibbs <david@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Setting up our own Compile from WDSC

Rod Verity wrote:
Does anyone have any idea how I should modify our compile process so I
achieve the above functions before the CRT command is run so that I
automatically receive the error listing displayed in the Iseries Error

Add this to the end of your compile commands ...

That tells WDSC that the command being executed is a compile command and
it will invoke the necessary logic to display the error list.


System i ... for when you can't afford to be out of business


message: 7
date: Fri, 14 Dec 2007 14:21:29 -0500
from: Buck <kc2hiz@xxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Setting up our own Compile from WDSC

Rod Verity wrote:

Does anyone have any idea how I should modify our compile process so I
achieve the above functions before the CRT command is run so that I
automatically receive the error listing displayed in the Iseries Error

We've been working on the Wiki, trying to make it more useful, so I
searched the Wiki for the word 'compile'

I got this result

which points to an IBM tech note


It's also in the Wiki under 'Tips'

I'll try to get the two to reference each other. If the Wiki is not
helpful, please leave a comment somewhere on a Talk / Discussion page or
even here so someone can try to make it better!


message: 8
date: Fri, 14 Dec 2007 14:38:04 -0500
from: Robert Rogerson <robertrogerson@xxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] SEP and UPDPROD(*NO)...

Thanks Joe and David...

-----Original Message-----
From: wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Joe Pluta
Sent: December 14, 2007 1:22 PM
To: 'Websphere Development Studio Client for iSeries'
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] SEP and UPDPROD(*NO)...

Ah heck, it's been a bit since I did this, but I think if you go into
Preferences and under Run/Debug and then iSeries Debug, you'll see an
Production Files checkbox. I *THINK* that is used by the SEP.


From: Robert Rogerson

I was attempting to debug a program when the message

Member <membername> cannot be opened while UPDPROD(*NO)

was issued. I tried to modify the SEP but the UPDPROD parameter is not

Does the command default for STRDBG need to be changed to UPDPROD(*YES)
is there another method?

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mailing list
To post a message email: WDSCI-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options,
or email: WDSCI-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives


message: 9
date: Sat, 15 Dec 2007 00:06:26 -0500
from: "Michael Soucy" <michaelsoucy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: [WDSCI-L] Timeout issue on Webfaced applications

We've recently have come across an issue where users are complaining that
some of our webfaced applications have abruptly ended. I haven't
personally witnessed it myself but, what I have heard is it appears that
the browser is getting closed automatically and the job is being ended on
the iSeries. Is this a known problem with Webfacing? Is there some sort
of time out parameter we should be looking for? The Webfaced applications
were developed using WDSCi V6 and are running on WAS v6.0.

Michael Soucy


message: 10
date: Sat, 15 Dec 2007 01:08:29 -0500
from: Mike Hockings <hockings@xxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Timeout issue on Webfaced applications

By default there are two timers running. The WAS session timeout will end
the session after 30 minutes of inactivity. This is also used to clean up
orphaned jobs where the user (browser) has stopped responding for whatever
reason. You can increase this one to allow the session to idle longer but
it also takes longer to clean up orphans.

There is also a transaction timer that times the transaction to the i5.
The default for this one is 5 minutes. If the user job takes more than 5
minutes to respond (a real long time for an interactive job) then the job
is ended. Be extremely careful about increasing this one since while the
backend has control it is holding a WAS thread hostage. If that happens
too much you may starve the webapp for threads to service clients. This
timeout is to avoid stalled/hung transactions from burning up all the WAS


Mike Hockings, P.Eng.
System i Application Development Tools - CODE/Designer & WebFacing !
IBM Canada Ltd. Laboratory
voice 905 413 3199

"Michael Soucy" <michaelsoucy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
12/15/2007 12:06 AM
Please respond to
Websphere Development Studio Client for iSeries <wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

"Websphere e-list" <WDSCI-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

[WDSCI-L] Timeout issue on Webfaced applications

We've recently have come across an issue where users are complaining that
some of our webfaced applications have abruptly ended. I haven't
personally witnessed it myself but, what I have heard is it appears that
the browser is getting closed automatically and the job is being ended on
the iSeries. Is this a known problem with Webfacing? Is there some sort
of time out parameter we should be looking for? The Webfaced applications
were developed using WDSCi V6 and are running on WAS v6.0.

Michael Soucy
This is the Websphere Development Studio Client for iSeries (WDSCI-L)
mailing list
To post a message email: WDSCI-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options,
or email: WDSCI-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives


message: 11
date: Sat, 15 Dec 2007 17:10:00 +0100
from: Thorbj?rn Ravn Andersen <thunderaxiom@xxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Timeout issue on Webfaced applications

Michael Soucy skrev den 15-12-2007 06:06:
We've recently have come across an issue where users are complaining that
some of our webfaced applications have abruptly ended. I haven't
personally witnessed it myself but, what I have heard is it appears that
the browser is getting closed automatically and the job is being ended on
the iSeries. Is this a known problem with Webfacing? Is there some sort
Your users are fully updated with latest security patches?

Browser closing automatically would indicate to me that this hits a bug
in the browser which causes it to crash.

Being unfamiliar with WebFacing I do not know if it installs any ActiveX
components, but that would be an initial suspect. Otherwise see if the
issue is reproducible in any other of the common browsers (IE, Firefox,
Safari, etc).



This is the Websphere Development Studio Client for iSeries (WDSCI-L)
digest list
To post a message email: WDSCI-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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or email: WDSCI-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives

End of WDSCI-L Digest, Vol 5, Issue 806

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