So I was eating lunch and perusing my typical rss feeds only to find that a
rumor I had heard before now appears to be coming to fruition.
You can now run the eclipse IDE in the browser!!
Check out this alphaworks project: Of course I couldn't do
anything else until I tried it out myself so I went ahead and put it on my
system. In my case the server and browser were both on my PC. The install
instructions are done well and I was able to be up and running in about 15
minutes. See a picture of eclipse in the browser here:
I must say that the "experience" was clunky at best, (running FireFox but that takes second place to the fact they have a working
prototype! This is very intriguing and makes one think about the
possibility of client OSes not being a major factor in the future. It was
interesting because whatever I did in the browser was emulated on the
"server". So when I added it did the same thing on the
"server" (the thick client eclipse). Wonder if the System i could run this
in "headless" mode?
Makes you wonder.. is this the future of RDi? Kinda takes away the need for
a beefed up PC :-) Also, the updating of a programmers machine just got
that much easier as it is all stored in one place for all programmers.
Aaron Bartell
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