Please disregard this duplicate posting. I'm starting to get used to the
Outlook newsreader. I posted this question a couple days ago.
"Luis Colorado" <LuisC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
I have a couple dozen COBOL and CL programs sitting on WDSC 7, all of them
living under Subversion. I normally work with the "iSeries Projects"
I have noticed that sometimes when I compile a program, WDSC wants to push
all "changed" resources to the iSeries, even if they didn't change. When I
had only a few programs it was not a problem, but now, every time I do a
compile it wants to push most (maybe all the objects), and that takes a
I guess this is happening because Subversion may be updating the date/time
stamp on my local files.
Another note: I checked my project properties, under iSeries Build, and it
is set to "*NONE".
Any ideas or suggestions to avoid the automatic push to the iSeries?
Thank you all,
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