Hi list,
When trying to open a (any) member, I'm getting the
following error message (WDSC 6.0.1/V5R3):
RSEF1002E - Operation failed. File system input or output.
Have checked the options I have found under
Google/Midrange: Create a new workspace, checked DDM
Server, verified WDSc connections, even created a new user.
Job log shows CPFA983 - Unexpected error occurred (very
descriptive, isn't it?). Error when trying to work with
enviroment variables (WRKENVVAR), reason code 1:
'Qp0zDltEnv' has returned error code 0 (which, by the way,
means no error).
It works ok against other V5R3 system, which it is NOT up
to date in PTFs (Searched IBM's support - no answers).
Sort of re-installing the software, Does anyone have any
Luis Rodriguez
Luis Rodriguez
IBM Certified Systems Expert
eServer i5 iSeries Technical Solutions
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