Hi Johnny,
When you define debug in WDSC, you have, below the list of programs to be debugged, an option to 'Terminate deb ug session on program completion'. If that is set, the debug will end after the first call to the program.
I have noticed that, depending on your screen resolution, this option (along with the 'Step into' and 'Update production files' options) may not be visible - is there a scroll bar on the right of the Debug definition panel?
John Minihan
Colman Computer Services Ltd. | Cork Road | Fermoy | Co. Cork | Ireland
+ 353 (0) 25 32211 phone | +353 (0) 25 31089 fax | www.colman.ie<
-----Original Message-----
date: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 16:51:25 +0800
from: johnny wiggo <johnny_wiggo@xxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: [WDSCI-L] debugging in WDSC
I have an issue with WDSC!
when i try to debug a program that called multiple times i just stops at the breakpoint for the first call
The second and third call it doesnt stop!
(If you do it the old fashioned way with STRDBG ju can set a breakpoint in program and it will stop there for every call of the program!)
is this behavior possible with debugging in WDSC/RDI?
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