Just got Windows 7. We downloaded a trial of RDP 7.6 which is supposed to
be supported on Windows 7 . We are still running IBM i 5.4 on our server,
and I get the following message when I compile an SQLRPGLE program:
The ID field of the FILEEND event does not match the ID field of the last
Details: Mismatched IDs: FILEID: 013 FILEEND: FILEEND 0 001
I tried compiling an RPGLE and DO NOT get the same message. Maybe RDP is
looking for something in the program/job output that isn't present in 5.4?
It doesn't prevent anything from working, but it is definitely annoying.
Looking for suggestions.
I am also getting an error when trying to open a "new" source member. When
I try to open a member I know is not there, RDP would usually prompt to
create it. Instead I am getting a message "An unexpected exception has
occurred". Again, I can work around it, but it is annoying.
Here is the stack track of the "unexpected exception":
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