I have RDi running on my Win7 64bit machine. However, it took a little
bit of doing. It would be nice to move to version of eclipse that fully
supports 64bit. That's all.
Brian May
Project Lead
Management Information Systems
Garan, Incorporated
Starkville, Mississippi
David Gibbs <david@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
08/31/2010 10:34 AM
Please respond to
Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio Client for
System i & iSeries <wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio Client for
System i & iSeries <wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Re: [WDSCI-L] Eclipse version?
BMay@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
Can't speak for Mark's needs, but 3.6 is the first to support 64-bit
Windows which would be important to me.
What 64bit support do you need?
Are you talking about the ability to take advantage of 64bit capabilities
or just the ability to run in a 64bit OS?
I've been running 32bit Eclipse on Win7 X64 for quite a while.
RDI's problem with 64bit Windows, as far as I can tell, doesn't _appear_
to have anything to do with Eclipse. I can launch a standard Eclipse
3.4.2 instance using a 32bit JVM on Win7 X64 with no problem.
I could be wrong. I had to abandon my research into that in order to get
work done.
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