Well, up to today Screen Designer was behaving quite well with a few known small issues. This morning one of the issues I encountered while on RDP V7.6 finally resurfaced in RDP V8.0 and in an ugly way. I had to add a new text and field on the screen, so I used Screen Designer to move most of the existing text and fields down a line, then added a new text and field to the screen. I then saved it. I noted one of the attributes didn't take (I had a field conditioned to be Red when an error existed) so I tried to go back in and edit it's properties. However the tab didn't react as it normally would. In the end, I closed out the application, then reopened it. Much to my surprise, about a third of the text, and over ½ of the fields, disappeared!
I reported this as an issue when I was using RDP V7.6, and sad to say it's still an issue in RDP V8.0. All I can tell you is that 1) I moved some fields around on the screen, 2) Added a new text and field, along with adjusting its attributes, and 3) Saved my changes. After the save is when I started noting the odd behavior. Before I closed the editor window, I did note some of the fields were causing the Properties tab to update while others weren't. When I reopened the source in the editor, and noted some of the fields were gone, it dawned on me that when some of those fields didn't cause the Properties tab to update before I closed it and after the save, were the same fields that were lost.
It also seems it only loses code on the screen you're working on; if you have more than one screen in the file, those remain untouched.
Has anyone else encountered issues with Screen Designer losing code in RDP V8.0? This is indeed a *serious* issue. Back when I was working on this in RDP V7.6, when this happened with an existing display file, it happened with both new elements on the screen and preexisting elements. I haven't noted a pattern other than when I start moving things around on the screen.
Or...and it just dawned on me as I was writing this...when I copy an existing field on the screen and paste it, changing its properties (and name)...that was the only thing I did differently this time...someone from IBM want to give this a whirl?
Ken Tarr
Associated Banc Corp
Green Bay Service Center, Mail Stop 7055
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