You're telling me that a display of installed licensed programs on that
machine, 10366DE, should show 5733-RDG and/or 5770-RDI? Neither show up.

What I have are:

5770WDS IBM Rational Development Studio for i
5770WDS Application Development ToolSet
5770WDS RPG/400
5770WDS Workstation Tools - Base

So therefore it's on my install media? Am I entitled to the above and the
5733-RDG and 5770-RDI?

FWIW, when I got all my license keys from the BP, there are none in regards
to this product.

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 10:01 AM, Jenny Wong <jswong@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi, Jeff,

The entitlement records, see below, shows that the BP customer # has
entitlement to both RD Power V8 and RDi on this machine. If it is the RD
Power (5733-RDG) activation kit you are looking for, the BP should be able
to log into ESS to download the activation kit for you.

Let me know if there is anything else I could help. Thanks.

*electronic Proofs of Entitlement
ePoE(s) information*

Select *Cancel* to return to previous page.

*Customer number
Machine type/serial*
*892 8682180
9406 10366DE*

Proof numberC60186B70NIGENB Product number5733RDG Product nameRDP
RPG&COBOL Dev Tool for VersionV8 Install code id5050 Quantity1 Authorized
User(s) Order number296VJG
Proof numberC97327BSWAKGENB Product number5733RDI Product nameRATNL DEV
FOR SYS W/1 YR SW VersionV6 Install code id5050 Quantity1 Users Order

Regards, Jenny.
IBM Toronto Lab
Rational Power Systems Software Planning
Internet: jswong@xxxxxxxxxx
Phone: (905)413-4127 Tie-line: 313-4127
[image: Inactive hide details for Jeff Crosby <jlcrosby@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>]Jeff
Crosby <jlcrosby@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

*Jeff Crosby <jlcrosby@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>*

05/06/2011 09:47 AM


"Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio Client for
System i & iSeries" <wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Linda Cole/Ontario/IBM@IBMCA, Jenny Wong/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA

Re: [WDSCI-L] Rational confusion

Dilgard Frozen Foods, Inc

IBM cust # 2501412
BP cust # 8928682180

S/N 10366DE

Please check and let me know. If we don't have Rational SWMA, give me
details on it so I can tell the BP where to go (think nice here).

Thanks for helping with this.

Depending on what the answer is, it's beginning to sound as if the issue is
ignorance on the part of the BP.

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 9:33 AM, Edmund Reinhardt <*
edmund.reinhardt@xxxxxxxxxx* <edmund.reinhardt@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

Hi Jeff

This is what might have happened. You have RDi. You evaluated RD
You now want to upgrade to RD Power from RDi. You have full SWMA. but
is the IBM i SWMA, and not the RDi SWMA which is different. The BP
be correct when he told you that you do not have an active RDi SWMA.

If you have an active SWMA with RDi, your upgrade to RD Power V8 is a
no-charge upgrade. If you do not have an active SWMA with RDi, the
order will charge you a re-instatement fee.

Jenny Wong is the world-wide expert on this and she can help to verify
entitlement to RDi if you can provide the customer number and the
serial number.


Edmund (E.H.) Reinhardt
Rational Developer for Power
Advisory Development Analyst
COBOL IDE on AIX, System i Application Development, DDS, WebFacing

Phone: *1-905-413-3125* <1-905-413-3125> | Tie-Line: 313-3125 | Fax:
*1-905-413-4850* <1-905-413-4850>
E-mail: *edmund.reinhardt@xxxxxxxxxx* <edmund.reinhardt@xxxxxxxxxx>
8200 Warden Ave
AIX COBOL demo: ** <>
Markham, ON L6G 1C7


From: Jeff Crosby <*jlcrosby@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*<jlcrosby@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

To: "Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development
Studio Client for System i & iSeries" <*wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx*<wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Cc: Linda Cole/Ontario/IBM@IBMCA, Jenny Wong/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA

Date: 05/06/2011 08:48 AM

Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Rational confusion

Sent by: *wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx*<wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx>


Correct except for one thing. The BP said I was not entitled to RDp
will be billed by the BP for it. Because I was on full SWMA, I was
that would not be the case. But that's been discussed here before that
does not apply to Rational, if I recall correctly.

I also have a slight concern that the packing list(s) refer to

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 8:05 AM, Edmund Reinhardt <*
**edmund.reinhardt@xxxxxxxxxx* <edmund.reinhardt@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

> Chris,
> IBM has been actively looking into what went wrong in Jeff's case and
> to make sure it doesn't happen again. We had a big meeting yesterday
> we are taking action.
> Jeff, please correct me if I am wrong, but this is what I have been
> piece together.
> Jeff had RDi 7.5 and he is entitled to RDp 8.0.
> He downloaded the RDp 8.0 trial and just need the activation key.
> The business partner was a hardware specialist and had originally
> the RDi (and probably the WDSc) through AAS which is the hardware
> configurator.
> Normally the business partner would order the media which has the
key on
> it, or download an image from ESS which also has the key on it. But
> Jeff already had the software installed, he was not interested,
> because of the media cost.
> What the business partner did not know was that it is possible to
> just the activation key from ESS.
> Chris, if you tell us your contact from your BP, I will have a
> IBMer walk them through the process.
> Please confirm what your situation is. Are you upgrading from RDi
7.5 or
> RDp 7.6? Do you have the trial installed or are you interested in
> download with the key.
> Regards
> Edmund (E.H.) Reinhardt
> Rational Developer for Power
> Advisory Development Analyst
> COBOL IDE on AIX, System i Application Development, DDS, WebFacing
> Phone: *1-905-413-3125* <1-905-413-3125> | Tie-Line: 313-3125 | Fax:
> *1-905-413-4850* <1-905-413-4850>
> E-mail: *edmund.reinhardt@xxxxxxxxxx* <edmund.reinhardt@xxxxxxxxxx> 8200
> Warden Ave
> AIX COBOL demo: ** <>
> ON L6G 1C7
> Canada
> From: "Hiebert, Chris" <*chris.hiebert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx*<chris.hiebert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: "Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development
> Client for System i & iSeries" <*wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx*<wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: 05/05/2011 05:00 PM
> Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Rational confusion
> Sent by: *wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx*<wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Jeff,
> We are having a similar issue with getting our 8.0 license key.
> Do you still have all the steps you took to download it? It might
> our BP figure it out.
> Thanks,
> Chris Hiebert
> -----Original Message-----
> From: *wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx* <wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx>[mailto:
*wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx* <wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx>]
> On Behalf Of Jeff Crosby
> Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 1:55 PM
> To: Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio
> forSystem i & iSeries
> Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Rational confusion
> This is unreal.
> The BP gave up trying to get the license key and told me to call IBM
> Service. I called them and opened a PMR.
> Rational called and they said since it was ordered through a BP, the
> keys
> would be made available to the BP and the BP is to give them to me.
> told
> him the BP had given up because they had exhausted all their
> He then authorized me as a user of the BP's Partnerworld site (not
> kidding)
> by giving me a signon there. Then he walked me through downloading
> unzipping what I needed.
> Evidently someone at my BP doesn't know how this is to be done.
> On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 7:08 AM, Jeff Crosby
> <*jlcrosby@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx* <jlcrosby@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>wrote:
> > Is the subject an oxymoron? :)
> >
> > We've discussed here from time to time the confusion of most people
> this
> > list regarding the product name, what one is entitled to, how to
> it,
> > what product contains what feature, etc. It has now struck me too.
> >
> > I downloaded and installed IBM Rational Developer for Power Systems
> > Software 8.0 (common name RDP 8) about 4 weeks ago. The amount of
> time it
> > takes to have someone answer the questions like: What am I
> to? Do
> > I have to pay for this? How much will it cost me? How do I get my
> license
> > keys? etc is astonishing. I still don't know where to look for my
> license
> > key and neither does my BP. He is as disgusted as I am. With
> I'll
> > actually have the license key before the 70 day trial runs out.
> >
> > The BP had no idea that my SW maintenance agreement did not cover
> this. I
> > only knew it thanks to Pluta and others on this list.
> >
> > IBM and Rational, please get your act together.
> >
> >
> > --
> > Jeff Crosby
> > VP Information Systems
> > UniPro FoodService/Dilgard
> > P.O. Box 13369
> > Ft. Wayne, IN 46868-3369
> > *260-422-7531* <260-422-7531>
> > ** <>
> >
> > The opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily the opinion
> my
> > company. Unless I say so.
> >
> >
> --
> Jeff Crosby
> VP Information Systems
> UniPro FoodService/Dilgard
> P.O. Box 13369
> Ft. Wayne, IN 46868-3369
> *260-422-7531* <260-422-7531>
> ** <>
> The opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily the opinion of
> company. Unless I say so.
> --
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> Client for System i & iSeries (WDSCI-L) mailing list
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> --
> This is the Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development
> Client for System i & iSeries (WDSCI-L) mailing list
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> --
> This is the Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development
> Client for System i & iSeries (WDSCI-L) mailing list
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Jeff Crosby
VP Information Systems
UniPro FoodService/Dilgard
P.O. Box 13369
Ft. Wayne, IN 46868-3369*
**260-422-7531* <260-422-7531>*
*** <>

The opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily the opinion of my
company. Unless I say so.
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Jeff Crosby
VP Information Systems
UniPro FoodService/Dilgard
P.O. Box 13369
Ft. Wayne, IN 46868-3369
*** <>

The opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily the opinion of my
company. Unless I say so.

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