Hi folks,
we have build a new Open Source Plugin for WDSCi 7.0 and RDP 8.0+ called
The first feature is the Message File Editor. The Message File Editor gives
you the ability to edit message descriptions within a message file in a very
comfortable way. You even can copy a message description.
The second feature is the Compare/Merge Editor. The Compare/Merge Editor
gives you the ability to compare/merge source physical file members. You can
also choose to compare/merge with or without date. This is the change date
on statement level of a member.
We also have integrated the iSphere Plugin into the TN5250J plugin. With a
user defined option in PDM it is possible to start the Compare/Merge Editor
from within PDM.
If you want to use the iSphere and the TN5250J plugin you only have to
download the TN5250J plugin. The iSphere plugin is here included.
If you just want to use the iSphere plugin without the TN5250J plugin you
have to download only the iSphere plugin.
You can download it from here.
Enjoy it
Frank Hildebrandt
Task Force IT-Consulting GmbH
Im Eickel 77
45731 Waltrop
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