I did a bunch of experimenting, reading performance tips for Eclipse. In
one suggestion, they said to disable all plug-ins in the
Preference>General>Startup and Shutdown. Doing that, and turning stuff
back on, I found the following two plugins appear to drastically effect
scrolling performance in the LPEX editor. I don't know what they do yet,
but at least one appears to be related to Data Studio. I'm currently use
Rational Business Developer for reference.

Plug-ins that, when turned on, appear to spike CPU usage on scrolling an
SQLRPGLE program:
- IBM Data Studio Data Privacy Modeling UI (This one for sure)
- Administrative DB2 LUW Plug-in (This one appears to have some impact, but
less than Data Studio)

From: darren@xxxxxxxxx
To: Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio
Client for System i & iSeries <wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 07/01/2013 08:12 AM
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Fw: Staggered Cursor Movement in RDi V9
Sent by: wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx

V9 does seem less efficient on scrolling up and down or left to right.
Scrolling in DDS source is atrocious. I guess its not bad enough that I'll
downgrade though.

From: Stuart Rowe <rowestu@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio
Client for System i & iSeries" <wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 07/01/2013 08:09 AM
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Fw: Staggered Cursor Movement in RDi V9
Sent by: wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx


Watched on my system, one core peaks at 20% for the duration of scrolling.

I mentioned it to one of the "pc dudes" and he swapped out my video card
for a newer one (wow, DVI ports!). Same situation, made no difference at
all (messed up my desktop though).

On this PC, 8.5.1 still does not do it. Nice and smooth.

I'll quit harping on it now and live with it.

On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 10:35 AM, <darren@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I watched my processor usage while scrolling around in RDI 9.0. I have 4
cores (Intel i7), split into 2 threads each, which appears to the OS as 8
processors. Anyway, when I hold the arrow key in any direction with an
RPGLE source member open, one of the thread/cores spikes and holds at
80%. If I paste that source into a text file in the editor, there is
virtually no CPU hit. I tried turning off every feature I could find
had to do with parsing or outlining, and nothing seems to make a
difference. I'll keep trying, but just letting you know that I could
imagine a problem like yours occurring if my system wasn't able to get
enough CPU resources. And, I don't recall RDp 8.5.1 doing this quite so
badly, although over the different releases and computer systems I've
I have had similar spikes in CPU usage when scrolling.

From: Stuart Rowe <rowestu@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio
Client for System i & iSeries" <wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 06/27/2013 08:38 AM
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Fw: Staggered Cursor Movement in RDi V9
Sent by: wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx

More pain to reconfigure all the connections and filters.

Anyway, tried that new workspace deal. The blinky effect still occurs
(it's probably my system), but the cursors are somewhat more
The OP stated that is it much worse using the spacebar (like moving a
right by inserting spaces) and he's right, the format line cursor is
in place until you release the spacebar, even in an empty workspace.

Perhaps I'll lay some pain on my PC guy and dig up a newer video card and
see what happens.

On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:21 AM, <darren@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

To me a solution is something that relieves the pain. If the pain
back, it still gives you something to tell the doctor to help him
a better solution.

From: Stuart Rowe <rowestu@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio
Client for System i & iSeries" <wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 06/27/2013 08:17 AM
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Fw: Staggered Cursor Movement in RDi V9
Sent by: wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Sure I'll try that, but what's the point of have a workspace full of
settings if I have to make a new empty one all the time and lose all
settings? I never understood that as a solution to anything.


On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 7:15 AM, <darren@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

As an experiment, you might try creating a new workspace (without
settings), and see what the behavior is. I was having some serious
issues, similar to what you describe, after I'd played with a lot of
preferences, and creating a new workspace fixed that for some reason.
don't know what it will tell you, but its fairly easy to do, and
point to some issue, or eliminate it.

From: Stuart Rowe <rowestu@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio
Client for System i & iSeries" <wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 06/27/2013 08:08 AM
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Fw: Staggered Cursor Movement in RDi V9
Sent by: wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx


Both issues are present for any source member: C, UIM, TXT, DDS, etc.
in RPGLE with Auto-outline, they're just much worse.

Neither issue is present for any source member type in 8.5.1

Neither issue is present in v9 on my co-worker's machine, which is
in configuration.

Cursor disappearing:
Happens at all times with the auto-outline ON. When OFF, the
cursor at the top lags 1 space (sometimes several) behind the real
but it does move. Usually it just sits in column 1 till you let go
arrow key. To reproduce: Open a member (any source type will do).
arrow accross any line to the end. Format line cursor does not move
behind regular cursor some distance. Often progresses in chunks of 5

Blinky text:
The blinking shimmering text may be my video card but I have failed
explain to myself why 9 does it an 8.5.1 does not, even running at
time side-by-side. Perhaps Eclipse's drawing routines changed in
manner as to tax my video card where it did not before in 3.4. To
reproduce: Open a member. Even a 20-line C module will do (does not
to pertain to source type). Just down arrow from top to bottom.
redrawing artifacts ensue, format line cursor is frozen, or delayed,
lags behind regular cursor.

I am not a PMR-worthy user.


On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 6:14 PM, Edmund Reinhardt <
edmund.reinhardt@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Stu, I would need to reproduce this in order to fix it.
Can I first confirm that this lag only happens in ILE RPG with the
Does this only happen with large members, or members with lots of
being referenced?
To be honest I can't figure out what could cause this, so if you
consistently reproduce it, please open a PMR, so we can get your
environment and figure this out.


Edmund (E.H.) Reinhardt
COBOL IDE on AIX, DDS, WebFacing, System i Application Development,
Rational Developer for Power

2D barcode Phone: 1-905-413-3125 | Phone: 1-905-854-6195
- encoded E-mail: edmund.reinhardt@xxxxxxxxxx
8200 Warden Ave
contact www.youtube.com/user/IBMRational#g/c/62DF24D5BCD43501
Markham, ON L6G 1C7
information "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of
God in Christ Jesus concerning you." - 1
Thessalonians 5:18

From: Stuart Rowe <rowestu@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development
Client for System i & iSeries" <wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>,
Date: 26/06/2013 01:47 PM
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Staggered Cursor Movement in RDi V9
Sent by: wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx


I just noticed this behaviour as well. I have a RocketSled PC with
of physical ram (ha) and WinXP. Really, it is plenty juicy.
card as well.

It is very annoying, as when I am using the arrows I watch the
top to see where I am on the line. Well, used to. It is bad with
arrow keys, is it far worse with the spacebar.

The symptoms described in the OP did not happen in 8.5.1 with any
regularity (until you got to the 1024MB storage threshold, but then
everything went bad). In fact, I can run them side-by-side and V9
and 8.5.1 does not. I'll add that the duplicate cursor in the
at t he top also disappears.

I have also noticed that just using the arrow key to go up one page
bottom to top of one page without scrolling it) blinks the whole
redraws the text on every keystroke. It's sort of psychedelic as
ripple and shimmer with white space streaking though them. Again,
did not ever do this and still does not today.

Perhaps the live parsing in V9 took a hit and now affects the
Parsing on every keystroke (per Edmund) might be a bit much, and
probably where the issue lies. Anyway, it sounds like an issue to
investigated. A poor solution would be to have to disable the
timely" outline mode as that is easily 30% of the benefit of RDi.


On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 2:42 PM, Gerald Kern <jp2558@xxxxxxxxx>

Edmund - just found this in the archives:

"The Preference is found here in Rdp 8.5
Remote Systems->Remote Systems LPEX-> IBM i Parsers=> ILE RPG
checkbox "Update the Outline view when text is changed in the

I used this to toggle the outline settings and it seems to have
problem - how bizarre...

Thanks for pointing me in the direction of the live outline

Thanks, Jerry

Gerald Kern - Information Technology
Programming Supervisor
IBM Certified RPG IV Developer
Lotus Notes/Domino Administrator
The Toledo Clinic, Inc.
4235 Secor Road
Toledo, OH 43623
Phone 419-479-5535
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