Our (purchased) manufacturing system was originally developed in RPG III. The programs can be very difficult to read due to lack of indentation, lack of white space between groups, etc. Some of the subroutines run on for several pages and it becomes time-consuming, and frustrating, trying to find the correct end statement when you are looking for one. I frequently have to print that section of the program and manually connect the start and end statements. Blocked nesting functionality would be great to help with that but is not available for RPG source members. Unfortunately, we don't have the time/resources to convert our entire manufacturing system to RPGLE. The blocked nesting functionality should be supported for RPG source members. Votes for the RFE are appreciated:
message: 1
date: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 08:18:22 -0600
from: Vernon Hamberg <vhamberg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Blocked Nesting
Hi Kurt
I never have to highlight anything for this to work - I have found that I need to put the cursor on the IF - at least, that is my experience so far. Maybe it works if I put the cursor on the ENDIF or ELSE - haven't tried that. Likewise, haven't tried SELECT yet. But maybe I'll give it a quick look today.
My memory says that highlighting, in general, did not work in the past, either. I had some expectation that if I highlighted something, that any blocks within that highlight would be found, and then any nesting in or around that would be shown - that was NOT the case, IIRC.
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