
Hi Paul,

I carefully followed your clean and detailed instructions, but it did not
solve the problem.

I added the "-clean" option and restarted RDi. Then I closed all open
editors, cleared both caches and restarted RDi again. The first bunch of
modules compiled just fine, but with the second attempt, the error


wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx schrieb am 15.01.2014 15:20:00:

Von: PaulBailey@xxxxxxxxxx
An: wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx,
Datum: 15.01.2014 15:20
KS01TS0O not allowed.
Gesendet von: wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Thomas,

I had similar problems a few weeks ago, but I cleaned the workspace
and cache files and I have not had the problem since.

To clean the workspace, close RDi, copy your windows shortcut for
RDi to the windows desktop. Right-click the copy, select
"properties", select the "Shortcut" tab. In the "Target" edit box,
put -clean at the very end of the target (e.g. "C:\IBM\SDP
\eclipse.exe -product com.ibm.rational.developer.ibmi.product.ide -
clean"). Click OK, then double-click the shortcut you've just changed.

To clean the cache files, make certain RDi is open, and all edit
windows (e.g. for source members) are closed. Go to the Window menu
and select the "Preferences" menu option. Type "cache" into the edit
box at the top-left of the preferences window. The list on the left
is reduced and you should have two cache options under "Remote
Systems". Click the first ("File Cache") and then click the "Clear
Cached Files" button. It takes a minute or two to complete. Then
click the "cache" option on the left (under "IBM i") and click the
"Clear Cache" button. Close RDi and restartit, maybe using the clean
option you created above.

Hopefully the above isn't too unclear. If this doesn't work for you
then post to the WDSCi-L list again.


-----Original Message-----
From: wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
] On Behalf Of thomas.raddatz@xxxxxx
Sent: 15 January 2014 13:43
To: wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
KS01TS0O not allowed.

I forgot to mention that EVFEVENT.BASE64 is created and populated
despite of the error message.


wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx schrieb am 15.01.2014 14:37:31:

Von: thomas.raddatz@xxxxxx
An: WDSCI-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx,
Datum: 15.01.2014 14:37
not allowed.
Gesendet von: wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx


Ocassionally I get the following error message when I compile a RPG
modules from the RSE:

Member /QSYS.LIB/LIBHTTP.LIB/EVFEVENT.FILE/BASE64R4 could not be saved
successfully because an attempt to copy temporary member
allow-write or allow-update flags for source file
/QSYS.LIB/LIBHTTP.LIB/EVFEVENT.FILE are set to *YES. Also make sure

member /QSYS.LIB/LIBHTTP.LIB/EVFEVENT.FILE/BASE64R4 is not locked by
another job. During a save, the Remote Systems LPEX Editor first

a temporary member, uploads the changes to the temporary member and

copies the temporary member over the original member if the upload was
successful. The temporary member is then deleted. If this problem
persists you can change the member save behavior on the Remote Systems

IBM i > Objects Subsystem preference page and then try saving again.
Below is the message returned from the server when attempting to run

CPYSRCF command:

From-file EVFEVENT in LIBHTTP not allowed.

I can safely bet on that message when I compile a bunch of modules
from the RSE.

The "Commands Log" does not show anything special:

Ownership of object BASE64R4 in LIBHTTP type MODULE changed.
Cause . . . . . : The ownership of object BASE64R4 in library
LIBHTTP type MODULE has changed.
AUT parameter ignored.
Cause . . . . . : The AUT parameter value was ignored because
REPLACE(*YES) was specified. Therefore, the existing object was used
as the source of authority. All private and public authorities were
copied from the existing object to new object BASE64R4 type
*MODULE in library LIBHTTP. Recovery . . . : Display the object
authority (DSPOBJAUT command) to determine if the authority for object
BASE64R4 type *MODULE in library LIBHTTP needs to be changed.
Grant object authority (GRTOBJAUT command) or revoke object authority
(RVKOBJAUT command) to change the authority for object BASE64R4 type
*MODULE in library LIBHTTP if needed.

Replaced object BASE64R4 type *MODULE was moved to QRPLOBJ.
Cause . . . . . : Replaced object BASE64R4 type *MODULE from
the LIBHTTP library was renamed to Q4C06DA2AD and moved to the
QRPLOBJ library. Recovery . . . : If the replaced object is
needed, you can use the Move Object (MOVOBJ) command to move the
object from the QRPLOBJ library into another library. The QRPLOBJ
library is cleared during the next initial program load (IPL) of the
system. The QRPLxxxxx library (where 'xxxxx' is the number of a
primary auxiliary storage pool (ASP)) is cleared during the next vary
on of the ASP device.

Module BASE64R4 placed in library LIBHTTP. 00 highest severity.
Created on 15.01.14 at 14:15:43.
Cause . . . . . : Module BASE64R4 was successfully created in
library LIBHTTP. The highest message severity that resulted was 00.
The module creation date and time are 15.01.14 and 14:15:43.

Ownership of object CCSIDR4 in LIBHTTP type MODULE changed.
Cause . . . . . : The ownership of object CCSIDR4 in library
LIBHTTP type MODULE has changed.
AUT parameter ignored.
Cause . . . . . : The AUT parameter value was ignored because
REPLACE(*YES) was specified. Therefore, the existing object was used
as the source of authority. All private and public authorities were
copied from the existing object to new object CCSIDR4 type
*MODULE in library LIBHTTP. Recovery . . . : Display the object
authority (DSPOBJAUT command) to determine if the authority for object
CCSIDR4 type *MODULE in library LIBHTTP needs to be changed.
Grant object authority (GRTOBJAUT command) or revoke object authority
(RVKOBJAUT command) to change the authority for object CCSIDR4 type
*MODULE in library LIBHTTP if needed.

Replaced object CCSIDR4 type *MODULE was moved to QRPLOBJ.
Cause . . . . . : Replaced object CCSIDR4 type *MODULE from
the LIBHTTP library was renamed to Q4C06DA41C and moved to the
QRPLOBJ library. Recovery . . . : If the replaced object is
needed, you can use the Move Object (MOVOBJ) command to move the
object from the QRPLOBJ library into another library. The QRPLOBJ
library is cleared during the next initial program load (IPL) of the
system. The QRPLxxxxx library (where 'xxxxx' is the number of a
primary auxiliary storage pool (ASP)) is cleared during the next vary
on of the ASP device.

Module CCSIDR4 placed in library LIBHTTP. 00 highest severity.
Created on 15.01.14 at 14:15:43.
Cause . . . . . : Module CCSIDR4 was successfully created in
library LIBHTTP. The highest message severity that resulted was 00.
The module creation date and time are 15.01.14 and 14:15:43.

Ownership of object COMMSSLR4 in LIBHTTP type MODULE changed.
Cause . . . . . : The ownership of object COMMSSLR4 in library
LIBHTTP type MODULE has changed.
AUT parameter ignored.
Cause . . . . . : The AUT parameter value was ignored because
REPLACE(*YES) was specified. Therefore, the existing object was used
as the source of authority. All private and public authorities were
copied from the existing object to new object COMMSSLR4 type
*MODULE in library LIBHTTP. Recovery . . . : Display the object
authority (DSPOBJAUT command) to determine if the authority for object
COMMSSLR4 type *MODULE in library LIBHTTP needs to be changed.
Grant object authority (GRTOBJAUT command) or revoke object authority
(RVKOBJAUT command) to change the authority for object COMMSSLR4 type
*MODULE in library LIBHTTP if needed.

Replaced object COMMSSLR4 type *MODULE was moved to QRPLOBJ.
Cause . . . . . : Replaced object COMMSSLR4 type *MODULE from
the LIBHTTP library was renamed to Q4C06DA662 and moved to the
QRPLOBJ library. Recovery . . . : If the replaced object is
needed, you can use the Move Object (MOVOBJ) command to move the
object from the QRPLOBJ library into another library. The QRPLOBJ
library is cleared during the next initial program load (IPL) of the
system. The QRPLxxxxx library (where 'xxxxx' is the number of a
primary auxiliary storage pool (ASP)) is cleared during the next vary
on of the ASP device.

Module COMMSSLR4 placed in library LIBHTTP. 00 highest severity.
Created on 15.01.14 at 14:15:44.
Cause . . . . . : Module COMMSSLR4 was successfully created in
library LIBHTTP. The highest message severity that resulted was 00.
The module creation date and time are 15.01.14 and 14:15:44.

Ownership of object COMMTCPR4 in LIBHTTP type MODULE changed.
Cause . . . . . : The ownership of object COMMTCPR4 in library
LIBHTTP type MODULE has changed.
AUT parameter ignored.
Cause . . . . . : The AUT parameter value was ignored because
REPLACE(*YES) was specified. Therefore, the existing object was used
as the source of authority. All private and public authorities were
copied from the existing object to new object COMMTCPR4 type
*MODULE in library LIBHTTP. Recovery . . . : Display the object
authority (DSPOBJAUT command) to determine if the authority for object
COMMTCPR4 type *MODULE in library LIBHTTP needs to be changed.
Grant object authority (GRTOBJAUT command) or revoke object authority
(RVKOBJAUT command) to change the authority for object COMMTCPR4 type
*MODULE in library LIBHTTP if needed.

Replaced object COMMTCPR4 type *MODULE was moved to QRPLOBJ.
Cause . . . . . : Replaced object COMMTCPR4 type *MODULE from
the LIBHTTP library was renamed to Q4C06DA89B and moved to the
QRPLOBJ library. Recovery . . . : If the replaced object is
needed, you can use the Move Object (MOVOBJ) command to move the
object from the QRPLOBJ library into another library. The QRPLOBJ
library is cleared during the next initial program load (IPL) of the
system. The QRPLxxxxx library (where 'xxxxx' is the number of a
primary auxiliary storage pool (ASP)) is cleared during the next vary
on of the ASP device.

Module COMMTCPR4 placed in library LIBHTTP. 00 highest severity.
Created on 15.01.14 at 14:15:45.
Cause . . . . . : Module COMMTCPR4 was successfully created in
library LIBHTTP. The highest message severity that resulted was 00.
The module creation date and time are 15.01.14 and 14:15:45.

But the Eclipse error contains the error message:


!ENTRY org.eclipse.rse.ui 4 0 2014-01-15 14:15:46.308 !MESSAGE Error
uploading member !STACK 0
Save failed. Could not copy temporary member



at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:53)

!ENTRY org.eclipse.rse.ui 4 0 2014-01-15 14:15:46.316 !MESSAGE
EVFF5037 </errorLog>

Although an object lock could be the reason for the problem, I wonder
the content of the EVFEVENT/RSE8791045 member of file EVFEVENT is
different from member EVFEVENT/BASE64R4:

<RSE8791045> (stripped to 70 columns)
000000140115TIMESTAMP 0 20140115141543 000000140115PROCESSOR 0 000 1
000000140115FILEID 0 001 000000 027 LIBHTTP/QRPGLESRC(BASE64R4) 20
000000140115FILEID 0 002 000046 027 LIBHTTP/QRPGLESRC(BASE64_H) 20
000000140115FILEEND 0 002 000082
000000140115ERROR 0 001 1 000052 000052 007 000052 021 RNF7031 I
000000140115ERROR 0 001 1 000060 000060 007 000060 021 RNF7031 I
000000140115ERROR 0 001 1 000353 000353 007 000353 021 RNF7031 I
000000140115ERROR 0 001 1 000354 000354 007 000354 021 RNF7031 I
000000140115FILEEND 0 001 000384
****** END OF DATA ****** </RSE8791045>

<BASE64R4> (stripped to 70 columns)
TIMESTAMP 0 20140115141543
FILEID 0 001 000000 027 LIBHTTP/QRPGLESRC(BASE64R4) 20131220081027
FILEID 0 002 000046 027 LIBHTTP/QRPGLESRC(BASE64_H) 20131220081054
FILEEND 0 002 000082
ERROR 0 001 1 000052 000052 007 000052 021 RNF7031 I 00 051 The n
ERROR 0 001 1 000060 000060 007 000060 021 RNF7031 I 00 051 The n
ERROR 0 001 1 000353 000353 007 000353 021 RNF7031 I 00 050 The n
ERROR 0 001 1 000354 000354 007 000354 021 RNF7031 I 00 051 The n
FILEEND 0 001 000384

Same content, but RSE8791045 is a source file format.

Last but not least it does not matter from what view I compile the

- RSE Tree View
- Object Table View
- TurnOver Worklist View

All your comments would be greatly appreciated.


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