Please open a PMR.
It looks like our live parser cannot handle *DMYJ as a parameter.


Edmund (E.H.) Reinhardt
COBOL IDE on AIX, DDS, WebFacing, System i Application Development,
Rational Developer for Power

2D barcode Phone: 1-905-413-3125 | Phone: 1-905-854-6195 IBM
- encoded E-mail: edmund.reinhardt@xxxxxxxxxx
with AIX COBOL: 8200 Warden Ave
contact Markham, ON L6G 1C7
information "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of Canada
God in Christ Jesus concerning you." - 1
Thessalonians 5:18

From: jose luis Hernandez <mac1999@xxxxxxxxx>
To: wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx,
Date: 15/01/2014 04:12 PM
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Problem in RDi and/or RPGLE
Sent by: wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Peter

I have the same problema with some codes. For example with one source with
this h-spec:


RSE mark the same warning icon in the left side and outline view don't
opérate. If i change this line until warning dissapear or if i cut the line
then outline view appears and after ctrl-z to return original.

I think it's for this warning and by this way i can work with this view.

i hope this is usefull for you.


2014/1/15 <wdsci-l-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

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*** NOTE: When replying to this digest message, PLEASE remove all text
unrelated to your reply and change the subject line so it is meaningful.

Today's Topics:

1. Re: Problem in RDi and/or RPGLE (Colpaert, Peter)
2. Re: Problem in RDi and/or RPGLE (Colpaert, Peter)
allowed. (thomas.raddatz@xxxxxx)
allowed. (thomas.raddatz@xxxxxx)


message: 1
date: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 05:24:03 +0000
from: "Colpaert, Peter" <Peter.Colpaert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Problem in RDi and/or RPGLE


Problem is that the refresh button is greyed out at the time the outline
isn't available.

I meanwhile worked around the problem by simply copying the necessary
constants into the hssf_h copy member.

Met vriendelijke groeten / Best regards,

Peter Colpaert
Software Engineer - PLM Development Team
IT Operations Cluster Benelux, Philips IT

Philips Consumer Luminaires
Industrieterrein Satenrozen 11, 2550 Kontich, Belgium
Tel: (+32) 3/459 13 17
Email: Peter.Colpaert@xxxxxxxxxxx

Working from home on Wednesdays

-----Original Message-----
From: wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Vernon Hamberg
Sent: dinsdag 14 januari 2014 23:08
To: Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio Client
System i & iSeries
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Problem in RDi and/or RPGLE

Have you clicked on the Refresh button? There was a recent thread about
this, where it said it is sometimes necessary to do the refresh.


On 1/14/2014 7:10 AM, Colpaert, Peter wrote:
Hi group,

I cross-posted this to the Rdi and RPGLE lists because I'm not sure
which of the two is causing my problems.

We recently upgraded to a new system (Power7 at 7.1) and Rdi

In the past, our V5R3M0 system prevented us from using the latest and
newest POI files and Scott Klement's HSSF service program.

I downloaded and installed the POI 3.6 version from his site, and it
seems to work OK.

However, when I open a program using the service program, my outline is
unavailable, and I get a yellow exclamation mark with an error or warning
message. The error comes from QSYSINC/QRPGLESRC,JNI (see screenshot at ). The same error occurs many times in this

If I comment out the /copy directive, the outline is immediately
available again, but of course I now get other errors because I'm missing
the contents of the copy member.

Has anyone encountered this, and found a solution?

Met vriendelijke groeten / Best regards,

Peter Colpaert
Software Engineer - PLM Development Team IT Operations Cluster
Benelux, Philips IT

Philips Consumer Luminaires
Industrieterrein Satenrozen 11, 2550 Kontich, Belgium
Tel: (+32) 3/459 13 17
Email: Peter.Colpaert@xxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:Peter.Colpaert@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Working from home on Wednesdays

The information contained in this message may be confidential and
legally protected under applicable law. The message is intended solely
the addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby
notified that any use, forwarding, dissemination, or reproduction of this
message is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the
intended recipient, please contact the sender by return e-mail and
all copies of the original message.

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email: WDSCI-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list
or email: WDSCI-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives at


message: 2
date: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 05:28:53 +0000
from: "Colpaert, Peter" <Peter.Colpaert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Problem in RDi and/or RPGLE

Hi John,

I tried the "combine on one line" before I sent the mail to this list,
that only worked for those lines where the combined name would not extend
into the comments columns.

How do I submit a PMR? Do I need a special IBM login for that?

Met vriendelijke groeten / Best regards,

Peter Colpaert
Software Engineer - PLM Development Team
IT Operations Cluster Benelux, Philips IT

Philips Consumer Luminaires
Industrieterrein Satenrozen 11, 2550 Kontich, Belgium
Tel: (+32) 3/459 13 17
Email: Peter.Colpaert@xxxxxxxxxxx

Working from home on Wednesdays

-----Original Message-----
From: wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of John Fellner
Sent: dinsdag 14 januari 2014 21:27
To: wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Problem in RDi and/or RPGLE

The source scan for the RPG Live Outline view has a problem with valid

Its failing on the trailing period on the split qualified name: BASED
(And the scanning error leads to not populating the Live Outline view.)

This is a defect that can be reported thru a PMR to get an APAR.

Workarounds include
- Combine the split qualified name onto one line in this D spec keyword
scenario, or
- Switch to the older static outline view by unchecking 'Update the
Outline view when text is changed in the editor'
in the Preferences under Remote Systems -> Remote Systems LPEX -> IBM i
Parsers -> ILE RPG.

John Fellner, RDi Development

In reply to::

date: Tue, 14 Jan 2014 13:10:12 +0000
from: "Colpaert, Peter" <Peter.Colpaert@xxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: [WDSCI-L] Problem in RDi and/or RPGLE

Hi group,

I cross-posted this to the Rdi and RPGLE lists because I'm not sure
which of the two is causing my problems.

We recently upgraded to a new system (Power7 at 7.1) and Rdi

In the past, our V5R3M0 system prevented us from using the latest and
newest POI files and Scott Klement's HSSF service program.

I downloaded and installed the POI 3.6 version from his site, and it
seems to work OK.

However, when I open a program using the service program, my outline
unavailable, and I get a yellow exclamation mark with an error or
warning message. The error comes from QSYSINC/QRPGLESRC,JNI (see
screenshot at ). The same error occurs many
times in this member.

If I comment out the /copy directive, the outline is immediately
available again, but of course I now get other errors because I'm
missing the contents of the copy member.

Has anyone encountered this, and found a solution?
This is the Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio
Client for System i & iSeries (WDSCI-L) mailing list To post a message
email: WDSCI-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list
or email: WDSCI-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives at

The information contained in this message may be confidential and legally
protected under applicable law. The message is intended solely for the
addressee(s). If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby
notified that any use, forwarding, dissemination, or reproduction of this
message is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the
intended recipient, please contact the sender by return e-mail and
all copies of the original message.


message: 3
date: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 14:37:31 +0100
from: thomas.raddatz@xxxxxx
not allowed.


Ocassionally I get the following error message when I compile a RPG
modules from the RSE:

Member /QSYS.LIB/LIBHTTP.LIB/EVFEVENT.FILE/BASE64R4 could not be saved
successfully because an attempt to copy temporary member
allow-write or allow-update flags for source file
/QSYS.LIB/LIBHTTP.LIB/EVFEVENT.FILE are set to *YES. Also make sure file
member /QSYS.LIB/LIBHTTP.LIB/EVFEVENT.FILE/BASE64R4 is not locked by
another job. During a save, the Remote Systems LPEX Editor first creates
a temporary member, uploads the changes to the temporary member and then
copies the temporary member over the original member if the upload was
successful. The temporary member is then deleted. If this problem
persists you can change the member save behavior on the Remote Systems >
IBM i > Objects Subsystem preference page and then try saving again.
Below is the message returned from the server when attempting to run the
CPYSRCF command:

From-file EVFEVENT in LIBHTTP not allowed.

I can safely bet on that message when I compile a bunch of modules from
the RSE.

The "Commands Log" does not show anything special:

Ownership of object BASE64R4 in LIBHTTP type MODULE changed.
Cause . . . . . : The ownership of object BASE64R4 in library
LIBHTTP type MODULE has changed.
AUT parameter ignored.
Cause . . . . . : The AUT parameter value was ignored because
REPLACE(*YES) was specified. Therefore, the existing object was
used as the source of authority. All private and public authorities
were copied from the existing object to new object BASE64R4 type
*MODULE in library LIBHTTP. Recovery . . . : Display the object
authority (DSPOBJAUT command) to determine if the authority for
object BASE64R4 type *MODULE in library LIBHTTP needs to be changed.
Grant object authority (GRTOBJAUT command) or revoke object authority
(RVKOBJAUT command) to change the authority for object BASE64R4 type
*MODULE in library LIBHTTP if needed.

Replaced object BASE64R4 type *MODULE was moved to QRPLOBJ.
Cause . . . . . : Replaced object BASE64R4 type *MODULE from
the LIBHTTP library was renamed to Q4C06DA2AD and moved to the
QRPLOBJ library. Recovery . . . : If the replaced object is
needed, you can use the Move Object (MOVOBJ) command to move the
object from the QRPLOBJ library into another library. The QRPLOBJ
library is cleared during the next initial program load (IPL) of
the system. The QRPLxxxxx library (where 'xxxxx' is the number of
a primary auxiliary storage pool (ASP)) is cleared during the next
vary on of the ASP device.

Module BASE64R4 placed in library LIBHTTP. 00 highest severity.
Created on 15.01.14 at 14:15:43.
Cause . . . . . : Module BASE64R4 was successfully created in
library LIBHTTP. The highest message severity that resulted was 00.
The module creation date and time are 15.01.14 and 14:15:43.

Ownership of object CCSIDR4 in LIBHTTP type MODULE changed.
Cause . . . . . : The ownership of object CCSIDR4 in library
LIBHTTP type MODULE has changed.
AUT parameter ignored.
Cause . . . . . : The AUT parameter value was ignored because
REPLACE(*YES) was specified. Therefore, the existing object was
used as the source of authority. All private and public authorities
were copied from the existing object to new object CCSIDR4 type
*MODULE in library LIBHTTP. Recovery . . . : Display the object
authority (DSPOBJAUT command) to determine if the authority for
object CCSIDR4 type *MODULE in library LIBHTTP needs to be changed.
Grant object authority (GRTOBJAUT command) or revoke object authority
(RVKOBJAUT command) to change the authority for object CCSIDR4 type
*MODULE in library LIBHTTP if needed.

Replaced object CCSIDR4 type *MODULE was moved to QRPLOBJ.
Cause . . . . . : Replaced object CCSIDR4 type *MODULE from
the LIBHTTP library was renamed to Q4C06DA41C and moved to the
QRPLOBJ library. Recovery . . . : If the replaced object is
needed, you can use the Move Object (MOVOBJ) command to move the
object from the QRPLOBJ library into another library. The QRPLOBJ
library is cleared during the next initial program load (IPL) of
the system. The QRPLxxxxx library (where 'xxxxx' is the number of
a primary auxiliary storage pool (ASP)) is cleared during the next
vary on of the ASP device.

Module CCSIDR4 placed in library LIBHTTP. 00 highest severity.
Created on 15.01.14 at 14:15:43.
Cause . . . . . : Module CCSIDR4 was successfully created in
library LIBHTTP. The highest message severity that resulted was 00.
The module creation date and time are 15.01.14 and 14:15:43.

Ownership of object COMMSSLR4 in LIBHTTP type MODULE changed.
Cause . . . . . : The ownership of object COMMSSLR4 in library
LIBHTTP type MODULE has changed.
AUT parameter ignored.
Cause . . . . . : The AUT parameter value was ignored because
REPLACE(*YES) was specified. Therefore, the existing object was
used as the source of authority. All private and public authorities
were copied from the existing object to new object COMMSSLR4 type
*MODULE in library LIBHTTP. Recovery . . . : Display the object
authority (DSPOBJAUT command) to determine if the authority for
object COMMSSLR4 type *MODULE in library LIBHTTP needs to be changed.
Grant object authority (GRTOBJAUT command) or revoke object authority
(RVKOBJAUT command) to change the authority for object COMMSSLR4 type
*MODULE in library LIBHTTP if needed.

Replaced object COMMSSLR4 type *MODULE was moved to QRPLOBJ.
Cause . . . . . : Replaced object COMMSSLR4 type *MODULE from
the LIBHTTP library was renamed to Q4C06DA662 and moved to the
QRPLOBJ library. Recovery . . . : If the replaced object is
needed, you can use the Move Object (MOVOBJ) command to move the
object from the QRPLOBJ library into another library. The QRPLOBJ
library is cleared during the next initial program load (IPL) of
the system. The QRPLxxxxx library (where 'xxxxx' is the number of
a primary auxiliary storage pool (ASP)) is cleared during the next
vary on of the ASP device.

Module COMMSSLR4 placed in library LIBHTTP. 00 highest severity.
Created on 15.01.14 at 14:15:44.
Cause . . . . . : Module COMMSSLR4 was successfully created in
library LIBHTTP. The highest message severity that resulted was 00.
The module creation date and time are 15.01.14 and 14:15:44.

Ownership of object COMMTCPR4 in LIBHTTP type MODULE changed.
Cause . . . . . : The ownership of object COMMTCPR4 in library
LIBHTTP type MODULE has changed.
AUT parameter ignored.
Cause . . . . . : The AUT parameter value was ignored because
REPLACE(*YES) was specified. Therefore, the existing object was
used as the source of authority. All private and public authorities
were copied from the existing object to new object COMMTCPR4 type
*MODULE in library LIBHTTP. Recovery . . . : Display the object
authority (DSPOBJAUT command) to determine if the authority for
object COMMTCPR4 type *MODULE in library LIBHTTP needs to be changed.
Grant object authority (GRTOBJAUT command) or revoke object authority
(RVKOBJAUT command) to change the authority for object COMMTCPR4 type
*MODULE in library LIBHTTP if needed.

Replaced object COMMTCPR4 type *MODULE was moved to QRPLOBJ.
Cause . . . . . : Replaced object COMMTCPR4 type *MODULE from
the LIBHTTP library was renamed to Q4C06DA89B and moved to the
QRPLOBJ library. Recovery . . . : If the replaced object is
needed, you can use the Move Object (MOVOBJ) command to move the
object from the QRPLOBJ library into another library. The QRPLOBJ
library is cleared during the next initial program load (IPL) of
the system. The QRPLxxxxx library (where 'xxxxx' is the number of
a primary auxiliary storage pool (ASP)) is cleared during the next
vary on of the ASP device.

Module COMMTCPR4 placed in library LIBHTTP. 00 highest severity.
Created on 15.01.14 at 14:15:45.
Cause . . . . . : Module COMMTCPR4 was successfully created in
library LIBHTTP. The highest message severity that resulted was 00.
The module creation date and time are 15.01.14 and 14:15:45.

But the Eclipse error contains the error message:


!ENTRY org.eclipse.rse.ui 4 0 2014-01-15 14:15:46.308
!MESSAGE Error uploading member
Save failed. Could not copy temporary member



!ENTRY org.eclipse.rse.ui 4 0 2014-01-15 14:15:46.316

Although an object lock could be the reason for the problem, I wonder why
the content of the EVFEVENT/RSE8791045 member of file EVFEVENT is
different from member EVFEVENT/BASE64R4:

<RSE8791045> (stripped to 70 columns)
000000140115TIMESTAMP 0 20140115141543
000000140115PROCESSOR 0 000 1
000000140115FILEID 0 001 000000 027 LIBHTTP/QRPGLESRC(BASE64R4) 20
000000140115FILEID 0 002 000046 027 LIBHTTP/QRPGLESRC(BASE64_H) 20
000000140115FILEEND 0 002 000082
000000140115ERROR 0 001 1 000052 000052 007 000052 021 RNF7031 I
000000140115ERROR 0 001 1 000060 000060 007 000060 021 RNF7031 I
000000140115ERROR 0 001 1 000353 000353 007 000353 021 RNF7031 I
000000140115ERROR 0 001 1 000354 000354 007 000354 021 RNF7031 I
000000140115FILEEND 0 001 000384
****** END OF DATA ******

<BASE64R4> (stripped to 70 columns)
TIMESTAMP 0 20140115141543
FILEID 0 001 000000 027 LIBHTTP/QRPGLESRC(BASE64R4) 20131220081027
FILEID 0 002 000046 027 LIBHTTP/QRPGLESRC(BASE64_H) 20131220081054
FILEEND 0 002 000082
ERROR 0 001 1 000052 000052 007 000052 021 RNF7031 I 00 051 The n
ERROR 0 001 1 000060 000060 007 000060 021 RNF7031 I 00 051 The n
ERROR 0 001 1 000353 000353 007 000353 021 RNF7031 I 00 050 The n
ERROR 0 001 1 000354 000354 007 000354 021 RNF7031 I 00 051 The n
FILEEND 0 001 000384

Same content, but RSE8791045 is a source file format.

Last but not least it does not matter from what view I compile the

- RSE Tree View
- Object Table View
- TurnOver Worklist View

All your comments would be greatly appreciated.


This email is confidential, may be legally privileged, and is for the
intended recipient only. Access, disclosure, copying, distribution, or
reliance on any of it by anyone else is prohibited and may be a criminal
offence. Please delete if obtained in error and email confirmation to the


message: 4
date: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 14:42:46 +0100
from: thomas.raddatz@xxxxxx
subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] CRTRPGMOD: CPYSRCF: From-file EVFEVENT in
KS01TS0O not allowed.

I forgot to mention that EVFEVENT.BASE64 is created and populated despite
of the error message.


wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx schrieb am 15.01.2014 14:37:31:

Von: thomas.raddatz@xxxxxx
An: WDSCI-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx,
Datum: 15.01.2014 14:37
KS01TS0O not allowed.
Gesendet von: wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx


Ocassionally I get the following error message when I compile a RPG
modules from the RSE:

Member /QSYS.LIB/LIBHTTP.LIB/EVFEVENT.FILE/BASE64R4 could not be saved
successfully because an attempt to copy temporary member
allow-write or allow-update flags for source file
/QSYS.LIB/LIBHTTP.LIB/EVFEVENT.FILE are set to *YES. Also make sure

member /QSYS.LIB/LIBHTTP.LIB/EVFEVENT.FILE/BASE64R4 is not locked by
another job. During a save, the Remote Systems LPEX Editor first

a temporary member, uploads the changes to the temporary member and

copies the temporary member over the original member if the upload was
successful. The temporary member is then deleted. If this problem
persists you can change the member save behavior on the Remote Systems

IBM i > Objects Subsystem preference page and then try saving again.
Below is the message returned from the server when attempting to run

CPYSRCF command:

From-file EVFEVENT in LIBHTTP not allowed.

I can safely bet on that message when I compile a bunch of modules from
the RSE.

The "Commands Log" does not show anything special:

Ownership of object BASE64R4 in LIBHTTP type MODULE changed.
Cause . . . . . : The ownership of object BASE64R4 in library
LIBHTTP type MODULE has changed.
AUT parameter ignored.
Cause . . . . . : The AUT parameter value was ignored because
REPLACE(*YES) was specified. Therefore, the existing object was
used as the source of authority. All private and public authorities
were copied from the existing object to new object BASE64R4 type
*MODULE in library LIBHTTP. Recovery . . . : Display the object
authority (DSPOBJAUT command) to determine if the authority for
object BASE64R4 type *MODULE in library LIBHTTP needs to be changed.
Grant object authority (GRTOBJAUT command) or revoke object authority
(RVKOBJAUT command) to change the authority for object BASE64R4 type
*MODULE in library LIBHTTP if needed.

Replaced object BASE64R4 type *MODULE was moved to QRPLOBJ.
Cause . . . . . : Replaced object BASE64R4 type *MODULE from
the LIBHTTP library was renamed to Q4C06DA2AD and moved to the
QRPLOBJ library. Recovery . . . : If the replaced object is
needed, you can use the Move Object (MOVOBJ) command to move the
object from the QRPLOBJ library into another library. The QRPLOBJ
library is cleared during the next initial program load (IPL) of
the system. The QRPLxxxxx library (where 'xxxxx' is the number of
a primary auxiliary storage pool (ASP)) is cleared during the next
vary on of the ASP device.

Module BASE64R4 placed in library LIBHTTP. 00 highest severity.
Created on 15.01.14 at 14:15:43.
Cause . . . . . : Module BASE64R4 was successfully created in
library LIBHTTP. The highest message severity that resulted was 00.
The module creation date and time are 15.01.14 and 14:15:43.

Ownership of object CCSIDR4 in LIBHTTP type MODULE changed.
Cause . . . . . : The ownership of object CCSIDR4 in library
LIBHTTP type MODULE has changed.
AUT parameter ignored.
Cause . . . . . : The AUT parameter value was ignored because
REPLACE(*YES) was specified. Therefore, the existing object was
used as the source of authority. All private and public authorities
were copied from the existing object to new object CCSIDR4 type
*MODULE in library LIBHTTP. Recovery . . . : Display the object
authority (DSPOBJAUT command) to determine if the authority for
object CCSIDR4 type *MODULE in library LIBHTTP needs to be changed.
Grant object authority (GRTOBJAUT command) or revoke object authority
(RVKOBJAUT command) to change the authority for object CCSIDR4 type
*MODULE in library LIBHTTP if needed.

Replaced object CCSIDR4 type *MODULE was moved to QRPLOBJ.
Cause . . . . . : Replaced object CCSIDR4 type *MODULE from
the LIBHTTP library was renamed to Q4C06DA41C and moved to the
QRPLOBJ library. Recovery . . . : If the replaced object is
needed, you can use the Move Object (MOVOBJ) command to move the
object from the QRPLOBJ library into another library. The QRPLOBJ
library is cleared during the next initial program load (IPL) of
the system. The QRPLxxxxx library (where 'xxxxx' is the number of
a primary auxiliary storage pool (ASP)) is cleared during the next
vary on of the ASP device.

Module CCSIDR4 placed in library LIBHTTP. 00 highest severity.
Created on 15.01.14 at 14:15:43.
Cause . . . . . : Module CCSIDR4 was successfully created in
library LIBHTTP. The highest message severity that resulted was 00.
The module creation date and time are 15.01.14 and 14:15:43.

Ownership of object COMMSSLR4 in LIBHTTP type MODULE changed.
Cause . . . . . : The ownership of object COMMSSLR4 in library
LIBHTTP type MODULE has changed.
AUT parameter ignored.
Cause . . . . . : The AUT parameter value was ignored because
REPLACE(*YES) was specified. Therefore, the existing object was
used as the source of authority. All private and public authorities
were copied from the existing object to new object COMMSSLR4 type
*MODULE in library LIBHTTP. Recovery . . . : Display the object
authority (DSPOBJAUT command) to determine if the authority for
object COMMSSLR4 type *MODULE in library LIBHTTP needs to be changed.
Grant object authority (GRTOBJAUT command) or revoke object authority
(RVKOBJAUT command) to change the authority for object COMMSSLR4 type
*MODULE in library LIBHTTP if needed.

Replaced object COMMSSLR4 type *MODULE was moved to QRPLOBJ.
Cause . . . . . : Replaced object COMMSSLR4 type *MODULE from
the LIBHTTP library was renamed to Q4C06DA662 and moved to the
QRPLOBJ library. Recovery . . . : If the replaced object is
needed, you can use the Move Object (MOVOBJ) command to move the
object from the QRPLOBJ library into another library. The QRPLOBJ
library is cleared during the next initial program load (IPL) of
the system. The QRPLxxxxx library (where 'xxxxx' is the number of
a primary auxiliary storage pool (ASP)) is cleared during the next
vary on of the ASP device.

Module COMMSSLR4 placed in library LIBHTTP. 00 highest severity.
Created on 15.01.14 at 14:15:44.
Cause . . . . . : Module COMMSSLR4 was successfully created in
library LIBHTTP. The highest message severity that resulted was 00.
The module creation date and time are 15.01.14 and 14:15:44.

Ownership of object COMMTCPR4 in LIBHTTP type MODULE changed.
Cause . . . . . : The ownership of object COMMTCPR4 in library
LIBHTTP type MODULE has changed.
AUT parameter ignored.
Cause . . . . . : The AUT parameter value was ignored because
REPLACE(*YES) was specified. Therefore, the existing object was
used as the source of authority. All private and public authorities
were copied from the existing object to new object COMMTCPR4 type
*MODULE in library LIBHTTP. Recovery . . . : Display the object
authority (DSPOBJAUT command) to determine if the authority for
object COMMTCPR4 type *MODULE in library LIBHTTP needs to be changed.
Grant object authority (GRTOBJAUT command) or revoke object authority
(RVKOBJAUT command) to change the authority for object COMMTCPR4 type
*MODULE in library LIBHTTP if needed.

Replaced object COMMTCPR4 type *MODULE was moved to QRPLOBJ.
Cause . . . . . : Replaced object COMMTCPR4 type *MODULE from
the LIBHTTP library was renamed to Q4C06DA89B and moved to the
QRPLOBJ library. Recovery . . . : If the replaced object is
needed, you can use the Move Object (MOVOBJ) command to move the
object from the QRPLOBJ library into another library. The QRPLOBJ
library is cleared during the next initial program load (IPL) of
the system. The QRPLxxxxx library (where 'xxxxx' is the number of
a primary auxiliary storage pool (ASP)) is cleared during the next
vary on of the ASP device.

Module COMMTCPR4 placed in library LIBHTTP. 00 highest severity.
Created on 15.01.14 at 14:15:45.
Cause . . . . . : Module COMMTCPR4 was successfully created in
library LIBHTTP. The highest message severity that resulted was 00.
The module creation date and time are 15.01.14 and 14:15:45.

But the Eclipse error contains the error message:


!ENTRY org.eclipse.rse.ui 4 0 2014-01-15 14:15:46.308
!MESSAGE Error uploading member
Save failed. Could not copy temporary member





!ENTRY org.eclipse.rse.ui 4 0 2014-01-15 14:15:46.316

Although an object lock could be the reason for the problem, I wonder
the content of the EVFEVENT/RSE8791045 member of file EVFEVENT is
different from member EVFEVENT/BASE64R4:

<RSE8791045> (stripped to 70 columns)
000000140115TIMESTAMP 0 20140115141543
000000140115PROCESSOR 0 000 1
000000140115FILEID 0 001 000000 027 LIBHTTP/QRPGLESRC(BASE64R4) 20
000000140115FILEID 0 002 000046 027 LIBHTTP/QRPGLESRC(BASE64_H) 20
000000140115FILEEND 0 002 000082
000000140115ERROR 0 001 1 000052 000052 007 000052 021 RNF7031 I
000000140115ERROR 0 001 1 000060 000060 007 000060 021 RNF7031 I
000000140115ERROR 0 001 1 000353 000353 007 000353 021 RNF7031 I
000000140115ERROR 0 001 1 000354 000354 007 000354 021 RNF7031 I
000000140115FILEEND 0 001 000384
****** END OF DATA ******

<BASE64R4> (stripped to 70 columns)
TIMESTAMP 0 20140115141543
FILEID 0 001 000000 027 LIBHTTP/QRPGLESRC(BASE64R4) 20131220081027
FILEID 0 002 000046 027 LIBHTTP/QRPGLESRC(BASE64_H) 20131220081054
FILEEND 0 002 000082
ERROR 0 001 1 000052 000052 007 000052 021 RNF7031 I 00 051 The n
ERROR 0 001 1 000060 000060 007 000060 021 RNF7031 I 00 051 The n
ERROR 0 001 1 000353 000353 007 000353 021 RNF7031 I 00 050 The n
ERROR 0 001 1 000354 000354 007 000354 021 RNF7031 I 00 051 The n
FILEEND 0 001 000384

Same content, but RSE8791045 is a source file format.

Last but not least it does not matter from what view I compile the

- RSE Tree View
- Object Table View
- TurnOver Worklist View

All your comments would be greatly appreciated.


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End of WDSCI-L Digest, Vol 12, Issue 33

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