On 20-Mar-2014 12:52 -0700, Ken Killian wrote:
I am using RDI 9.0.1, and all of sudden I cannot seem to compile...
My Command Log View shows this:
msg MCH3601:
Pointer not set for location referenced. <<SNIP>>
msg RNS9310:
Compilation failed. Program MCXAERRW not created in library
msg CPF9999:
Application error. MCH3601 unmonitored by QQDAPROC at statement *N,
instruction X'0199'. <<SNIP>>
symptom string for primary condition:
msgMCH3601 T/QQDAPROC x/0199
A spooled joblog rather than whatever is the "Command Log View" would
include the message identifiers and more context for each. Although
from the USEnglish text and the replacement text for the description of
the "unmonitored" message, I could infer [probably all of] what is
available. Doubtful, but the MCH3601 could include a LIC program name;
that can not be inferred, and is not part of the replacement data for
the *FC error message.
I can compile on Green-Screen however...
But is that compile performed as the /identical/ request from the
"Command Log"? The term "identical" includes not just the command
request, but the environment setup; minimally to include job attributes
such as language settings [ccsid, srtseq, etc.], library list,
overrides, and user profile.
Should I open PMR on this?
Could be worthwhile; i.e. a review of the code for the failing
instruction, by the developer\owner of the IBM i OS code\program
QQDAPROC might be fruitful for identifying a possible origin and means
to re-create, even if [as might be the case] the problem is no longer
being experienced [according to a followup reply].
PS. I close the member, and then tried to reopen, and still no
The user-domain program QQDAPROC [on v5r3] runs in system-state [thus
an effective API] is not a documented API; according to lack of results
in a search of the InfoCenter. Regardless, the invocation of QQDAPROC
apparently is related to debug information generated for the compile,
possibly also related to the Event File option [as additional
information for the system debugger ¿Create an Event File for use by
CoOperative Development Environment (CODE).?; see APAR SE39393 or APAR
SE40068], and apparently also for getting information about a program
when using OPM debugger for the "Step-Into" feature [see:
http://forums.iprodeveloper.com/forums/aft/45987>]. The same component
[QDA or QD] as the message file QQDAMSGF in QSYS which is source for the
messages with the prefix EVF, related to compiler debug information.
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