Or you could press ESC in any LPEX edit session, type ?seu, press Enter
and get the help for all the actions you could want.

Thanks, Matt

-----Original Message-----
From: WDSCI-L [mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Paul
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2014 3:06 AM
To: Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio Client
forSystem i & iSeries
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] keyboard shortcuts (was: Search by source line
change date)

There is also this:

It *does* include the CTRL-SHIFT-D shortcut, and it is a wiki so anyone
should be able to add keypresses that they've discovered. (There is an
"earliest version" column that should help you work out if the keypress
is available in your current version of WDSC/RDp/RDi.

Then again, Jon's PDF does make a nicer, easier to read cubicle
decoration than a printed wiki page.

-----Original Message-----
From: WDSCI-L [mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jon
Sent: 22 May 2014 00:08
To: Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio Client
for System i & iSeries
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Search by source line change date

Which is exactly why we offer our handy-dandy super-duper RDi keyboard
shortcut guide!!

Free for the download right here:

Of course just for the purpose it doesn't include Shift-Ctrl-D <grin> -
but it has many other useful ones.

On 2014-05-21, at 6:51 PM, Gary Thompson <gthompson@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Good to know but I have limited ability to remember many of those key

-----Original Message-----
From: WDSCI-L [mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mark
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2014 2:00 PM
To: wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Search by source line change date

Shift-Ctrl-D brings up a find date box.


On 5/21/2014 3:22 PM, wdsci-l-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
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Today's Topics:

1. Search by source line change date (Gary Thompson)
2. Re: Comparing source (Kurt Anderson)
3. Re: Search by source line change date (Ken Killian)
4. Re: Comparing source (Edmund Reinhardt)
5. Re: Search by source line change date (Buck Calabro)
6. Re: Search by source line change date (Edmund Reinhardt)


message: 1
date: Wed, 21 May 2014 18:56:08 +0000
from: Gary Thompson <gthompson@xxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: [WDSCI-L] Search by source line change date

Any way to search by source line change date in RDi - like the old
F14 Find/Change Options I searched RDi Help and did not get anything
promising . . .


message: 2
date: Wed, 21 May 2014 19:01:33 +0000
from: Kurt Anderson <Kurt.Anderson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Comparing source

Hi Edmund,

Sorry to bug you. I hope you see this, and also wait to respond
until after 5/23 (9.1, woo!).

You said, "The Compare With Each Other is base Eclipse functionality
(enhanced to know how to ignore sequence numbers)." I'm finding that
it is not ignoring the SrcSeq & SrcDat differences. So when you add a
line at the top, such as a maintenance comment, suddenly the entire
document doesn't match. It's very difficult to go through. Am I
missing something? I don't see an option to ignore those fields when I
right-click the source.

I probably should move on to a plug-in, but I enjoy being an RDI
purist so I can be confident that anything unusual I run into is an RDi
bug and not some issue caused by me adding plug-ins.

Kurt Anderson
Sr. Programmer/Analyst - Application Development, Service Delivery

-----Original Message-----
From: wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Edmund Reinhardt
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 4:20 PM
To: Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio
Client for System i & iSeries
Cc: wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Comparing source

Hi Kurt,
The preferences you are showing are for the Lpex Compare which is a
separate function.
The Compare With Each Other is base Eclipse functionality (enhanced
to know how to ignore sequence numbers).
All you need to do is Right Click and from the menu select 'Ignore
White Space'


Edmund (E.H.) Reinhardt
COBOL IDE on AIX, DDS, WebFacing, System i Application Development,
Rational Developer for Power

2D barcode Phone: 1-905-413-3125 | Phone: 1-905-854-6195
- encoded E-mail: edmund.reinhardt@xxxxxxxxxx
8200 Warden Ave
contact www.youtube.com/user/IBMRational#g/c/62DF24D5BCD43501
Markham, ON L6G 1C7
information "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of
God in Christ Jesus concerning you." - 1
Thessalonians 5:18

From: "Anderson, Kurt" <KAnderson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "'Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio
Client for System i & iSeries
Date: 07/01/2014 03:42 PM
Subject: [WDSCI-L] Comparing source
Sent by: wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx

I like to use the "Compare With - Each Other" option. Unfortunately,
what almost always happens is that every line is different because one
source it
sees as having all the trailing blanks trimmed, and the other does
not. I
have the preferences set to ignore leading, trailing, and "all"
blanks, but this still happens.


Compare result (note line 21 on the 2nd source isn't showing the */,
but that's because it's off my screen) http://i.imgur.com/agIWJAQ.jpg

Any thoughts?

This is the Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development
Studio Client for System i & iSeries (WDSCI-L) mailing list To post
a message email: WDSCI-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx To subscribe, unsubscribe, or
change list options,
visit: http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/wdsci-l
or email: WDSCI-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx Before posting, please take a
moment to review the archives at http://archive.midrange.com/wdsci-l.


message: 3
date: Wed, 21 May 2014 19:02:57 +0000
from: Ken Killian <kkillian@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Search by source line change date

Edit>Find Other>Find Date
-Ken Killian-

-----Original Message-----
From: WDSCI-L [mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Gary

Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2014 2:56 PM
To: Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio
Client for System i & iSeries
Subject: [WDSCI-L] Search by source line change date

Any way to search by source line change date in RDi - like the old
SEU F14 Find/Change Options I searched RDi Help and did not get anything
promising . . .

This is the Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development
Studio Client for System i & iSeries (WDSCI-L) mailing list To post
a message email: WDSCI-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx To subscribe, unsubscribe, or
change list options,
visit: http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/wdsci-l
or email: WDSCI-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx Before posting, please take a
moment to review the archives at http://archive.midrange.com/wdsci-l.


message: 4
date: Wed, 21 May 2014 15:06:11 -0400
from: Edmund Reinhardt <edmund.reinhardt@xxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Comparing source

Hi Kurt,
I assume you are using the compare from within the editor.
The enhanced compare is when you select the 2 members in the RSE view

(might have to use Ctrl-click for the second one, so you don't lose
the selection of the first). Then when you right click, you will see

"Compare With..." and in the submenu "Each Other". Enjoy!


Edmund (E.H.) Reinhardt
Technical Architect for Rational Developer for i

Phone: 1-905-413-3125 | Home: 1-905-854-6195
E-mail: edmund.reinhardt@xxxxxxxxxx
RDi YouTube: 8200
Warden Ave
www.youtube.com/user/IBMRational#g/c/62DF24D5BCD43501 Markham,
ON L6G 1C7
Find me on: LinkedIn:

From: Kurt Anderson <Kurt.Anderson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio
Client for System i & iSeries"
Cc: "wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 21/05/2014 03:01 PM
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Comparing source
Sent by: "WDSCI-L" <wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Edmund,

Sorry to bug you. I hope you see this, and also wait to respond
until after 5/23 (9.1, woo!).

You said, "The Compare With Each Other is base Eclipse functionality
(enhanced to know how to ignore sequence numbers)." I'm finding
that it
is not ignoring the SrcSeq & SrcDat differences. So when you add a
at the top, such as a maintenance comment, suddenly the entire
doesn't match. It's very difficult to go through. Am I missing
something? I don't see an option to ignore those fields when I
right-click the source.

I probably should move on to a plug-in, but I enjoy being an RDI
purist so I can be confident that anything unusual I run into is an
RDi bug and not some issue caused by me adding plug-ins.

Kurt Anderson
Sr. Programmer/Analyst - Application Development, Service Delivery

-----Original Message-----
From: wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Edmund Reinhardt
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 4:20 PM
To: Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio
Client for System i & iSeries
Cc: wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Comparing source

Hi Kurt,
The preferences you are showing are for the Lpex Compare which is a
separate function.
The Compare With Each Other is base Eclipse functionality (enhanced
to know how to ignore sequence numbers).
All you need to do is Right Click and from the menu select 'Ignore
White Space'


Edmund (E.H.) Reinhardt
COBOL IDE on AIX, DDS, WebFacing, System i Application Development,
Rational Developer for Power

2D barcode Phone: 1-905-413-3125 | Phone: 1-905-854-6195 IBM
- encoded E-mail: edmund.reinhardt@xxxxxxxxxx

8200 Warden Ave
contact www.youtube.com/user/IBMRational#g/c/62DF24D5BCD43501
Markham, ON L6G 1C7
information "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of
God in Christ Jesus concerning you." - 1

Thessalonians 5:18

From: "Anderson, Kurt" <KAnderson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "'Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development
Client for System i & iSeries
Date: 07/01/2014 03:42 PM
Subject: [WDSCI-L] Comparing source
Sent by: wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx

I like to use the "Compare With - Each Other" option. Unfortunately,

what almost always happens is that every line is different because
one source it
sees as having all the trailing blanks trimmed, and the other does
not. I
have the preferences set to ignore leading, trailing, and "all"
blanks, but this still happens.


Compare result (note line 21 on the 2nd source isn't showing the */,
but that's because it's off my screen) http://i.imgur.com/agIWJAQ.jpg

Any thoughts?

This is the Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development
Studio Client for System i & iSeries (WDSCI-L) mailing list To post
a message
email: WDSCI-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list

visit: http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/wdsci-l
or email: WDSCI-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx Before posting, please take a
moment to review the archives at http://archive.midrange.com/wdsci-l.

This is the Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development
Studio Client for System i & iSeries (WDSCI-L) mailing list To post
a message email: WDSCI-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx To subscribe, unsubscribe, or
change list options,
visit: http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/wdsci-l
or email: WDSCI-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx Before posting, please take a
moment to review the archives at http://archive.midrange.com/wdsci-l.


message: 5
date: Wed, 21 May 2014 15:14:05 -0400
from: Buck Calabro <kc2hiz@xxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Search by source line change date

On 5/21/2014 2:56 PM, Gary Thompson wrote:
Any way to search by source line change date in RDi - like the old
SEU F14 Find/Change Options I searched RDi Help and did not get
anything promising . . .
Right click in the source code, Filter view > Date I think that's the

closest thing to 'Find'.



message: 6
date: Wed, 21 May 2014 15:16:46 -0400
from: Edmund Reinhardt <edmund.reinhardt@xxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Search by source line change date

Ken nailed it.
Another option that SEU doesn't even come close is that you can
filter by a date range. So you can see all and only the lines
modified on those dates.

Right click->Filter View->Date

Also most people don't know about Right click->Source->Show date area


Edmund (E.H.) Reinhardt
Technical Architect for Rational Developer for i

Phone: 1-905-413-3125 | Home: 1-905-854-6195
E-mail: edmund.reinhardt@xxxxxxxxxx
RDi YouTube: 8200
Warden Ave
www.youtube.com/user/IBMRational#g/c/62DF24D5BCD43501 Markham,
ON L6G 1C7
Find me on: LinkedIn:

From: Ken Killian <kkillian@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio
Client for System i & iSeries"
Date: 21/05/2014 03:03 PM
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Search by source line change date
Sent by: "WDSCI-L" <wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Edit>Find Other>Find Date
-Ken Killian-

-----Original Message-----
From: WDSCI-L [mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Gary

Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2014 2:56 PM
To: Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio
Client for System i & iSeries
Subject: [WDSCI-L] Search by source line change date

Any way to search by source line change date in RDi - like the old
F14 Find/Change Options I searched RDi Help and did not get anything
promising . . .

This is the Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development
Studio Client for System i & iSeries (WDSCI-L) mailing list To post
a message
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moment to review the archives at http://archive.midrange.com/wdsci-l.
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Studio Client for System i & iSeries (WDSCI-L) mailing list To post
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moment to review the archives at http://archive.midrange.com/wdsci-l.


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Jon Paris


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