I think we've seen this before. But let's face it, it's broken and we know
it. IBM knows it. The developers have agreed it's broken. Here's the good
news: There's a work around! Don't press the tab key 11 times. Press Alt+P
once and you're done. Is this an optimal solution? No. Is it workable?
That depends. There are some things I can get my brain wrapped, but that
doesn't matter. My fingers have built muscle memory over a lot of years.
Ask me to switch to a keyboard where the enter-key and backspace key are
laid out differently and my typing speed drops by about 60 to 80 percent.
I feel like I can't type anything. I understand some work arounds are
easier to adapt to than others.

My point is, let's move on. Even if the developers get to work on it today
and change the code, the fix/change isn't going to be delivered next week.

But tell me if you've never worked on some code where something doesn't
work right, but you simply have to put fixing it on the back burner and
give the users a work around. Because if everything you write is perfect,
I'll want to look you up the next time I'm somewhere where I've got hiring
responsibilities again.

I'm sure the development team has heard our pain. Let's not keep nagging
them about what (when it really comes down to it) are just minor
annoyances. I'm grateful for the high quality work they do and the
productivity it helps me achieve. I love the new highlighting, push
configuration to client functionality, importing and exporting
preferences, Shared access to ILE Templates, sharing RSE Connection
settings, improved formatting of SQL statements when typing beyond 80
characters, the RPGLE Live outline not collapsing, preserving the list of
recently opened source between runs of RDi, . . . Need I go on? And this
is just a very partial list of the 9.1.1 enhancements. This tool is great!
And I feel indebted to the development team. AND I'm grateful for how they
get involved on this mailing list.

And as to the day-to-day things that change. We're going to have to live
with that. IBM developed the Eclipse platform, but then they open sourced
it. That's a two-edged sword. They gained thousands of developers who can
contribute to Eclipse, but they no longer control it. It's no longer
single purposed to programmer's on their platforms. Now they have to
accept the core functions that change, they have to rework code to Eclipse
API changes. I've learned to live with it and be thankful for what RDi

And Ken, please don't take this personally. I know I'm technically
replying to your post, but I not just addressing you specifically. Let's
move on. I don't want to be a whiner and complainer.

"WDSCI-L" <wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote on 01/23/2015 07:35:17 AM:

----- Message from Ken Killian <kkillian@xxxxxxxxxxxx> on Fri, 23
Jan 2015 12:35:03 +0000 -----


"Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio Client
for System i & iSeries" <wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>


Re: [WDSCI-L] Outline View


Yes, the Find/Replace on a local connection-document, the Eclipse
Find/Replaces, works how I EXPECT!!! <Joy Joy>
The Tab order, the highlighting, everything works how I would
expect. <Joy Joy>

Here is my Tab order on LPEX:
1.) Positon to the "find" (Text-Box)
2.) <tab> Case sensitive (Check-box)
3.) <tab> Whole Word (Check-Box)
4.) <tab> Regular Expression (Check-Box)
5.) <tab> Select found text (Check-box)
6.) <tab> restrict search to selection (check-box)
7.) <tab> Restrict search to columns (check-box)
8.) <tab> Next (Button)
9.) <tab> Previous (Button)
10.) <tab> all (Button)
11.) <tab> Replace (Text-Box)

That is 11-tabs to get to the most commonly use "replace".

I create another new work-space, and then it went down to 4-tabs,
which is better than 11-tabs!

It should however be ONE-TAB to the Replace-field. IMHO. At least 4-
tabs is acceptable.

So, the old, create a new workspace AGAIN to fix RDI 9.1.1. Even
though I create a work-space just 1-week ago!

Yup, I don't have to create a new workspace in Visual Studio 2013 to
get the tab-order and the find/replace to work...

Day to day things seem to change on RDI, that is the part that DRIVE
ME NUTS. No constancy!

Sadly, I am sort of a newbie, only have been actively using WDSC/
RDP/RDI since 2006.

window>preference>LPEX Editor>Find Text
I have the follow selections:
Wrap (Check-Box-CHECKED)
Emphasize found text (Check-box-CHECKED)

How find/replace in source member should work:
1.) Put the highlighted field in the "find" Text-Box, like previous
version. It worked in RDI 9.0.l.

2.) Second tab order should be the "replace" text-box. Like Eclipse
find/replace. 4-tabs is better than 11-tabs.
4-tabs, I guess is "acceptable"...

3.) Another "wish", that when tabbing to the "replace Box" that is
automatically highlighted for replacement. If I over type.
Just like the Find Text box, which apparently it works that way
on the find, but not the replace.

PS. It appears the ONLY way to get some windows-preferences to
change is too "restart RDI". Just changing them does NOT seem to
take immediate effect. <Perplexed Look>


-----Original Message-----
From: WDSCI-L [mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Tyler,
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 1:53 PM
To: Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio
Clientfor System i & iSeries
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Outline View


" And also unlike every other editor on the place, when you do a
Find & Replace. The cursor normally position to the find field, and
then you hit tab ONCE, and it take you to the REPLACE field. Since
that is MOST COMMON reason to use find and Replace!"

I think your statement is invalid as a reason to argue for the LPEX
find / replace having a bug. Open a document on the LOCAL
connection. Bring up the find / replace dialog. Now tab between
controls. The tab
behavior work exactly the same as the LPEX find / replace. The tab
takes you to the next control horizontally then vertically. One of the
prior versions of LPEX find / replace actually broke this default
behavior (IMO) when it tabbed to the replace input control before
going to the action buttons (I hated this tab action, as it was
different than all the prior versions of I worked on).

Maybe what you want is the option to have the default Eclipse find /
replace open in place of the LPEX find / replace?

Thanks, Matt

-----Original Message-----
From: WDSCI-L [mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ken
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 10:48 AM
To: Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio
Client forSystem i & iSeries
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Outline View

The control+F no longer place the high-lighted field in the Find Box
like EVERY OTHER programmer Editor on the planet. This is includes
Yes, this annoys me...

And also unlike every other editor on the place, when you do a Find
& Replace. The cursor normally position to the find field, and then
you hit tab ONCE, and it take you to the REPLACE field. Since that
is MOST COMMON reason to use find and Replace!

Except for SEU, which is outdated from the 70's or ealier... But
even SEU has the second tab as the REPLACE field!!! How about that?!?!?!

What is the most common Reason to use find & replace? To find a
string & replace it. The other functions are purely secondary. Why
can the Next tab stop be the replace? Yes, you can cut it down from
12 tabs stops down to 4. If you change your window preferences...

But, even Eclipse has a single tab to goto the replace field...
(Long standing issue here, nothing new...)

Over all, I like RDi 9.1.1., but the Ctrl+F not working like Eclipse
annoys me the most...

Most, but not all of us, are stuck navigating between a lots of
different tools. So, this basic find & replace function should be
CONSISTENT across editors. At least allow us to map it out to our
preferences if nothing else...

Because I am sure people "LOVE" to hit their tab button a lot...

-Ken Killian-

-----Original Message-----
From: WDSCI-L [mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Greg
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 12:04 PM
To: 'Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio
Client for System i & iSeries'
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Outline View

OK... what is the CRTL-F issue? I agree that the collapsing outline
view is a big issue for me. But I thought I read something about
CTRL-F no longer functioning as "FIND/REPLACE"

-----Original Message-----
From: WDSCI-L [mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Edmund Reinhardt
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 11:58 AM
To: Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio
Client for System i & iSeries
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Outline View

I think most on this list will agree that they are thankful to have
moved up to 9.1.1 Some of the complaints have been on new function
that is not even available on 9.1 (like the Multiple Occurrence
If you insist on staying on 9.1, you can get a test fix for the
associated APAR.


Edmund (E.H.) Reinhardt
Technical Architect for Rational Developer for i

Phone: 1-905-413-3125 | Home: 1-905-854-6195

E-mail: edmund.reinhardt@xxxxxxxxxx

RDi YouTube: 8200
Warden Ave
www.youtube.com/user/IBMRational#g/c/62DF24D5BCD43501 Markham, ON
L6G 1C7
Find me on:

From: Greg Wilburn <gwilburn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio
Client for System i & iSeries" <wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 22/01/2015 11:45 AM
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Outline View
Sent by: "WDSCI-L" <wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

After watching some of the issues with 9.1.1, I'm not sure I want to do

-----Original Message-----
From: WDSCI-L [mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Edmund
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 10:39 AM
To: Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio Client
for System i & iSeries
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Outline View

This problem was fixed in 9.1.1, just get the update.


Edmund (E.H.) Reinhardt
Technical Architect for Rational Developer for i

Phone: 1-905-413-3125 | Home: 1-905-854-6195

E-mail: edmund.reinhardt@xxxxxxxxxx

RDi YouTube: 8200
www.youtube.com/user/IBMRational#g/c/62DF24D5BCD43501 Markham, ON
Find me on:

From: Greg Wilburn <gwilburn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "'WDSCI-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx'" <WDSCI-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 22/01/2015 10:08 AM
Subject: [WDSCI-L] Outline View
Sent by: "WDSCI-L" <wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

I'm running v9.1... I have my view setup with the RPG source member full
screen and the outline view restored so that I can see both while
editing code. If you expand the files under Global Definitions so that
you can see field names, everything in the outline view "collapses" when
you make a change to the source member.

Is there a way to keep the outline view from collapsing?

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