
Curious that you can't get support to work with Chrome. While I constantly have issues with Chrome and PAO, I always enter my PMRs via Chrome and haven't had an issue doing so.

Ahh technology! Glad the alternate browser method worked for you.

-----Original Message-----
From: WDSCI-L [mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ken Killian
Sent: Saturday, October 03, 2015 1:25 PM
To: Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio Client for System i & iSeries <wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Memory Leaks?


Awesome! The ON-Line PMR is PAINLESS! Much better than calling! <Joy Joy>

I have bookmarked in IE! <Big Smile>

I opened PMR 38568,442,000 - "Live Parsing..." & "java.lang.StackOverflowError" on RDI 9.5

I attached the source file, and sent it to IBM! <Big Smile>

NOTE: I guess the IBM on-line support does not work with "Chrome". Switched over to I.E., and worked fine! All this time, I thought the on-line support was broken... <LOL> Glad to discover that I was merely using the wrong browser!!!

I had been using Firefox, with IE-tabs. But they changed firewall rules at my work. And every time I googled something, I had to accept a certificate. <Frustration> Another co-worker suggested that I try Google Chrome!

This is a great medicated Band-Aid for my paper-cut! Thanks! I will use Microsoft I.E. to report PMR Quickly rather than calling!
<Joy Joy> Not that I mind talking to IBM support people, it is just too time consuming!

Thanks again!

-Ken Killian-

-----Original Message-----
From: WDSCI-L [mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ken Killian
Sent: Saturday, October 03, 2015 1:44 PM
To: Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio Client for System i & iSeries
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Memory Leaks?


I didn't have time to do it Friday, but I will complete Monday Morning! And I will send in the source too! Since it is easy to duplicate!

One of my co-workers, was able to do an ON-LINE PMR report, he is very smart, and a long time user of RDI.

Long story short, I forgot my IBM password, and did not have it associated with my work-email address. IBM Support helped me to get my password reset, but I never got around to setting up the on-line PMR stuff. So, I usually call in. <grin>

I just feel sorry for my co-worker, Bob, who got the "Milky-White-Screen" of non-Response. We did wait approximately 5-10 minutes for it to hopefully "Catch-up". It did not. He lost an hours' worth of work while in the "Programming-Zone"...

We find errors on our system. Our users are required to call our help-desk and log a "PMR", we call a "Help-Ticket". <LOL> So, it is the same principle, we need the "TICKET#", before we can look into the issue, or work on it. I understand procedures. :) <Big Smile>

This one is very easily repeatable! No problem, I like to report those issues to have them fixed. It is the Non-Repeatable issues, that drive us nuts. I don't know if we can do a "DUMP", and maybe copy the workspace to hold folder, if that would help. Obviously, figuring out to repeat an error is the best way to get things fixed! We expect our users to do the same thing. :) And yes, they complain about having to Log a PMR, I mean "Help-Ticket" as we call it. <grin>

I might have to be careful about using RDI 9.5, and do more saves. But, at least I have RDi as a back-up, if I run into a minor glitch.

Thanks for your attention to this matter. I will follow procedures, and log a PMR as soon as I can.

-Ken Killian-

-----Original Message-----
From: WDSCI-L [mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Edmund Reinhardt
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2015 11:39 PM
To: Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio Client for System i & iSeries
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Memory Leaks?

It is good news to me that you can reliably reproduce that StackOverFlow issue. It means I should be able to fix it. But I need a copy of that before it changes and doesn't cause that problem any more. Were you able to open a PMR with it?


From: Ken Killian <kkillian@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio
Client for System i & iSeries" <wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 10/02/2015 04:32 PM
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Memory Leaks?
Sent by: "WDSCI-L" <wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx>


I work with many talented individuals...

A co-worker got the dreaded "Milky-White-Screen", and asked me how to debug, and how to send an error-report to IBM. It was the very first time he ever got it. And he has been using it a long time.... I told him that is the no solution, just kill it and restart it. Not much that can be done...

Believe it or not, I promote RDI a lot! So much, that people get tire of hearing me ranting about it.

I must admit I might sound negative at times. But, bringing up source SHOULD NOT EVER stop your editor. And I have 3 other developers bring up the same source, and it crashed all their RDI 9.5. So, it happens on 3 different PC, and by 3 developers. I DO NOT consider that ISOLATED. <frown> That is NOT Stable software, at least this current release...

Another senior developer Laughed, and said, "I don't use any software until at least the first service-pack"... <frown> I told him someone has to take the arrows to get the Beta-testing accomplished. Note, he uses RDI, and has also complained about the bugs. But, he doesn't report them to IBM... <disappointment>

Until today, RDI 9.5 had been working WONDERFUL for me...

Just a little while ago, my co-worker dragged me over to his cubicle, to show that he got the "Milky-White-Screen" of Death. And he asked out loud.
"Tell me again how this SAVES ME TIME..." <frown>

Apparently, my co-worker, Bob, has lost about 1-hours' worth of work. I had him check the source on his PC. And the time stamp is over 1-hour old.
I had him check his "Auto-Save-setting", which is supposed to save every 5-minutes. We confirmed in >Windows>Preferences>Remotes Systems>Remotes System LPEX Editor.

I LOVE RDI, when it works. But, if not 100% stable, as confirmed by NOT just me, but others. I wonder why I bother with it at times.

Believe me! I much rather it just work!

So, I apologize for being negative, but when it fails, it can be EXTREMELY frustrating... <sad face>

Maybe our IBM i Developers should have Intel i7 w/16-GIG! <LOL> I have an Intel i5 with 8-gig, approx. 4-year Laptop, Dell E6510. I think my Co-worker Bob has the EXACT same model. <grin>

PS. Turning off OUTLINE View, seems to have solved my problems for the moment. I *ASSUME* it did, anyway...

-Ken Killian-

-----Original Message-----
From: WDSCI-L [mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Vernon Hamberg
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2015 2:18 PM
To: Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio Client for System i & iSeries
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Memory Leaks?


The way you respond so forcefully that this product is not stable - I can see where your CIO would not want to go with it.

But it seems you are pretty isolated in this - really, I live in this thing all day every day and do not have anywhere near the problems you describe.

When you make a statement like "what good is it?" - please, what do you think people will think? I don't see how you can say that AND say that you love it at the same time.

Your desire for improvement in the product is fantastic - and you bring up things to IBM that need to be addressed.

Yet, how you say things is not as helpful as it could be, in my opinion.

We're in a service business - I understand how all you hear about are when things go wrong. We wish that we'd hear more about our successes - but that just isn't how the world seems to work.

I will continue to champion RDi and all - and recognize that it's not perfect. Just how imperfect is it? Can we get a metric? Are we talking about 1% of the functionality is askew? Even 5% is not intolerable, seems to me.

Anyhow, please continue to present issues, especially in PMRs, as we need this product to be the best it can be. And I hope you find a way to be a true champion of its benefits to your shop - I know it's tremendously good for us!


On 10/2/2015 12:53 PM, Ken Killian wrote:
My C.I.O. asked me if RDI has finally become Stable. I had to be
and say "NO"...
That was an Omen... <Sad Face>

I tried to open a member with only 741 lines of code, and I get this

An internal error occurred during: "Live parsing MCDTHBRL.SQLRPGLE".

I have restarted 6-times, and same error every time.

I hate OUTLINE View, when I used the OLD WDSC without outline view,
was awesome! I had a lot fewer errors....

I should be able to VIEW CODE. That should be 100% STABLE/PERFECT.

Do NOT get me wrong, I love outline view & code-Assist, but if it
the product UNSTABLE, what good is it?

My memory is 99M of 175M....

I guess I need to turn off OUTLINE View, and quit using that Unstable
feature, it is NOT worth it....
windows>preferences>Remote System>Remote System LPEX Editor>ILE RPG
O uncheck "Automatic syntax checking of SQL Statements (performed on
the Server) O Uncheck "Update the Outline view when text is changed in
the editor"

THAT WORKED! <Joy Joy> Back to No Frills Code Editor...

But, there Verify shows errors on SQL statements in the Methods (a.k.a.

Death by 1,000 papercuts continues...

-Ken Killian-

PS. Going to the vending machine to get a snickers bar. I am not
myself, when RDI doesn't work... :(

-----Original Message-----
From: WDSCI-L [mailto:wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Tarr,
Sent: Friday, October 02, 2015 12:38 PM
To: 'Rational Developer for IBM i / Websphere Development Studio
for System i & iSeries'
Subject: [WDSCI-L] Memory Leaks?

It seems that with every upgrade of RDi we run into Memory Leaks. It
seems to be back again. Working in the product for about an hour now, the heap got back up to over 700M of the 1024M limit as established in the control file. RDi V9.1 through V9.1.1.1 didn't have this much of a problem; it occasionally got above 400M but that was about it.

I have the Show Heap enabled, which has a trash can icon. I can click
this to collect the heap garbage and it does reduce the total amount, but what was noted is that I could click on it repeatedly and it kept reducing the heap size to where it's back down to about 400M. I did about ten clicks and each time it reduced in size; afterwards it stabilized.

So it appears we've sprung some leaks again, but at least RDi is doing
better at reclaiming this memory so it doesn't suddenly get up to where the Show Heap turns red and you either have to do a Restart, or are greeted with a slow running app or one that suddenly crashes on you. The last two haven't happened yet.

(Maybe we should use that Flex Seal product advertised on TV, eh?) :)

-- Ken
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