This should point you in the right direction:
In essence:
- Download the latest version (1.8.4) of Installation Manager (IM) and
- Run IM and use FILE > PREFERENCES > REPOSITORIES to identify the
DISKTAG.INF file in DISK1 directory of your unzipped RDi 9.1
- Use the INSTALL option on the main IM screen to install RDi 9.1
- Run RDi 9.1 and point the Workspace launcher to your copied workspace
- In RDi use HELP > INSTALL NEW SOFTWARE to install the iSphere plug-in
- Install Data Studio using IM in a similar manner as RDi above.
Hope this helps.
-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Wilburn
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2016 8:46 PM
To: 'WDSCI-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: [WDSCI-L] Installing RDi on a new PC
I'm replacing my desktop PC with a laptop... Still on Windows 7. So I need
to re-install RDi. I copied the unzipped v9.1 folder over to my new
machine, but it won't install - something about installation manager.
So I have a pretty simply installation... I had RDi installed, Data Studio,
iSphere plug, and nothing more. I have my workspace saved and copied over
to the new PC. Is there a document on how best to complete the task of
re-installation? What's the best method to quickly restore my environment
to what it was before?
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