Thank you. I had to remove the checks on the items in the view drop down. I
then saw the panel was rolled down to the bottom line. I pulled it up and am
a happy camper.
Thank you.
message: 5
date: Sat, 15 Oct 2016 11:21:55 -0500
from: CRPence <crpbottle@xxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] I have lost the bottom right panel in iNav. How
do I get it back?
On 15-Oct-2016 10:24 -0500, D Freinkel (a4g) wrote:
I somehow managed to lose that panel [<ed> bottom right panel in iNav]
and need it to be able to open SQL functions like the script editor.
Misdirected post [i.e. seems an odd email list choice for the subject
topic,] perhaps? Regardless, I presume the intention is to get to the Run
SQL Scripts feature? Note: That feature is available with the newer IBM i
Access Client Solutions (iACS).
I cannot find an option to restore it.
Does anyone know how to restore it?
This is iNav v7.1.
[SQL Finding &
"There may be more than one way to skin a cat, but the easiest way that I've
found is drill down to the Databases...Schemas...
`Run an SQL Script` is an option in the Task Pad at the bottom. If you don't
have the Task Pad available, set it through the View menu option."
[SQL Finding & Using -- iNav Run
"After getting to the Databases icon, or having done Open on the Databases
icon for a given system, I just use a right-click on the specific database I
want [from the list], to get to the Run SQL. No need to continue to expand
to get to the Schemas. [?]"
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