I am on Rdi Version:
(Waiting for the current memory leak issue to be resolved before upgrading
BUT Really Liking the new PDM view as shown by Charles Guarino See
Anyway I have a source member that will not open. I have tried double
click, right click and open with Lpex editor. I can open through green
screen PDM.
I can open other member - just not the one I want to work on!
I have closed and reopened Rdi but still cannot open the member.
I tried ending the QRWTSRVR jobs but still can't open the member.
Tried disconnecting and reconnecting my server connection but still cannot
open the member.
In the information line at the bottom I can see Downloading member ISS...
- The member I am trying to open and the green processing bar indicating
something is happening but this is not a large member 1053 lines.
Any suggestions ?
Ok I just tried restarting with the -clean option and now I can open the
member. First time I have used that option.
So now that I have already typed up this question - is that the best/only
option for this situation or is there some other way to determine why the
member was not opening ?
Don Brown
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