FYI...The PMR has turned into an APAR:
APAR SE70532 - Updating RDi to v9.6.0.5 may result in some web tooling
views not displaying correct information
Eric Simpson
Software Developer
IBM Systems
From: Joe Pluta <joepluta@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 04/24/2019 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] Startup exceptions in
Sent by: "WDSCI-L" <wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Just FYI, Steve, I tracked down a related issue in Rational Software
The resolution involved downloading and copying the Google plugin
folder. That resolved the errors. I also reached out to support to
see if I could get on the PMR notification list, because I'd like to
know how to potentially do that for other PMRs in the future. I'm
trying to become a more active support participant. :)
On 4/24/2019 8:51 AM, Steve Ferrell via WDSCI-L wrote:
Hi Joe,
The sdo one is a known defect that is marked resolvedwontfix from
The Google GSON issue may happen on an update from 9604 to 9605. IBM
Installation manager may flag that plugin for removal on an update. There
is a PMR opened for this issue. RDi does not use the gson plugin, but some
other IBM products do. If you'd like, you can contact IBM support and be
added to that PMR to be notified once it's resolved.
You could also install into a new Package Group and that message will go
away. Installation Manager will install the plugin on an Install.
We are making an attempt to clean-up the log, but some of these messages
are out of our control.
Also, always remember to restart RDi with a -clean when adding or
removing any 3rd party plugins.
Steve Ferrell
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