The iSphere Journal Explorer is significantly slow when loading (retrieving) journal entries from a journal. The reason for that has been identified as the DateTimeConverter class, which calls the QWCCVTDT API for converting *DTS (system time stamp) timestamps.
For example, loading 1283 journal entries takes 65535 milliseconds with the DateTimeConverter aka the QWCCVTDTAPI.
When I use my custom DTSDate class for converting the *DTS dates, loading the same number of journal entries takes 4361 milliseconds.
That is good, isn't it?
The bad thing is, that the result of QWCCVTDT and DTSDate is not always the same. The difference between both timestamps is 1 millisecond for 324 journal entries. I assume, that this is a problem with rounding.
The rules are easy, but I cannot find the error.
a) Shift the 64 bit DTS value 12 bits to the right to remove the uniqueness bits.
b) Divide the result by 1000 to get milliseconds
c) Check the reminder. Round up 1 millisecond for reminders >= 500
d) Done.
Is there somebody, who want to review DTSDate? You can download a small Eclipse test project from:
The project contains jt400.jar and two classes DTSDate and TestDTSDate. You need to specify the following system properties for executing TestDTSDate:
HOST=yourServer.com or TCP/IP address
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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