Looking around it appears that the RDI/Eclipse "Key Management" screen only works with RSA-1024 keys.
Not to worry though, you can still use stronger keys.
I tested a few different types of keys and removed all the Authentication Methods but publickey.
As a result I was able to get this exception:
An error occurred loading the SSH2 private keys
com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: invalid privatekey
Which lead me to this post:
Turns out JSch does not support the "OPENSSH" format for the private key:
Open your private key and check the header.
RDI/Eclipse uses JSch for the ssh processing.
So to get it to work you need to generate the key in the old format:
I was able to generate a new private key on Windows 10 using
ssh-keygen -m pem
Chris Hiebert
Senior Programmer/Analyst
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