Thank you Steve. I went to the website and exported the certificate. I then imported it into both the Semeru version of Java and the one that came with RDi. Still no joy. The same error is occurring.
-----Original Message-----
From: WDSCI-L <wdsci-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Steve Ferrell via WDSCI-L
Sent: Tuesday, January 9, 2024 10:19
To: Rational Developer for IBM i <wdsci-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Steve Ferrell <Steve.Ferrell@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [WDSCI-L] IBM Rational Developer for i fixpack is now available!
Before manually adding certificates to your local JVM, it's generally best practice to check with your IT team to see how or why they are blocking them. They may prefer to whitelist the site for all users.
One common issue besides Zscaler is LDAP Directory issues. Contact your IT Department to include this certificate if you are using LDAP over LDAPS.
It could also be that your Anti-Virus tool has "SSL Scanning" blocking SSL/TLS. If that is the case, check with your IT Department on how to proceed.
Here's how to get the IBM certificate to install:
Open the repository in a browser.
You can then click on the URL, and click on the Connection is secure.
Then click on the Certificate is valid.
Once you have the certificate open, you can click Details, then at the bottom you will see Export...
Export it and save the certificate.
Then you can follow Chris's instruction on adding that certificate, using the name you saved instead of the Zscaler.cert.
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