Greetings. Another option....

The xstoolkit only provides the simplified interfaces to call IBM i native
code. It does not fully support the optional parameter groups. We can use
the iPgm interface to customize the function by ourselves. Below is an
example to access keyed data queue.

Create the data queue --


Access it using Node.js --

* var xt =
var conn = new xt.iConn("*LOCAL");
var errno = [
[0, "10i0"],
[0, "10i0", {"setlen":"rec2"}],
["", "7A"],
["", "1A"]

function toJson(str) {

function sendDq(name, lib, data, key) {
var pgm = new xt.iPgm("QSNDDTAQ", {"lib":"QSYS"});
pgm.addParam(name, "10A");
pgm.addParam(lib == ""?"*CURLIB":lib, "10A");
pgm.addParam(data.length, "5p0");
pgm.addParam(data, data.length + "A");
pgm.addParam(key.length, "3p0");
pgm.addParam(key, key.length + "A");


function getDq(name, lib, length, key, sender) {
var pgm = new xt.iPgm("QRCVDTAQ", {"lib":"QSYS"});
pgm.addParam(name, "10A");
pgm.addParam(lib == ""?"*CURLIB":lib, "10A");
pgm.addParam(length, "5p0");
pgm.addParam("", length + 1 + "A");
pgm.addParam(0, "5p0");
pgm.addParam("EQ", "2A");
pgm.addParam(key.length, "3p0");
pgm.addParam(key, key.length + "A");
pgm.addParam(0, "3p0");
pgm.addParam(sender, sender.length + "A");


function clrDq(name, lib, key) {
var pgm = new xt.iPgm("QCLRDTAQ", {"lib":"QSYS"});
pgm.addParam(name, "10A");
pgm.addParam(lib == ""?"*CURLIB":lib, "10A");
pgm.addParam("EQ", "2A");
pgm.addParam(key.length, "3p0");
pgm.addParam(key, key.length + "A");
pgm.addParam(errno, {"io":"both", "len" : "rec2"});


sendDq("TESTQ", "XUMENG", "Hello World![Sync]", "AAA");
getDq("TESTQ", "XUMENG", 20, "AAA", "XUMENG");
clrDq("TESTQ", "XUMENG", "AAA");

Tim Rowe, timmr@xxxxxxxxxx
Business Architect Application Development & Systems Management for IBM i
IBM i Development Lab, Rochester, MN
(507) 253-6191 (Tie) 553-6191

----- Original message -----
From: Kevin Turner <kevin.turner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: "WEB400" <web400-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Web Enabling the IBM i (AS/400 and iSeries)" <web400@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [WEB400] Who knows all about XMLSERVICE?
Date: Sun, Aug 23, 2015 9:53 AM

Yes that is definitely the issue - I thought/hoped it would be something
daft. It would be useful to be able to get something more meaningful
than this back from the interface though (it doesn't really mention
anything about what the cause may be, and the job log is empty). I am
assuming the is some option I can use on the interface to make the
response more verbose?

<?xml version='1.0'?><myscript><pgm name='QRCVDTAQ' lib='QSYS'
error='fast'> <error><![CDATA[*** error QSYS QRCVDTAQ ]]></error>
<version>XML Toolkit 1.8.5</version> <error>
<errnoxml>1100016</errnoxml> <xmlerrmsg><![CDATA[XML run pgm
failed]]></xmlerrmsg> <xmlhint><![CDATA[<pgm name='QRCVDTAQ' lib='QSYS'
error='fast'><parm><data ty]]></xmlhint> </error> <error>
<errnoxml>1000006</errnoxml> <xmlerrmsg><![CDATA[PGMCALL
failed]]></xmlerrmsg> <xmlhint><![CDATA[QRCVDTAQ]]></xmlhint> </error>
<error> <errnoxml>1100016</errnoxml> <xmlerrmsg><![CDATA[XML run pgm
failed]]></xmlerrmsg> <xmlhint><![CDATA[<pgm name='QRCVDTAQ' lib='QSYS'
error='fast'><parm><data ty]]></xmlhint> </error> <jobinfo>
<jobipc>undefined</jobipc> <jobipcskey>FFFFFFFF</jobipcskey>
<jobname>QSQSRVR</jobname> <jobuser>QUSER</jobuser>
<jobnbr>176544</jobnbr> <jobsts>*ACTIVE</jobsts>
<curuser>KTURNER</curuser> <ccsid>285</ccsid> <dftccsid>285</dftccsid>
<paseccsid>0</paseccsid> <langid>ENU</langid> <cntryid>US</cntr
yid> <sbsname>QSYSWRK</sbsname> <sbslib>QSYS</sbslib> <curlib></curlib>
<syslibl>QSYS QSYS2 QHLPSYS QUSRSYS</syslibl> <usrlibl>QGPL
QTEMP</usrlibl> <jobcpffind>see log scan, not error list</jobcpffind>
</jobinfo> </pgm> </myscript>

-----Original Message-----
From: WEB400 [[1]mailto:web400-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mark S
Sent: 23 August 2015 15:49
To: Web Enabling the IBM i (AS/400 and iSeries)
Subject: Re: [WEB400] Who knows all about XMLSERVICE?


Looking at the code you posted (below), it appears that you are trying
to invoke QRCVDTAQ with only eight (8) parameters. According to the API
documentation, QRCVDTAQ requires five (5) parameters for the "normal"
non-keyed case, or ten (10) parameters for the "keyed" data queue case,
or thirteen (13) parameters, if you want to specify "*NO" for "remove
message" or if you want to specify the "size of data receiver" or to
provide the standard API error code data structure to detect any errors.
(If the error code data structure is not provided, the API will throw
*ESCAPE messages if errors are detected.)

So, you appear to be "missing" the "sender length" and "sender data"
parameters. If you do not want the "sender information", you must
still pass those parameters, and pass a value of "zero" for "sender

Hope that helps,

Mark S. Waterbury

> On 8/23/2015 7:04 AM, Kevin Turner wrote:
> ...(snip)...
> =================================================================
> Here is the code in my little worker.js child process. I am hoping I
> have just made a mistake somewhere, but the error response is not
> telling me much. I tried debugging the XMLSERVICE code but it seems
> that the source is out of sequence with the executable. I just kept
> stepping into comments etc :)
> // This tiny node app will wait for an entry on a queue and pass it to
> the process that spawned (forked) it
> var dq =
> require('/QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData/Node/os400/xstoolkit/lib/idataq');
> var xt =
> var DBname = "*LOCAL ";
> //Add a new function for keyed data queues
> dq.iDataQueue.prototype.receiveFromKeyedDataQueue = function(name,
lib, length, wait, keyOp, keyLen, key, cb) {
> // TODO Replace QRCVDTAQ with a call to an RPGLE program that
will do the job
> var pgm = new xt.iPgm("QRCVDTAQ", {"lib":"QSYS"});
> pgm.addParam(name, "10A");
> pgm.addParam(lib == ""?"*CURLIB":lib, "10A");
> pgm.addParam(length, "5p0");
> pgm.addParam("", length + 1 + "A");
> pgm.addParam(wait, "5p0");
> pgm.addParam(keyOp, "2A");
> pgm.addParam(keyLen, "3p0");
> pgm.addParam(key, key.length + "A")
> this.conn.add(pgm.toXML());
> var async = cb && xt.getClass(cb) == "Function"; //If there is
a callback function param, then it is in asynchronized mode.
> var rtValue; // The returned value.
> var stop = 0; // A flag indicating whether the process is
> var retry = 0; // How many times we have retried.
> function toJson(str) { // Convert the XML output into JSON
> var output = xt.xmlToJson(str);
> if(output[0].success)
> rtValue = output[0].data[3].value;
> else
> rtValue = str;
> if(async) // If it is in asynchronized mode.
> cb(rtValue); // Run the call back function
against the returned value.
> stop = 1;
> }
> function waitForResult() {
> retry++;
> if(stop == 0)
> setTimeout('waitForResult()', retryInterval);
// Check whether the result is retrieved
> else if(retry >= retryTimes)
> return timeoutMsg;
> else
> return rtValue;
> }
>; // Post the input XML and get the
> if(!async) // If it is in synchronized mode.
> return waitForResult(); // Run the user defined call
back function against the returned value.
> }
> // When we get some data, start listening to the queue
> process.on('message', function(dqObj) {
> // Wait for stuff to arrive on a data queue also
> var conn = new xt.iConn(DBname);
> var dtaq = new dq.iDataQueue(conn);
> var dtaqN =;
> var lib = dqObj.lib;
> function cb(str) {
> if (str) {
> // Pass results back to parent process
> process.send(str);
> }
> // Wait again
> dtaq.receiveFromKeyedDataQueue(dtaqN, lib, 64512, 1,
'EQ', 6, 'THEKEY', cb);
> }
> // Wait for something to arrive on the queue, timing out every
1 second to allow
> // us to check other stuff
> dtaq.receiveFromKeyedDataQueue(dtaqN, lib, 64512, 1, 'EQ', 6,
> 'THEKEY', cb);
> });
> -----Original Message-----
> From: WEB400 [[2]mailto:web400-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
> Turner
> Sent: 22 August 2015 20:11
> To: Web Enabling the IBM i (AS/400 and iSeries)
> Subject: [WEB400] Who knows all about XMLSERVICE?
> A bit of background:
> I am trying to access a keyed data queue from a node.js function using
the IBM toolkit provided. Not entirely unexpectedly, the
documentation with the toolkit is pretty sparse on examples
> They provide a script called "idataq.js" that shows examples of
sending and receiving data to a non-keyed data queue. It appears to use
XMLSERVICE under the covers to do so, and it works as far as my testing
goes. However, that is no good if you want to access a keyed data queue.
> I figured I would just create a modified version of the supplied
"receiveFromDataQueue" function to include the extra parameters needed
for a keyed data queue, but it fails miserably. The XML error response
from XMLSERVICE is virtually useless, but I have managed to glean the
fact that it expects only 5 parameters, not the 8 I want to send it.
Does anyone know how to make the error responses more meaningful?
> The code appears to just create an XML interface to the QRCVDTAQ
program, so why would it complain about only wanting 5 parameters unless
it is some sort of hardcoded limit for the API built in to XMLSERVICE
somewhere? Does anyone know if this is the case. The basic code for the
version that works looks like this:
> var xt = require('./itoolkit');
> var pgm = new xt.iPgm("QRCVDTAQ", {"lib":"QSYS"}); pgm.addParam(name,
> "10A"); pgm.addParam(lib == ""?"*CURLIB":lib, "10A");
> pgm.addParam(length, "5p0"); pgm.addParam("", length + 1 + "A");
> pgm.addParam(0, "5p0");this.conn.add(pgm.toXML());
> but calling QSNDDTAQ like this does not work var xt =
> require('./itoolkit'); var pgm = new xt.iPgm("QRCVDTAQ",
> {"lib":"QSYS"}); pgm.addParam(name, "10A"); pgm.addParam(lib ==
> ""?"*CURLIB":lib, "10A"); pgm.addParam(length, "5p0");
> pgm.addParam("", length + 1 + "A"); pgm.addParam(5,
> "5p0");this.conn.add(pgm.toXML());
> pgm.addParam(keyOp, "2A");
> pgm.addParam(keyLen, "3p0");
> pgm.addParam(key, key.length + "A")
> I thought I would try to write my own program to see if that would
work (rather than using QRCVDTAQ directly) but I cannot find any
examples of what my program signature should look like. I have looked
at the documentation for XMLTOOLKIT for examples but (IMHO) the
documentation is pretty dreadful.....not an uncommon complaint for IBM
> Just a simple RPG example program would be useful.
> Thanks
> ...(snip)...

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