Yes I am well aware of it and make use of it, but one has to be extremely circumspect about what one does (code wise) when this triggers. You need to restrict it to logging and terminating gracefully. Some amount of teardown is acceptable but even that is tricky as you don't know what the unexpected error is. If you want to manually close down child_processes then you need to be tracking them all. You shouldn’t have to do any of this - but the PTF and workaround is OK for me. It will be better when they fix it properly though.

-----Original Message-----
From: WEB400 [mailto:web400-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Aaron Bartell
Sent: 28 February 2017 15:51
To: Web Enabling the IBM i (AS/400 and iSeries) <web400@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [WEB400] a little for the node.js / javascript freaks on a sunday afternoon

Are you familiar with the process.on "UnCaughtException" event? Thinking you could implement that in the mother process.

Aaron Bartell
IBM i hosting, starting at $157/month.

On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 9:40 AM, Kevin Turner <kevin.turner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

I am using child_process in my own point taken - if you are
using a package that forks a child process and that does not expose
the options, you are shafted until they fix it fully.

-----Original Message-----
From: WEB400 [mailto:web400-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Aaron
Sent: 28 February 2017 15:34
To: Web Enabling the IBM i (AS/400 and iSeries) <web400@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [WEB400] a little for the node.js / javascript freaks on
a sunday afternoon

*>The PTF partialy fixes it as long as you use silent:true when
forking the

Is this a manual fork you're doing or is it being done by another npm?

Aaron Bartell
IBM i hosting, starting at $157/month.

On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 9:28 AM, Kevin Turner


Yes I get it to all close down OK in a normal environment. It is
parent process ends unexpectedly that things go awry. The PTF partialy
fixes it as long as you use silent:true when forking the child-process.

-----Original Message-----
From: WEB400 [mailto:web400-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Henrik Rützou
Sent: 28 February 2017 13:56
To: Web Enabling the IBM i (AS/400 and iSeries)
Subject: Re: [WEB400] a little for the node.js / javascript freaks
on a sunday afternoon

Hi Kevin,

well problems calls for innovation ;-)

A little LIBHTTP programs that files a *LR to the node server
through a GET should fix the problem.


close down the node.js program

On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 1:32 PM, Kevin Turner


" Annoying error, when a nodes program is ended wirh an EDBJOB
*IMMED sometime the QP0XSPWT hangs until next IP. Ehat is worse is
that it blocks the IP port."

I have been working on this (or a similar) issue with IBM. Node
child processes can become orphaned when the parent process ends
They would go to EOJ status and stick there. If you end them the
go to
status and hang. ENDJOBABN will usually kill them off. The PMR was
74327,999,866 and eventually solicited a partial fix with PTF SI63892
combine with starting child processes with silent:true. In reality
problem runs far deeper and we now have PMR 20128,999,866 for the

ƕ -----Original Message-----
From: WEB400 [mailto:web400-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Henrik Rützou
Sent: 26 February 2017 15:33
To: Web Enabling the AS400 / iSeries <web400@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [WEB400] a little for the node.js / javascript freaks on
a sunday afternoon

*First a little elaboration about the use of the EVAL instruction,
JSON and objects in javascript.*

Originally javascript was a script language that was executed
statement by statement of the script code.

Today javascript is JIT compiled into binaries to be executed by
the javascript VM. This is why you get javascript syntax error’s
already at load time but also why javascript is a very fast language.

The problem and why EVAL should be avoided is the EVAL is an
instruction that may create executable code within the script itself.
So whenever the
V8 engine meets an EVAL instruction that is executed it will
decompile the running code and maube recompile the code after the
EVAL instruction or it will fall back and execute the javascript
in bytecode creating huge overheads in processing time.

If you have the time see this presentation by Lars Bak on how V8

In regards to JSON (that is what it say’s it is - an intermediate
string based notation of an javascript object or array) -
functions are allowed in a javascript object, not in JSON:

___ myObj = {}

___ myObj.MYSCRIPT = function(message) { alert(message) }

___ myObj.MYSCRIPT(“Hello World”)

But if you stringify MyObj to JSON it will drop MYSCRIPT since
typeof ‘function’ isn’t supported in JSON because any imported
JSON would then trigger a recompile.

An ugly work around is to stringfy the function in the javascript
object before you convert it into JSON:

___ myObj.MYSCRIPT = myObj.MYSCRIPT.toString();

___ myJSON = JSON.stringify(myObj);

And in the receiving end

___ myNewObj = JSON.parse(myJSON);

___ myNewObj.MYSCRIPT = eval('(' + myNewObj.MYSCRIPT + ')')

That of course will trigger a decompile and/or shift to bytecode L

It is important to remember that JSON never has been intended to
be a data interchange format but originally is made for cloning
objects since direct copy of objects in javascript is done by reference.

___ myObj = {}

___ myObj.NAME = “Henrik”

___ myNewObj = myObj

___ myNewObj.NAME = “Scott”

Will also change the content of myObj since myNewObj just is a
name that points back to myObj. (this is exactly what happens in
my clean up code in the result of db2/db2a )

To create a shallow copy as a clone of myObj you need to convert
it to a string and then create a new object without references to the old.

___ myJSON = JSON.stringify(myObj)

___ myNewObj = JSON.parse(myJSON)

To create a deep copy as a clone of myObj (a copy that includes
the original object properties but have no reference to the old
object) requires a lot more coding but can be done.

*IBM’s db2/db2a DB2 connector*

Many think that IBM’s DB2 connecter in node.js returns JSON in the
sqlResult, It doesn’t – it returns a javascript object an I order
to find out what is inside the object (actually in any javascript
object) there are two native ways without using tools:

___ myJSON = JSON.stringify(sqlResult)

That doesn’t include object elements typeof ‘function’ or object



that (at least in crome and node.js ) returns the entire object
including object properties to the console

and not … console.log(“my sqlresult: “ + sqlResult) that just like
alert() returns “my sqlresult: [object] [object]” in the console

To summarize on db2a

- Returns a javascript object, not JSON

- Terrible slow (not only an IBM i problem)

- All fields are returned as typeof string regardless of the
of fields you specifies

- All fields are returned with writespaces / all string in
javascript are variable length

Work around code:

stmt.fetchAllSync(function callback(result) {

// clean up IBM's db2a mess

var rowObj = {}

for (i= 0; i < result.length; i++) {

___ rowObj = result[i]

___ for (var key in rowObj) {

______ if (rowObj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {

_________ if (typeof rowObj[key] == 'string') {

____________ if (isNaN(rowObj[key]) == false && rowObj[key].trim()
'') {

_______________ rowObj[key] = parseFloat(rowObj[key])

____________ } else {

_______________ rowObj[key] = rowObj[key].trimRight()

____________ }

_________ }

______ }

___ }



This is probably an error since file written by FS starts i CCSID
819 but if the are rewritten a couple of time they shift to CCSID

*IBM and QP0ZSPWT jobs Hangs and locks the IP port*

Annoying error, when a nodes program is ended wirh an EDBJOB
*IMMED sometime the QP0XSPWT hangs until next IP. Ehat is worse is
that it blocks the IP port.

*IBM S812 - one core or 4 cores*

When IBM annouced this new entry level POWER8 they have excluded 3
cores if it is ordered with IBM i while they are included if
ordered with Aix - one core is a node.js killer and one is better
of on a
$500 PC with 4 cores, is that the direction IBM wants us to go?

*powerEXT zdb – a NoSql database for node.js*

As a consequence of the SQLs slowliness I have decided to build a
little NoSql DBMS that are platform agnostic. My tests show a RLA
access time in node.js on 0.006ms for keyed index search,
0.012/0.014ms for corresponden object retreival that is acceptable
compared with native RPGLE RLA on 0.048ms.

This is of course not for big tables but for referential tables
that can be bound to a SQL result by late bindings making the SQL
simpler and

Btw. IMHO SQL is also over-engineered and has become a "write a
whole program in one (very long) statement". At the same time SQL
has become DB propietary wich makes it unportable. Don't expect a
SQL statement written for DB2i to run on either DB2 LUW or SQL
or vice versa.

Besides that I build program generators where some generates EXTJS
UI code on the fly while other generates server side code such as
REST/CRUD services where I have decided maybe best resides in
their systems native environment and with native I mean not only
native IBM I SQLRGLE but also native .NET C# since my target are
both IBM I and MS SQL Server customers, but that’s another story (*).

Program generators (whatever program language that is the output)
requires a lot of specific metadata, templates and in many cases

If the program generation is intended for ‘on the fly’ UI
generation at also requires user rules and all these data can’t be
put into a SQL View where a single row request in a table may take
50ms in node.js and where a big UI may require 5,000 lookup’s it
will take
25 seconds in SQL while it only takes approx 75ms in zdb.

The database will work in any number of HTTP Daemons one may
launch; its physical data is placed in an IFS file per. table in
JSON format while it runs in javascript objects internally in node.js.

The IFS file may be overridden (renewed) by either node.js or
native programs that may regenerate the table from content in DB
files that however may cause data loss. The synchronization with a
DB table may be done from node.js by calling a REST/CRUD service
where the zdb acts
A DB table can of course also be created by loading the table from
the IFS file.

There zdb are based on a configuration file – all is still subject

var zdbConf = [

___ {

______ tableName : "AAA",

______ tablezdb : "./zdb/aaa.table",

______ tableScope : "$global",

______ tableReadOnly : false,

______ tableCloneObj : true,

______ tableAutoLoad : true,

______ tableSync : true,

______ tableSyncRest :

______ tableSyncType : "POST",

______ tableKey : ["MYID"],

______ tableMandatory : ["MYID","ABC"]

___ }


Creating of internal Database

___ scope = new zdb(‘scope’);

Load of tables:

(zdb represent the scope name)

___ zdb.loadAuto(scope) // load all tables in the scope with
tableAutoLoad attribute = true

___,scope) // Manual load or forced reload


___ obj = zdb.readByKey(tableName,key)

___ obj = zdb.readByRrn(obj)

___ ... (obj or objClone are decided by the tables 'tableCloneObj'
property and is only recommended if tableReadOnly is true

___ rc = zdb.join(tableName,toObj,key,joinElementName)

___ ... joinElementName will join the zdb object in a single
element otherwise elements are addedin the receiving object root
and will overwrite elements with the same name.

__ … metods where tableReadOnly property = false

___ rc = zdb.write(objClone)

___ rc = zdb.update(objClone)

___ rc = zdb.delete(objClone)

___ rc = // force save

It all sounds relative simple, but it is not if you look at the
structure any node.js has to go through before it is called:

___ HTTP Server Apache


__________ LOAD BALANCER

_____________ HTTP DAEMON

________________ YOURFUNCTION

The PROXY/FASTCGI and LOAD BALANCER works very similar to the
QZSRCGI programs where the server lauches a number of job so if
one is busy another is chosen. Besides that you are first with the
node.js environment when you enter the HTTP DAEMON who's role are
to redirect requests to YOURFUNCTION and other functions.

YOURFUNTION may load data, but the function only exists between it
is required by the HTTP DAEMON to it ends by sending data to the
requester, afterwards it is destroyd and requested data hereby
also are lost. Often used tables must be controlled and passed by
the HTTP

Yes, there are other ways to construct node.js on, one HTTP port
per App is one (results often in 100,000 statements monoliths) or
requirering all functions when the HTTP DAEMON is initialized but
that requires that all funtions is able to act as a module and so on.
EXPRESS may also have another solution but as far I have read it
doesn't met the requirements I seek.

The bottom line is that zdb can be loaded by my HTTP DAEMON and
shared by any function through the object that also holds other

And please remember what powerEXT for node.js is about, if you
want to run chat forums or control your neighbor's drone chose
otherwise, this is about OLTP Business Applications.

*(*) The story*

When EXT JS went from version 4 to version 5 they removed their
open source version and made their licenses come in packages of 5
developers. At that time they had approx. 500,000 users of their
forum where most ran on the Open Source license.

They were overloaded with questions and free support and even
those who ran on a single license generated the same amount (if
not even
more) that their “customers with a budget for both license and
education” did.

The big question for me is where do I find “customers with a budget”
not for powerEXT Core for node.js or IBM I that is MIT licensed -
but what follows – the EXT JS UI generator. You can be dam sure
these customers doesn’t run their OLTP business critical
applications on mongoDB or MySQL, most will run on MS SQL Server,
DB2 and in some degree

Besides that I live in a country where 80% of “customers with a budget”
runs MS Business Solutions on MS SQL Server ;-)

Henrik Rützou <>
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