I have the following regular expression:
This expression test as true against the following string:
MDB MO3-09 Final.PDF
I run the same expression and string through the iSeries RegExp APIs and
it fails(returns 1).
Does anyone have any idea where there is a online test that matches the
IBM APIs or can figure out what I am doing incorrectly?
BTW: The OCEAN conference was great!
My program works with another expression to test email addresses.
/*---( Compile pattern )---*/
rc = regcomp(&preg, wrkPattern, REG_EXTENDED);
if (rc != 0) {
regerror(rc, &preg, errMsg, sizeof(errMsg));
PatError(100, (char *) pattern, (char *) errMsg);
if (matchString != inpString) {
free((void *) matchString);
matchString = NULL;
return (0);
/*---( Run Pattern )---*/
if ( (rc = regexec(&preg, matchString, nmatch, pmatch, 0)) != 0 ) {
regerror(rc, &preg, errMsg, sizeof(errMsg));
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