
While executing from command window, MQ base Java is working fine.
But MQJMS is giving the following error.
Your  help appreciated.

Jacob KOshy 
5648-C60 (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2002. All Rights Reserved.

MQSeries classes for Java(tm) Message Service 5.220

Installation Verification Test



Creating a QueueConnectionFactory

Creating a Connection

Unable to load message catalog - mqji

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't load library:

V+78 (ClassLoader.java:1280)





       java/lang/System.load(Ljava/lang/String;)V+6 (System.java:797)




 int;Lcom/ibm/mq/Pint;Lcom/ibm/mq/Pint;)V+0 (MQSESSION.java:2156)

 ctionFactory;)V+0 (MQManagedConnectionJ11.java:126)



  nJ11;+0 (MQBindingsManagedConnectionFactoryJ11.java:115)

  11;+0 (MQBindingsManagedConnectionFactoryJ11.java:157)

  0 (StoredManagedConnection.java:72)

  /Object;+0 (MQSimpleConnectionManager.java:115)

 r;+0 (MQQueueManager.java:640)

 0 (MQQueueManager.java:591)

 ;)V+0 (MQQueueManager.java:432)

 ble;)V+0 (MQSPIQueueManager.java:52)

com/ibm/mq/jms/MQConnection.createQM()Lcom/ibm/mq/MQQueueManager;+0 (MQ

 0 (MQConnection.java:785)





  onFactory;)V+0 (MQQueueConnection.java:78)

  ms/QueueConnection;+0 (MQQueueConnectionFactory.java:141)


  Java program completed with exit code 1



-----Original Message-----
From: Blair Wyman [mailto:blairw@xxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 10:58 PM
To: Java Programming on and around the iSeries / AS400
Cc: Java Programming on and around the iSeries / AS400;
Subject: RE: MQ + JMS + AS/400

Try running outside of QShell, if at all possible, to see if the error
recurs.  (I suspect it will not.)

Up through V5R1, the 'java' command is a QSH "built-in" command (i.e. it
runs in the same QSH process that calls it), which can cause problems
when you run the 'java' command twice or more in one QSH session.

There are several possible problem scenarios...  As an example, consider
System.loadLibrary (the call to load a native method library).  Loading
a native method library involves activating a service program (*SRVPGM).
Everyone knows that when you activate a C or C++ *SRVPGM, its static
storage is initialized to zero.  However, when you run some 'java' code
*second* time within a QShell, the service program is found by
System.loadLibrary to have already been activated, and so the static
storage is not re-initialized.   (FWIW, I would list this as THE prime
suspect in your failure scenario.)

Anyway, if you have a hard and fast requirement to operate from within
the QSH (rather than from Command Entry) you might consider the
workaround of writing a small 'wrapper' QSH script that does the actual
call to the java command.  Running a script in QSH forces the creation
of a new process for the script to use -- this should make the problem

FWIW, in V5R2 'java' is no longer a QSH built-in -- it always starts in
a new process -- so process-level resource issues like yours are moot.



Blair Wyman -- iSeries JVM -- (507) 253-2891
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "It is a sobering thought that when
Mozart was my age, he had been dead for two years." -- Tom Lehrer

|         |           "Jacob Koshy"      |
|         |           <koshy.jacob@xxxxxx|
|         |           com>               |
|         |           Sent by:           |
|         |           java400-l-bounces@x|
|         |           idrange.com        |
|         |                              |
|         |                              |
|         |           07/31/2003 11:22 AM|
|         |           Please respond to  |
|         |           Java Programming on|
|         |           and around the     |
|         |           iSeries / AS400    |
|         |                              |
  |       To:       "Java Programming on and around the iSeries / AS400"
<java400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                               |
  |       cc:
  |       Subject:  RE: MQ + JMS + AS/400

When we executed our JMS programs we got fatal errors from 2nd time.
That is why we tested this MQIVP.

We tested it in bindings mode. We are aware that MQIVP is for base java.

Can u assist further?


-----Original Message-----
From: Gary L Peskin [mailto:garyp@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 9:39 PM
To: 'Java Programming on and around the iSeries / AS400'
Subject: RE: MQ + JMS + AS/400

If you are using a client connection, rather than a bindings connection,
MQIVP will prompt you for various information interactively.  It looks
like someone may be using a client connection and pressed enter too soon
without supplying the queue manager name.  To assist further, we'd need
to see all of the prompts and responses together with the "Success:"
messages from MQIVP.  Also, please note that MQIVP checks only base
java, not JMS.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: java400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx 
> [mailto:java400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jacob Koshy
> Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 8:39 AM
> To: java400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: MQ + JMS + AS/400
> Hi All
>  Thanks in advance for your help..
> Problem Statement
> We are trying to execute JMS programs in AS400 QShell.
> MQSeries 5.2 is installed.
> JDK 1.3.1
> JMS is applied
> We have to execute java program for MQ from QShell few times. we are 
> getting error. we have doubted some environment problems. So we have 
> executed the installation verification program.
> We are executing verification test for MQ installation from QShell.
> We are excecuting the MQIVP program supplied with MA88.
> (/qibm/proddata/mqm/java/samples/base)
> $ java MQIVP
> The program completes successfully.
> Again we are trying to execute the same program in the same Q Shell. 
> we are getting the following error.
>  java MQIVP -trace 5
>  04:33:41 [1059669221454] Thread: Thread-0, Object: 
> com.ibm.mq.MQQueueManager@  beb982d5 ==> MQManagedObject
> constructor() entry
>    04:33:41 [1059669221587] Thread: Thread-0, Object: 
> com.ibm.mq.MQQueueManage
>   <mailto:r@xxxxxxxx> r@xxxxxxxx @(#) 
> common/javabase/com/ibm/mq/MQManagedObject.java, java, j520,  
> j520-L010613  01/04/26 10:28:31
>  04:33:41 [1059669221591] Thread: Thread-0, Object: 
> com.ibm.mq.MQQueueManager@  beb982d5 <== MQManagedObject
> constructor() exit
>  04:33:41 [1059669221592] Thread: Thread-0, Object: 
> com.ibm.mq.MQQueueManager@  beb982d5 ==> MQQueueManager constructor 
> (String,Hashtable)() entry
>    04:33:41 [1059669221592] Thread: Thread-0, Object: 
> com.ibm.mq.MQQueueManage
>   <mailto:r@xxxxxxxx> r@xxxxxxxx 
> common/javabase/com/ibm/mq/MQQueueManager.java, java, j520, j520-L  
> 010720  01/07/20 16:27:50 @(#)
>    04:33:41 [1059669221597] Thread: Thread-0, Object: 
> com.ibm.mq.MQQueueManage
>   <mailto:r@xxxxxxxx> r@xxxxxxxx ==> construct() entry
>      04:33:41 [1059669221605] Thread: Thread-0 ==> 
> MQQueueManager::obtainBaseM  QQueueManager (Java 1.1 version() entry
>        04:33:41 [1059669221625] Thread: Thread-0, Object: 
> com.ibm.mq.MQBinding
>   <mailto:sManagedConnectionFactoryJ11@xxxxxxxx>
> sManagedConnectionFactoryJ11@xxxxxxxx ==> 
> MQBindingsManagedConnectionFactoryJ
>  11 constructor() entry
>        04:33:41 [1059669221629] Thread: Thread-0, Object: 
> com.ibm.mq.MQBinding
>   <mailto:sManagedConnectionFactoryJ11@xxxxxxxx>
> sManagedConnectionFactoryJ11@xxxxxxxx <== 
> MQBindingsManagedConnectionFactoryJ
>  11 constructor() exit
>        04:33:41 [1059669221635] Thread: Thread-0 ==> Uninitialized 
> object::Bin  dingsConnectionRequestInfo
> constructor() entry
>        04:33:41 [1059669221651] Thread: Thread-0, Object: 
> com.ibm.mq.BindingsC
>   <mailto:onnectionRequestInfo@x> onnectionRequestInfo@x <== 
> BindingsConnectionRequestInfo constructor() exit
>        04:33:41 [1059669221665] Thread: Thread-0, Object: 
> com.ibm.mq.MQSimpleC
>   <mailto:onnectionManager@xxxxxxxx> onnectionManager@xxxxxxxx ==>
> allocateConnection() entry
>          04:33:41 [1059669221674] Thread: Thread-0, Object: 
> com.ibm.mq.Managed
>   <mailto:ConnectionStore@xxxxxxxx> ConnectionStore@xxxxxxxx ==>
> chooseOne() entry
>          04:33:41 [1059669221676] Thread: Thread-0, Object: 
> com.ibm.mq.Managed
>   <mailto:ConnectionStore@xxxxxxxx> ConnectionStore@xxxxxxxx <==
> chooseOne() exit
>          04:33:41 [1059669221681] Thread: Thread-0, Object: 
> com.ibm.mq.StoredM
>   <mailto:anagedConnection@xxxxxxxx> anagedConnection@xxxxxxxx ==> 
> StoredManagedConnection constructor() entry
>            04:33:41 [1059669221697] Thread: Thread-0, Object: 
> com.ibm.mq.MQBin
>   <mailto:dingsManagedConnectionFactoryJ11@xxxxxxxx>
> dingsManagedConnectionFactoryJ11@xxxxxxxx ==>
> _createManagedConnection() entr  y
>              04:33:41 [1059669221719] Thread: Thread-0,
> Object: com.ibm.mq.MQM  <mailto:anagedConnectionJ11@xxxxxxxx>
> anagedConnectionJ11@xxxxxxxx ==>
> MQManagedConnection constructor() entry
>               04:33:41 [1059669221750] Thread: Thread-0
> Class: MQSESSIONServe r getMQSESSION() - retrieving MQSESSION...
>               04:33:41 [1059669221758] Thread: Thread-0 ==> 
> raryName() entry
>               04:33:41 [1059669221758] Thread: Thread-0 <== 
> raryName() exit
>               04:33:41 [1059669221782] Thread: Thread-0,
> Object: com.ibm.mq.s  <mailto:erver.MQSESSION@xxxxxxxx> 
> erver.MQSESSION@xxxxxxxx ==>
> setThreadAccess() entry
>                 04:33:41 [1059669221782] Thread: Thread-0 ==> 
> ibraryName() entry
>                 04:33:41 [1059669221782] Thread: Thread-0 <== 
> ibraryName() exit
>                 04:33:41 [1059669221782] Thread: Thread-0,
> Object: com.ibm.mq
>   <mailto:.server.MQSESSION@xxxxxxxx>
> .server.MQSESSION@xxxxxxxx Thread
> switch enabled
>                04:33:41 [1059669221782] Thread: Thread-0,
> Object: com.ibm.mq.s
>   <mailto:erver.MQSESSION@xxxxxxxx> erver.MQSESSION@xxxxxxxx <==
> setThreadAccess() exit
>                04:33:41 [1059669221817] Thread: Thread-0,
> Object: com.ibm.mq.s
>   <mailto:erver.MQSESSION@xxxxxxxx> erver.MQSESSION@xxxxxxxx ==>
> MQCONN() entry
>                  04:33:41 [1059669221817] Thread: Thread-0,
> Object: com.ibm.mq
>   <mailto:.server.MQSESSION@xxxxxxxx>
> .server.MQSESSION@xxxxxxxx 
> common/javabase/com/ibm/mq/server/MQSESSION.java,
>  java, j520, j520-L010802.1 01/07/30 16:27:40 @(#)
>                  04:33:41 [1059669221817] Thread: Thread-0,
> Object: com.ibm.mq
>   <mailto:.server.MQSESSION@xxxxxxxx> .server.MQSESSION@xxxxxxxx Queue

> Manager = ''  FATAL ERROR in native method: Try to invoke an instance
> method as a static me  thod
>        com/ibm/mq/server/MQThread.run()V+0 (MQThread.java:981)
>  $
> Jacob Koshy
> E-Biz EAI Practice
> Wipro Technologies
> 475A, Old Mahabalipuram Road
> Shozhanganallur, India
> Ph: 91-44-24500200  x2027 (Work)
>                  98412 91396 (Mobile)
> email : koshy.jacob@xxxxxxxxx
> **************************Disclaimer**************************
> **********
> Information contained in this E-MAIL being proprietary to Wipro 
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> by the individual  or entity to which it is addressed. You are
> notified that any use, copying
> or dissemination of the information contained in the E-MAIL
> in any manner
> whatsoever is strictly prohibited.
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