OK. I am using this example as a template:
I am using this API:
Using the tried and true "Monkey see, monkey do" approach, I came up
with this PCML:
<pcml version="1.0">
<!-- PCML source for calling "Renew Certificate (QycdRenewCertificate)
API" -->
<!-- Format RNWC0300 - Other formats are available -->
<struct name="rnwc0300">
<data name="certificatePathOffset" type="int" length="4"
<data name="lengthOfPathAndFile" type="int" length="4"
<data name="certPathAndFileName" type="int" length="4"
usage="input" init="0"/>
<!-- Program QYCDRNWC and its parameter list for retrieving RNWC0300
format -->
<program name="qycdrnwc" path="/QICSS.lib/QYCDRNWC.pgm">
<data name="certReqData" type="struct" struct="rnwc0300"
<data name="certReqLength" type="int" length="4"
usage="input" />
<data name="format" type="char" length="8"
usage="input" init="RNWC0300"/>
<data name="errorCode" type="int" length="4"
usage="input" init="0"/>
I have never used PCML to make a call before so I am a little uncertain
as to whether pcml above is correct.
Also, if you scroll down the page in the java code sample provided by
IBM, you'll see that there aren't any input parameters in that java
program and the API (above) has at least one (the path and file name)
plus the length of that path/file name. I don't see the syntax for
setting types of input parameters. Those values would be set on the
"rnwc0300" struct but it's the offset and the *char that is throwing
me. I can get the string (path and file name) and get it's length, but
what about setting the offset and how do I handle that *char in the java
code itself?
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