
I have a utility that I wrote about 10 years ago to do just that. As it
turns out, I only needed to use it once, so I never bothered updating
the code when RPG IV was released. It has a number of different
features, such as:

1) Check a generic list of objects for valid service data and generate a
printout of results.
2) Check a generic list of objects against up to 10 source files to find
a matching source member & print results.
3) Change existing service data by specifying where the source member is
now located.
4) Change existing service data by specifying up to 10 source files to
be searched for a matching source member (by name).

You might need to make some changes to the CLP member, because it relies
upon two sub-programs (MOVPGMMSG & RSNESCMSG) which I'm not at liberty
to distribute. Those two programs were published in News/400 by Ernie
Malaga, and I'm pretty sure you'd still be able to download them if
you're an iSeries Network subscriber. However, it would be easy to
modify the message handling such that those utilities are no longer

The code follows below. 


John Taylor

/*  Command CHGSVCDTA                                        */
/*  Author: John Taylor                                      */
/*                                                           */

CMD  'Change Service Data'

   PARM  obj  qual1                                          +
         MIN( 1 )                                            +
         PROMPT( 'Object name' )

   PARM  objtype  *CHAR  10                                  +
         RSTD( *YES )                                        +
         DFT( *PGM )                                         +
                 *TBL )                                      +
         PROMPT( 'Object type' )

   PARM  objattr  *GENERIC  10                               +
         DFT( *ALL )                                         +
         SPCVAL( ( *ALL  ) )                                 +
         PROMPT( 'Object attribute' )

   PARM  srcfiles  qual2                                     +
         MAX( 10 )                                           +
         PROMPT( 'Source file' )

   PARM  member *CHAR 10                                     +
         SPCVAL( ( *OBJ ) )                                  +
         DFT( *OBJ )                                         +
         PROMPT( 'Source member' )                           +

   PARM  action *CHAR 6                                      +
         RSTD( *YES )                                        +
         SPCVAL( ( *NOCHG ) ( *CHG ) )                       +
         DFT( *NOCHG )                                       +
         PROMPT( 'Action for valid service data' )

   PARM  output *CHAR 6                                      +
         RSTD( *YES )                                        +
         SPCVAL( ( *PRINT ) ( *NONE ) )                      +
         DFT( *PRINT )                                       +
         PROMPT( 'Output' )                                  +
         PMTCTL( *PMTRQS )

   DEP   CTL( obj )                                          +
         PARM( srcfiles )                                    +
         MSGID( DOC0001 )

QUAL1:                                                       +
      QUAL  *GENERIC 10                                      +
            SPCVAL( *ALL )
      QUAL  *NAME    10                                      +
            DFT( *LIBL )                                     +
            PROMPT( 'Library name' )

QUAL2:                                                       +
      QUAL  *NAME    10
      QUAL  *NAME    10                                      +
            DFT( *LIBL )                                     +
            SPCVAL( ( *LIBL ) )                              +
            PROMPT( 'Library name' )

/* Program : CHGSVCDTAC                                             */
/* Abstract: CPP for command CHGSVCDTA.                             */
/*                                                                  */
/* By John Taylor                                                   */
  PGM PARM(                                                           +
            &i_obj        /* INPUT - Qualified object name          */+
            &i_objtyp     /* INPUT - Object type                    */+
            &i_objattr    /* INPUT - Object attribute               */+
            &i_srcfiles   /* INPUT - Source file(s)                 */+
            &i_member     /* INPUT - Source member                  */+
            &i_action     /* INPUT - Action for valid service data  */+
            &i_output     /* INPUT - Output option                  */+

/* Command variables                                                */
  DCL  &i_obj       *CHAR   20
  DCL  &i_objtyp    *CHAR    8
  DCL  &i_objattr   *CHAR   10
  DCL  &i_srcfiles  *CHAR  202
  DCL  &i_member    *CHAR   10
  DCL  &i_action    *CHAR    6
  DCL  &i_output    *CHAR    6

  DCL  &srcfct      *DEC   3 0
  DCL  &srcf1       *CHAR   20
  DCL  &srcf2       *CHAR   20
  DCL  &srcf3       *CHAR   20
  DCL  &srcf4       *CHAR   20
  DCL  &srcf5       *CHAR   20
  DCL  &srcf6       *CHAR   20
  DCL  &srcf7       *CHAR   20
  DCL  &srcf8       *CHAR   20
  DCL  &srcf9       *CHAR   20
  DCL  &srcf10      *CHAR   20

/* General work variables                                           */
  DCL  &objname     *CHAR   10
  DCL  &objlib      *CHAR   10
  DCL  &outfile     *CHAR   10  VALUE('DSPOBJOF')
  DCL  &msg_flag    *LGL     1  VALUE('0')
  DCL  &file_exist  *LGL     1  VALUE('0')

/* Work variables for defining mnemonics                            */
  DCL  &blank       *CHAR    1  VALUE(' ')
  DCL  &false       *LGL     1  VALUE('0')
  DCL  &true        *LGL     1  VALUE('1')

/* Program-level monitor message                                    */

/* Retrieve service data from file object(s)                        */

  CHGVAR &objname (%SST(&i_obj  1 10))
  CHGVAR &objlib  (%SST(&i_obj 11 10))

  DSPOBJD OBJ(&objlib/&objname) OBJTYPE(&i_objtyp) DETAIL(*SERVICE) +
          OUTPUT(*OUTFILE) OUTFILE(QTEMP/&outfile)
  MONMSG CPF2123 EXEC(DO) /* No matching objects found */
         CHGVAR &msg_flag &true
         GOTO CLEAN_UP

  CHGVAR &file_exist &true
/* Program level MONMSG detected; flag for messages.                */
  IF (&msg_flag) DO  /* To protect from error looping */
    SNDPGMMSG MSGID(CPF9898)                                          +
              MSGF(QSYS/QCPFMSG)                                      +
              MSGDTA('Error in message handling process '   *CAT      +
                     'detected during a program failure.'   *TCAT     +
                     'See joblog for details')                        +
  CHGVAR &msg_flag &true

/* Perform any program cleanup operations                            */
  IF (&file_exist) DO
    DLTF QTEMP/&outfile
    MONMSG CPF0000

/* Error handling - resend messages to calling program.              */
/*    IF &msg_flag, then error messages are in queue to be sent.     */
  IF (&msg_flag) DO
    MONMSG CPF0000
    MONMSG CPF0000


      *  CHGSVCDTA - Change Service Data
      *  Parameters     Type       Use   Notes
      *  OBJ@I          CHAR  20    I    Qualified object(s)
      *  OBTP@I         CHAR  10    I    Object type
      *  OBAT@I         CHAR  10    I    Object attribute
      *  SCFL@I         CHAR 202    I    Source file(s)
      *  SCMB@I         CHAR  10    I    Source member
      *  ACTN@I         CHAR   6    I    Action for valid service data
      *  OUTP@I         CHAR   6    I    Output option
     FQPRINT  O   F     198     OF     PRINTER                        UC
      * Array loaded at compile time with commands for QCLEXC
     E                    CMD     1   1 80
      * Array loaded at compile time with misc messages
     E                    AMS     1   3 80
      * Array of qualified source files mapped from DS SCFL
     E                    SFA        10 20
      * User space API data structures
      * DS for the User Space Generic Header.
     IUSHDR       DS
     I                                        1  64 QUSBPB
      *                                             User Area
     I                                    B  65  680QUSBPC
      *                                             Size Generic Header
     I                                       69  72 QUSBPD
      *                                             Structure Release
     I                                       73  80 QUSBPF
      *                                             Format Name
     I                                       81  90 QUSBPG
      *                                             Api Used
     I                                       91 103 QUSBPH
      *                                             Date Time Created
     I                                      104 104 QUSBPJ
      *                                             Information Status
     I                                    B 105 1080QUSBPK
      *                                             Size User Space
     I                                    B 109 1120QUSBPL
      *                                             Offset Input
     I                                    B 113 1160QUSBPM
      *                                             Size Input Parameter
     I                                    B 117 1200QUSBPN
      *                                             Offset Header
     I                                    B 121 1240QUSBPP
      *                                             Size Header Section
     I                                    B 125 1280QUSBPQ
      *                                             Offset List Data
     I                                    B 129 1320QUSBPR
      *                                             Size List Data
     I                                    B 133 1360QUSBPS
      *                                             Number List Entries
     I                                    B 137 1400QUSBPT
      *                                             Size Each Entry
      * DS for the OBJL0400 format created by QUSLOBJ
     IQUSDQ       DS
      *                                             Qus OBJL0400
     I                                        1  10 QUSDQB
      *                                             Object Name Used
     I                                       11  20 QUSDQC
      *                                             Object Lib Name Used
     I                                       21  30 QUSDQD
      *                                             Object Type Used
     I                                       31  31 QUSDQF
      *                                             Information Status
     I                                       32  41 QUSDQG
      *                                             Extended Obj Attr
     I                                       42  91 QUSDQH
      *                                             Text Description
     I                                       92 101 QUSDQJ
      *                                             User Defined Attr
     I                                      102 108 QUSDQK
      *                                             Reserved
     I                                    B 109 1120QUSDQL
      *                                             Aux Storage Pool
     I                                      113 122 QUSDQM
      *                                             Object Owner
     I                                      123 124 QUSDQN
      *                                             Object Domain
     I                                      125 132 QUSDQP
      *                                             Create Date Time
     I                                      133 140 QUSDQQ
      *                                             Change Date Time
     I                                      141 150 QUSDQR
      *                                             Storage
     I                                      151 151 QUSDQS
      *                                             Object Compress
     I                                      152 152 QUSDQT
      *                                             Allow Change
     I                                      153 153 QUSDQV
      *                                             Changed By Program
     I                                      154 163 QUSDQW
      *                                             Object Audit Value
     I                                      164 172 QUSDQX
      *                                             Reserved2
     I                                      173 182 QUSDQY
      *                                             Source File Name
     I                                      183 192 QUSDQZ
      *                                             Source File Lib Name
     I                                      193 202 QUSDQ0
      *                                             Source File Mbr Name
     I                                      203 215 QUSDQ1
      *                                             Source File Update
Date Time
     I                                      216 225 QUSDQ2
      *                                             Creator User Profile
     I                                      226 233 QUSDQ3
      *                                             System Object
     I                                      234 242 QUSDQ4
      *                                             System Level
     I                                      243 258 QUSDQ5
      *                                             Compiler
     I                                      259 266 QUSDQ6
      *                                             Object Level
     I                                      267 267 QUSDQ7
      *                                             User Changed
     I                                      268 283 QUSDQ8
      *                                             Licensed Program
     I                                      284 293 QUSDQ9
      *                                             PTF
     I                                      294 303 QUSDRB
      *                                             APAR
     I                                      304 313 QUSDRC
      *                                             Primary Group
     I                                      314 324 QUSDRD
      *                                             Reserved3
      *Record structure for QUSRMBRD MBRD0100 format
     IQUSCP       DS
      *                                             Qdb Mbrd0100
     I                                    B   1   40QUSCPB
      *                                             Bytes Returned
     I                                    B   5   80QUSCPC
      *                                             Bytes Available
     I                                        9  18 QUSCPD
      *                                             Db File Name
     I                                       19  28 QUSCPF
      *                                             Db File Lib
     I                                       29  38 QUSCPG
      *                                             Member Name
     I                                       39  48 QUSCPH
      *                                             File Attr
     I                                       49  58 QUSCPJ
      *                                             Src Type
     I                                       59  71 QUSCPK
      *                                             Crt Date
     I                                       72  84 QUSCPL
      *                                             Change Date
     I                                       85 134 QUSCPM
      *                                             Text Desc
     I                                      135 135 QUSCPN
      *                                             Src File
      * API Error Return DS
     I@ERRDS     IDS
      *                                             Qus EC
     I                                    B   1   40QUSBNB
      *                                             Bytes Provided
     I                                    B   5   80QUSBNC
      *                                             Bytes Available
     I                                        9  15 QUSBND
      *                                             Exception Id
     I                                       16  16 QUSBNF
      *                                             Reserved
     I                                       17 144 QUSBNG
      *                                             128 bytes Of
Exception Data
      * Qualified names of up to 10 source files
     ISCFL        DS
     I                                    B   1   20SRCCN
      *                                         #of files passed by
     I                                        3  22 SRC01
     I                                       23  42 SRC02
     I                                       43  62 SRC03
     I                                       63  82 SRC04
     I                                       83 102 SRC05
     I                                      103 122 SRC06
     I                                      123 142 SRC07
     I                                      143 162 SRC08
     I                                      163 182 SRC09
     I                                      183 202 SRC10
     I                                        3 202 SFA
      * Change Information Data Structure for API QLICOBJD
      *    The field KEY being initialized with a value of 1
      *       informs the API that we want to change the
      *       source file information.
      *    The DATA field contains the information the API
      *       will use to replace the current values.
     ICHGSCF      DS
     I I            1                     B   1   40NBRRCD
     I I            1                     B   5   80KEY
     I I            30                    B   9  120LENDTA
     I                                       13  43 DATA
     I                                       13  32 SRCF
     I                                       13  22 SRCFN
     I                                       23  32 SRCFL
     I                                       33  42 MBRNAM
      *    The field KEY being initialized with a value of 2
      *       informs the API that we want to change the
      *       source file change date information.
      *    The DATA field contains the information the API
      *       will use to replace the current values.
     ICHGSDT      DS
     I I            1                     B   1   40NBRRC2
     I I            2                     B   5   80KEY2
     I I            13                    B   9  120LENDT2
     I                                       13  25 CHGDAT
      * Object name/library from input parameter
     IQOBJ        DS
     I                                        1  10 OBNAME
     I                                       11  20 OBLIB
      * Character date & time structure for QWCCVTDT
     I@DTOVL     IDS
     I                                        1   1 @DTCY
     I                                        2   7 @DTDT
     I                                        8  13 @DTTM
     I                                       14  16 @DTMS
     I                                        1  13 CHDTTM
      * Miscellaneous Binary Variables
     I@MISC       DS
     I I            4                     B   1   40@MNTYP
     I I            1                     B   5   80@MPSTK
     I I            80                    B   9  120@SDTAL
     I I            1                     B  13  160@SPSTK
     I I            0                     B  17  200@RPSTK
     I I            256                   B  21  240@RMSIL
     I I            0                     B  25  280@RWAIT
     I I            180                   B  29  320@2RCLN
     I I            0                     B  33  360STRPOS
     I I            0                     B  37  400DTALEN
     I I            135                   B  41  440@MDRLN
      * All Message Type String.
     IALLTYP      DS
     I I            '*INFO     '              1  10 ALTYP1
     I I            '*DIAG     '             11  20 ALTYP2
     I I            '*COMP     '             21  30 ALTYP3
     I I            '*ESCAPE   '             31  40 ALTYP4
      * Qualified QCPFMSG   *LIBL
     IQCPFMS      DS
     I I            'QCPFMSG   '              1  10 QCPFMF
     I I            '*LIBL     '             11  20 QCPFML
      * Message data DS
     IWRK30       DS
     I                                       11  20 @M1120
     I                                       21  30 @M2130
      * Miscellaneous Constants
     I              'CHGSVCDTA'           C         CMDNAM
     I              'XXXXXXXXXX'          C         #FIL10
      * Receive parameters
     C           *ENTRY    PLIST
     C           QOBJ      PARM           OBJ@I
     C                     PARM           OBTP@I
     C                     PARM           OBAT@I
     C           SCFL      PARM           SCFL@I
     C                     PARM           SCMB@I
     C                     PARM           ACTN@I
     C                     PARM           OUTP@I
      * M A I N    B L O C K
      * Create a user space in QTEMP to receive data from QUSLOBJ
     C                     MOVEL'USLOBJ'  USPNAM    P
     C                     MOVEL'QTEMP'   USPLIB    P
     C                     CALL 'QUSCRTUS'             80
     C                     PARM           USRSPC           Qualified
     C                     PARM 'USRSPC'  USPEAT           Extended
     C                     PARM 1024      USPISZ           Initial Size
     C                     PARM X'00'     USPIVL           Initial Value
     C                     PARM '*EXCLUDE'USPAUT           Public
     C                     PARM *BLANKS   USPTXT           Text
     C                     PARM '*YES'    USPRPL           Replace
Existing Spac
     C                     PARM           @ERRDS           Error
      * If any errors encountered by the API,
     C           *IN80     CASEQ*ON       ERROR
     C                     ENDCS
      * Run QUSLOBJ, writing information to the user space
     C                     RESET@ERRDS
     C                     CALL 'QUSLOBJ'              80
     C                     PARM           USRSPC           User Space
     C                     PARM 'OBJL0400'LSTFMT  8        Format Name
     C                     PARM           OBJ@I            Object(s)
     C                     PARM           OBTP@I           Object Type
     C                     PARM           @ERRDS           Error
      * If any errors encountered by the API,
     C           *IN80     CASEQ*ON       ERROR
     C                     ENDCS
      * Get user space header information
     C                     RESET@ERRDS
     C                     CALL 'QUSRTVUS'             80
     C                     PARM           USRSPC           User Space
     C                     PARM 1         STRPOS           Starting
     C                     PARM 140       DTALEN           Data Length
     C                     PARM           USHDR            Data
     C                     PARM           @ERRDS           Error
      * If any errors encountered by the API,
     C           *IN80     CASEQ*ON       ERROR
     C                     ENDCS
      * IF no entries exist in user space
      *    Send an Escape message to caller.
      *    CPF0001 is:
      *       No objects of specified name or type exist in
      *       library &2.
     C           QUSBPS    IFEQ 0
     C                     MOVE 'CPF2123' @SMID
     C                     MOVEL'*ESCAPE '@SMTYP
     C                     MOVEL#FIL10    @SMDTA    P
     C                     CAT  OBLIB:0   @SMDTA    P
     C                     EXSR @SNMSG
     C                     ENDIF
      * The program terminates here because an Escape
      *    message was sent to the caller.
      * IF printed output was requested
      *    override QPRINT to CPI(15) PAGESIZE(66 198)
     C           OUTP@I    IFEQ '*PRINT'
     C                     MOVELCMD,1     CMDSTR256
     C                     CALL 'QCMDEXC'
     C                     PARM           CMDSTR
     C                     PARM 45        CMDLEN 155
      * If any errors encountered by the API,
     C           *IN80     CASEQ*ON       ERROR
     C                     ENDCS
      *    open the printer file
      *    output the report header
     C                     OPEN QPRINT
     C                     EXCPTHEADER
     C                     ENDIF
      * Move attribute parameter to work var
      * IF subset on attribute required
      *    calculate length of attribute
     C                     MOVE OBAT@I    OBAT
     C           OBAT@I    IFNE '*ALL'
     C           ' '       CHEKROBAT      X
     C           10        SUB  X         X
      *    check for generic name
     C           '*'       CHEKROBAT      GNLEN
      *    IF generic name
      *       adjust length of attribute
      *       strip special char '*' from attribute
     C           GNLEN     IFNE 0
     C                     SUB  1         X
     C           X         SUBSTOBAT@I    OBAT
     C                     ENDIF
     C                     ENDIF
      * Read each list data section entry
      * The starting byte number is the list data section's offset plus
      * The length of the data to retrieve (each entry) equals QUSBPT.
     C           QUSBPQ    ADD  1         STRPOS
     C                     Z-ADDQUSBPT    DTALEN
      *    Repeat the process QUSBPS times
     C           1         DO   QUSBPS
      *       Read the user space. The length of data being retreived
      *       is 324 (the length of the QUSDQ data structure).
     C                     RESET@ERRDS
     C                     CALL 'QUSRTVUS'             80
     C                     PARM           USRSPC           User Space
     C                     PARM           STRPOS           Starting
     C                     PARM 324       DTALEN           Data Length
     C                     PARM           QUSDQ            Data
     C                     PARM           @ERRDS           Error
      *       If any errors encountered by the API,
     C           *IN80     CASEQ*ON       ERROR
     C                     ENDCS
      *       Increment the number of the first byte read by QUSBPT in
      *        preparation for next read. This allows us to ITER past
     C                     ADD  QUSBPT    STRPOS
      *       IF subset on attribute required
      *          fetch substring for comparison
     C           OBAT@I    IFNE '*ALL'
     C           X         SUBSTQUSDQG    USDQG
      *          IF object attribute <> specified attribute
      *             skip this entry
     C           OBAT      IFNE USDQG
     C                     ITER
     C                     ENDIF
     C                     ENDIF
      *       Process the entry
     C                     EXSR PROCSS
     C                     ENDDO
      * IF printed output was requested
      *    output the report summary
      *    close the printer file
     C           OUTP@I    IFEQ '*PRINT'
     C   OF                EXCPTHEADER
     C                     EXCPTTOTALS
     C                     CLOSEQPRINT
     C                     ENDIF
      * Delete the user space
     C                     RESET@ERRDS
     C                     CALL 'QUSDLTUS'             80
     C                     PARM           USRSPC           User Space
     C                     PARM           @ERRDS           Error
      * End of job....
     C           ENDPGM    TAG
     C                     MOVE *ON       *INLR
     C                     RETRN
      *                    Subroutines
      * PROCSS - Process a single entry
     C           PROCSS    BEGSR
      * Increment number of objects analyzed
     C                     ADD  1         ANZCNT
      * Move object name & type to report fields
     C                     MOVELQUSDQB    OUOBNM
     C                     MOVELQUSDQD    OUOBTP
      * IF information status field is 'A'
      *    (not enough authority to object)
      *    IF report is being printed
      *       output an error message
      *    branch to end of routine
     C           QUSDQF    IFEQ 'A'
     C           OUTP@I    IFEQ '*PRINT'
     C                     MOVELAMS,1     MSCDTA190 P
     C                     CAT  QUSDQB:1  MSCDTA
     C                     CAT  'in':1    MSCDTA
     C                     CAT  'lib':1   MSCDTA
     C                     CAT  QUSDQC:1  MSCDTA
     C                     CAT  '.':0     MSCDTA
     C   OF                EXCPTHEADER
     C                     EXCPTDETAIL
     C   OF                EXCPTHEADER
     C                     EXCPTMSCLIN
     C                     ENDIF
     C                     GOTO PROCS9
     C                     ENDIF
      * IF information status field is 'D'
      * OR information status field is 'P'
      *    (object is damaged)
      *    IF report is being printed
      *       output an error message
      *    branch to end of routine
     C           QUSDQF    IFEQ 'D'
     C           QUSDQF    OREQ 'P'
     C           OUTP@I    IFEQ '*PRINT'
     C                     MOVEL'Object'  MSCDTA    P
     C                     CAT  QUSDQB:1  MSCDTA
     C                     CAT  'in':1    MSCDTA
     C                     CAT  'lib':1   MSCDTA
     C                     CAT  QUSDQC:1  MSCDTA
     C                     CAT  'is dam':1MSCDTA
     C                     CAT  'aged.':0 MSCDTA
     C   OF                EXCPTHEADER
     C                     EXCPTMSCLIN
     C                     ENDIF
     C                     GOTO PROCS9
     C                     ENDIF
      * IF information status field is 'L'
      *    (object is locked)
      *    IF report is being printed
      *       output an error message
      *    branch to end of routine
     C           QUSDQF    IFEQ 'D'
     C           OUTP@I    IFEQ '*PRINT'
     C                     MOVEL'Object'  MSCDTA    P
     C                     CAT  QUSDQB:1  MSCDTA
     C                     CAT  'in':1    MSCDTA
     C                     CAT  'lib':1   MSCDTA
     C                     CAT  QUSDQC:1  MSCDTA
     C                     CAT  'is loc':1MSCDTA
     C                     CAT  'ked.':0  MSCDTA
     C   OF                EXCPTHEADER
     C                     EXCPTDETAIL
     C   OF                EXCPTHEADER
     C                     EXCPTMSCLIN
     C                     ENDIF
     C                     GOTO PROCS9
     C                     ENDIF
      * Append object attribute to object type
     C                     CAT  QUSDQG:1  OUOBTP
      * Format creation date & move to report field
     C           QUSDQP    IFNE *BLANKS
     C                     RESET@ERRDS
     C                     CALL 'QWCCVTDT'             80
     C                     PARM '*DTS'    @DTIFM 10        Input format
     C                     PARM QUSDQP    @DTIVL 13        Create
     C                     PARM '*MDY'    @DTOFM 10        Output format
     C                     PARM *BLANKS   @DTOVL           Output value
     C                     PARM           @ERRDS           Error
      *     If any errors encountered by the API
     C           *IN80     CASEQ*ON       ERROR
     C                     ENDCS
     C                     MOVE @DTDT     OUOBCD
     C                     ENDIF
      * Move object text to report field
     C                     MOVELQUSDQH    OUOBTX
      * Retrieve member description of original source
     C                     MOVELQUSDQY    SRCF      P
     C                     MOVE QUSDQZ    SRCF
     C                     MOVE QUSDQ0    MBRNAM
     C                     EXSR RTMBD
      * IF service data exists
      * AND source change date/time doesn't match
      *     we have bad service data
     C           SVCFLG    IFEQ '1'
     C           QUSCPL    ANDNEQUSDQ1
     C                     MOVE '0'       SVCFLG
     C                     ENDIF
      * Move service data to report fields
     C                     MOVELQUSDQY    OUOSFN
     C                     MOVELQUSDQZ    OUOSFL
     C                     MOVELQUSDQ0    OUOSFM
      * IF valid service data
      * AND no action required for valid service data
      *     branch around changes to service data
     C           SVCFLG    IFEQ '1'
     C           ACTN@I    ANDEQ'*NOCHG'
     C                     GOTO PROCS8
     C                     ENDIF
      * Check each source file passed by caller (up to 10) for
      * the first matching member name.
      *    Setup member name
     C           SCMB@I    IFEQ '*OBJ'
     C                     MOVELQUSDQB    MBRNAM
     C                     ELSE
     C                     MOVELSCMB@I    MBRNAM
     C                     ENDIF
      *    Repeat the process SRCCN times
     C                     DO   SRCCN     X
      *       Check source file 'X' for matching member
     C                     MOVELSFA,X     SRCF      P
     C                     EXSR RTMBD
      *       IF usable service data was found
      *          change the service data for the object
      *          exit loop processing
     C           SVCFLG    IFEQ '1'
     C                     EXSR CHOBD
     C                     LEAVE
     C                     ENDIF
     C                     ENDDO
     C           PROCS8    TAG
      * IF printed output was requested
      *    output a detail line
     C           OUTP@I    IFEQ '*PRINT'
     C   OF                EXCPTHEADER
     C                     EXCPTDETAIL
      *    IF pending error message from routine CHOBD
      *       output the error message
     C           CHGERR    IFEQ '1'
     C   OF                EXCPTHEADER
     C                     EXCPTMSCLIN
     C                     ENDIF
      *    IF no usable service data found
      *       output an error message
     C           SVCFLG    IFEQ '0'
     C                     MOVELAMS,3     MSCDTA    P
     C   OF                EXCPTHEADER
     C                     EXCPTMSCLIN
     C                     ENDIF
     C                     ENDIF
     C           PROCS9    ENDSR
      * RTMBD - Retrieve Member Description
     CSR         RTMBD     BEGSR
      * Retrieve member description of object source
     C                     RESET@ERRDS
     C                     Z-ADD128       QUSBNB
     C                     CALL 'QUSRMBRD'             80
     C                     PARM           QUSCP
     C                     PARM           @MDRLN
     C                     PARM 'MBRD0100'@MDFMN  8
     C                     PARM SRCF      @MDFLQ 20
     C                     PARM MBRNAM    @MDMBR 10
     C                     PARM '0'       @MDOVP  1
     C                     PARM           @ERRDS
      * The following errors returned by API indicate bad service data
      *   CPF32DE - Value &1 for find member parameter is not valid.
      *   CPF32DF - Member &3 not found.
      *   CPF3C23 - Object &1 is not a database file
      *   CPF3C26 - File  &1 has no members.
      *   CPF3C27 - Cannot get information about member &3 from file &1.
      *   CPF9810 - Library &1 not found.
      *   CPF9812 - File &1 in library &2 not found.
      *   CPF9815 - Member &5 file &2 in library &3 not found.
     C                     MOVE '1'       SVCFLG
     C           QUSBND    IFNE *BLANKS
     C           QUSBND    IFEQ 'CPF32DE'
     C           QUSBND    OREQ 'CPF32DF'
     C           QUSBND    OREQ 'CPF3C23'
     C           QUSBND    OREQ 'CPF3C26'
     C           QUSBND    OREQ 'CPF3C27'
     C           QUSBND    OREQ 'CPF9810'
     C           QUSBND    OREQ 'CPF9812'
     C           QUSBND    OREQ 'CPF9815'
     C                     MOVE '0'       SVCFLG
     C                     ELSE
      * Any other API error is unexpected and should be sent
      * to the caller as an exception error.
     C                     MOVE QUSBND    @SMID
     C                     MOVEL'*ESCAPE '@SMTYP
     C                     MOVELQUSBNG    @SMDTA    P
     C                     EXSR @SNMSG
      *    The program terminates here because an Escape
      *    message was sent to the caller.
     C                     ENDIF
     C                     ENDIF
      * IF the file specified is not a source file,
      *    we have bad service data
     C           QUSCPN    IFNE '1'
     C                     MOVE '0'       SVCFLG
     C                     ENDIF
     CSR                   ENDSR
      * CHOBD - Change Object Description
     CSR         CHOBD     BEGSR
      * Assume no error
     C                     MOVE '0'       CHGERR
      * Call "Change Object Description" API
      *    to change the source file name
     C                     MOVELQUSDQB    OBJLIB 20 P
     C                     MOVE QUSDQC    OBJLIB
     C                     RESET@ERRDS
     C                     CALL 'QLICOBJD'             80
     C                     PARM           RTNLIB 10
     C                     PARM           OBJLIB
     C                     PARM QUSDQD    OBJTYP 10
     C                     PARM           CHGSCF
     C                     PARM           @ERRDS
      * IF an error was generated by API
      *    move errors to caller
     C           *IN80     IFEQ *ON
     C                     EXSR MOVERR
      *    Setup a message for output on report
      *    Branch to end of sub-routine
     C                     MOVE '1'       CHGERR
     C                     MOVELAMS,2     MSCDTA    P
     C                     GOTO RTMBD9
     C                     ENDIF
      * Move new service data to report fields
     C                     MOVELSRCF      OUNSCF    P
     C                     MOVELMBRNAM    OUNSFM    P
      * Call "Change Object Description" API
      *    to change the source changed date & time
     C                     MOVE QUSCPL    CHGDAT    P
     C                     RESET@ERRDS
     C                     CALL 'QLICOBJD'             80
     C                     PARM           RTNLIB 10
     C                     PARM           OBJLIB
     C                     PARM QUSDQD    OBJTYP 10
     C                     PARM           CHGSDT
     C                     PARM           @ERRDS
      * IF an error was generated by API
      *    move errors to caller
     C           *IN80     IFEQ *ON
     C                     EXSR MOVERR
      *    Setup a message for output on report
      *    Branch to end of sub-routine
     C                     MOVE '1'       CHGERR
     C                     MOVELAMS,2     MSCDTA    P
     C                     GOTO RTMBD9
     C                     ENDIF
      * Increment number of objects changed
     C                     ADD  1         CHGCNT
     CSR         RTMBD9    ENDSR
      * ERROR - General Error Handler
     CSR         ERROR     BEGSR
      * Receive PGM Message & Move To Caller
     C                     EXSR MOVERR
      * Send an Escape message to caller.
      * CPF0001 is:
      *    Error found on &1 command.
     C                     MOVE 'CPF0001' @SMID
     C                     MOVEL'*ESCAPE '@SMTYP
     C                     MOVELCMDNAM    @SMDTA    P
     C                     EXSR @SNMSG
      * The program terminates here because an Escape
      *    message was sent to the caller.
     CSR                   ENDSR
      * MOVERR - Move All Messages To Caller
     CSR         MOVERR    BEGSR
      * Call "Receive Program Message" API
      *    to remove the RPG999, Message received.
     C                     RESET@ERRDS
     C                     CALL 'QMHRCVPM'
     C                     PARM           @RMINF256
     C                     PARM 256       @RMSIL
     C                     PARM 'RCVM0200'@RFMT   8
     C                     PARM '*'       @RPGMQ 10
     C                     PARM 0         @RPSTK
     C                     PARM '*LAST   '@RMTYP 10
     C                     PARM '    '    @RMKEY  4
     C                     PARM 0         @RWAIT
     C                     PARM '*REMOVE '@RMACT 10
     C                     PARM           @ERRDS
      * Call "Move Program Message" API
      *    to redirect all messages to caller
     C                     RESET@ERRDS
     C                     CALL 'QMHMOVPM'
     C                     PARM '    '    @MKEY   4
     C                     PARM ALLTYP    @MTYPE 40
     C                     PARM 4         @MNTYP
     C                     PARM '*'       @MPGMQ 10
     C                     PARM 1         @MPSTK
     C                     PARM           @ERRDS
     CSR                   ENDSR
      * @SNMSG - Send Program Message
     CSR         @SNMSG    BEGSR
      * Call "Send Program Message" API
      *    to send messages to caller.
     C                     RESET@ERRDS
     C                     CALL 'QMHSNDPM'
     C                     PARM           @SMID   7
     C                     PARM QCPFMS    @SMSGF 20
     C                     PARM           @SMDTA 80
     C                     PARM 80        @SDTAL
     C                     PARM           @SMTYP 10
     C                     PARM '*'       @SPGMQ 10
     C                     PARM 1         @SPSTK
     C                     PARM           @SMKEY  4
     C                     PARM           @ERRDS
     CSR                   ENDSR
      *******************  Program Initialization
     CSR         *INZSR    BEGSR
      * Define data types
     C                     MOVE *BLANKS   $C1     1        Char(1)
     C                     MOVE *BLANKS   $C6     6        Char(6)
     C                     MOVE *BLANKS   $C10   10        Char(10)
     C                     MOVE *BLANKS   $C20   20        Char(20)
     C                     MOVE *BLANKS   $C202 202        Char(202)
      * Define parameters
     C           *LIKE     DEFN $C20      OBJ@I
     C           *LIKE     DEFN $C10      OBTP@I
     C           *LIKE     DEFN $C10      OBAT@I
     C           *LIKE     DEFN $C202     SCFL@I
     C           *LIKE     DEFN $C10      SCMB@I
     C           *LIKE     DEFN $C6       ACTN@I
     C           *LIKE     DEFN $C6       OUTP@I
      * Define report output variables
     C           *LIKE     DEFN $C10      OUOSFN
     C           *LIKE     DEFN $C10      OUOSFL
     C           *LIKE     DEFN $C10      OUOSFM
     C           *LIKE     DEFN $C10      OUOBNM
     C           *LIKE     DEFN $C10      OUOBTP
     C           *LIKE     DEFN QUSDQH    OUOBTX
     C           *LIKE     DEFN $C20      OUNSCF
     C           *LIKE     DEFN $C10      OUNSFM
     C                     Z-ADD0         OUOBCD  60
     C                     Z-ADD0         ANZCNT  40       No. Analyzed
     C                     Z-ADD0         CHGCNT  40       No. Changed
      * Define misc work variables
     C           *LIKE     DEFN OBAT@I    OBAT
     C           *LIKE     DEFN QUSDQG    USDQG
     C                     MOVE *BLANKS   CHGERR  1
     C                     MOVE *BLANKS   SVCFLG  1
     C                     Z-ADD0         X       40
     C                     Z-ADD0         GNLEN   40
      * Convert source file count from binary to decimal
     C                     Z-ADDSRCCN     SRCCNT  30
      * Fetch system time
     C                     TIME           CLOCK   60
     CSR                   ENDSR
      *******************  Output Specifications
      * Header Specifications
     OQPRINT  E  2 1           HEADER
     O                         UDATE Y    8
     O                         CLOCK   +  1 '  :  :  '
     O                                   78 'Change Service Data'
     O                                  125 'Page:'
     O                         PAGE  Z  132
     O        E  1             HEADER
     O                                   17 'Object name . . :'
     O                         OBNAME  +  1
     O        E  1             HEADER
     O                                   17 'Object type . . :'
     O                         OBTP@I  +  1
     O                                 +  2 'Attribute:'
     O                         OBAT@I  +  1
     O        E  2             HEADER
     O                                   17 'Object library  :'
     O                         OBLIB   +  1
     O        E  1             HEADER
     O                                   10 'Object    '
     O                                 +  1 'Type      '
     O                                 +  1 'Src File  '
     O                                 +  1 'Src Lib   '
     O                                 +  1 'Src Member'
     O                                 +  1 'Creation'
     O                                 +  1 'New Source'
     O                                 + 22 'Object Text'
      * Detail Specifications
     OQPRINT  E 1              DETAIL
     O                         OUOBNM B  10
      *                         Object name
     O                         OUOBTP B+  1
      *                         Object type w/attribute
     O                         OUOSFN B+  1
      *                         Original source file name
     O                         OUOSFL B+  1
      *                         Original source file lib
     O                         OUOSFM B+  1
      *                         Original source file member
     O                         OUOBCDYB+  1
      *                         Object creation date (mm/dd/yy)
     O                         OUNSCF B+  1
      *                         New source file name
     O                         OUNSFM B+  1
      *                         New source file member
     O                         OUOBTX B+  1
      *                         Object text
      * Report totals
     OQPRINT  E 2              TOTALS
     O                         ANZCNTJ    8
     O                                 +  1 'Objects analyzed'
     O                         CHGCNTJ + 10
     O                                 +  1 'Objects changed'
      * 190 Column Misc Line
     OQPRINT  E 1              MSCLIN
     O                                    3 '*'
     O                         MSCDTA B+  1
** Command Definitions For QCMDEXC
** Misc Messages
Not authorized to object
An error occurred while trying to update service data. See job log.
Could not find corresponding source member in specified list of files.

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