Hi Steve,
I'm sorry, I missed the beginning of this thread. It sounds like you're
having a problem that the i5/OS SSL engine is not trusting someone's
certificate? I.e. you're getting an error like "certificate not
trusted" or "the issuer is not in the certificate store" or something
like that?
I like the use the OpenSSL tools to troubleshoot problems like this. I
don't know if you have OpenSSL installed somewhere, but if not, I've
stuck a Windows version of the program you need on my web server:
Download that exe to a folder on your PC, then open up a command prompt
(MS-DOS Window) and run the program like this:
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect ftp.example.com:990
(the 990 in the preceding example is the port number. If you're using a
different port number, supply that instead.)
The openssl tool will attempt to connect and establish an SSL
connection. It will print various diagnostics, including the server's
certificate and the issuer's certificate. (server certificate first,
then issuer). When you're done, press Ctrl-C to exit the tool.
The issuer's certificate can be copy/pasted into a file in the IFS, and
then installed into the digital certificate manager. This is an easy
way to find out who the issuer is, and make you sure you have the
correct issuer certificate.
Make sure you install it as a CA (Certificate Authority) certificate.
After you've installed it, use the Verify option in the i5/OS digitcal
certificate manager to make sure it's valid, and then go to the "manage
applications" section and make sure that the FTP client trusts the
You do not need (or want) to install the actual server certificate --
just the issuer (i.e., certificate authority). The server's
certificate is automatically sent to you when you connect. It's the
issuer that's important, since the SSL engine needs to verify that the
server certificate is valid, and it does that by verifying that it
matches the issuer.
Hope that helps.
Steve McKay wrote:
How can I determine 'who' is the signer of the certificate?
BTW - The certificate that I was sent (from WS-FTP Server) is
identical to the certificate that I exported from my copy of WS-FTP
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