... today I had the need to use WRKDBF's undelete function. It does not work
under V5R4 ....
Just FYI, the UNDEL2 variant eliminates the patched system state program by
using the copy to SAVF method of getting at the data. Alas, it appears the
OS fails to copy the original raw data to the SAVF in some cases, meaning
UNDEL2 is unable to recover the data and you get default values for the
fields instead (typically blank/zero). Speculation is that this occurs
whenever the file includes a data, time, or timestamp field but I'm not sure
if that is always true or the only cases where the OS does not copy the
original data to the SAVF. The same limitation exists in other tools which
use the SAVF method. I'm not aware of a PTF to address this, though perhaps
one exists.
Another option at V5R4 may be to temporarily change the system value for
object restore to allow the patched MI program to restore to the system then
continue to use the original UNDEL capabilities. This option may not be
available beyond V5R4 however.
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