On 15/02/2008, at 12:07 AM, ALopez@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
You can prove this by creating dummy objects to consume lots of free
space. Something like:
repeated until sufficient space is consumed.
Thanks. I did want to try that, but was thinking of restoring a
bunch of
items from tape to a junk library. When I try to run that I'm told
RCDLEN has a maximum size of 32766 and SIZE a max of 2147483646. The
resulting file has a size in DSPOBJD of 16384. What am I missing?
Just me coding from memory instead of testing first. I just used the
maximum values for *INT2 and *INT4. Change the sizes I specified to
the limits imposed by the system. Once bitten:
CPC7301 - File BIGFILE created in library DUMMY.
MCH2804 - Tried to go larger than storage limit for object &1.
CPF3246 - Member BIGFILE not added to file BIGFILE in DUMMY.
NOTE the defect in message MCH2804.
A PF is capable of containing 4 294 967 294 records which is twice
what SIZE allows but that's just due to signed vs. unsigned. However
actual number of records allowed is a function of record length and
maximum file object size.
Nett result of this appears to be the combined size of RCDLEN * SIZE
+ overhead exceeds the maximum size of a PF object.
The size of 16, 384 is simply the *FILE size. The member is the
object that contains the records and therefore it is the member that
allocates space. Because the error messages indicate the member was
not added the object size is simply the *FILE size.
VRM540 Maximum Capacities show:
Number of bytes in a record 32 766 bytes
Number of records contained in a file member 4 294 967 294 records
Number of bytes in a file member 1 869 162 846 624 bytes
32 766 * 2 147 483 646 = 70,364,449,144,836 which is a lot bigger
than these limits therefore we estimate and get 57 045 804 as the
likely maximum for SIZE. I don't have access to any system with that
much free space so you'll have to experiment--or simply pick a
smaller SIZE value and repeat more often.
Simon Coulter.
FlyByNight Software OS/400, i5/OS Technical Specialists
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