rick baird wrote:
I'm sure it's a missing ptf or something, but the strangest thing
just happened.
STRPDM option 1, specified *SRC* for list of libraries that
have the letters SRC somewhere in them. press enter.
By convention, option 1 would be referred to by its command. I
believe that would be WRKLIBPDM, to denote that was the feature
being utilized from the STRPDM menu. In that manner no
/navigational/ activity need be described, as it is much easier to
just suggest that the following command string was issued:
Libraries are listed. many, but not all, of them have the
following behavior:
select option 12. error - File saved with STG(*FREE) specified.
(note two spaces between File and saved - indicating a blank
parameter passed to message)
Again, that is just an indication that WRKOBJPDM LIB(TheLib) was
invoked. I do not recall if the same /subset/ is implicit in an
option 12, but if the subset were maintained, then simply described
by the command string:
Do the direct invocations [vs from the PDM menu] for either
OBJ(*ALL) or with a generic name specification exhibit the same problem?
option 5. same thing. pdm option EL (edtlibl). same thing.
run ANY IBM option or PDM option.
always the same: File saved with STG(*FREE) specified.
I always disliked that the object validation phase which precedes
the invocation [especially for user defined] of an option specified
next to an object name. I really do not care if PDM can access the
object for an AJ [wrkactjob] request which has nothing to do with
the object; i.e. no association other than chance location of the
cursor, when I chose to issue that request. However that validation
is done according to design :-(
some libraries in that list work fine, but most don't. If I
don't specify generic name selection in PDM option 1, there is no
funny strange eh?
Not strange if indeed the objects in the lits are /suspended/.
The PDM#### error condition that is being reported is
[in]directly a response to the exception 2203 "Object suspended"
error message MCH3403 which indicates that [effectively] the object
was previously saved using STG(*FREE) as the message suggests. How
the object name replacement text is established by PDM may be
dependent on whether the msgMCH3403 is signaled directly to PDM
versus a CPF21## message from the list object feature [actually PDM
uses its own list object function rather than the /librarian/
feature; probably any indirect message is the same or another
PDM#### message]. Presumably a search for that message identifier
as token, with an OR condition for that same token prefixed with msg
[i.e. msgPDM####], would find an APAR describing the problem if it
were known & documented in an APAR.
Is the error condition correct, except its replacement text of
blank? That is, does DSPOBJD of any of the objects against which
the [user defined] options are issued and for which the error
suggests the unnamed object is /freed/ [aka suspended]? FWiW a
database *FILE can not truly be /suspended/, only any one or up to
all of its members can have their data freed.
Some object types can not actually be suspended. It seems the
*LIB either can, or that those objects are incorrectly being
interpreted as having been suspended; again, see the DSPOBJD
details. If a library can be suspended, the fact that the PDM####
hard codes the word 'File' would suggest that it probably only
intends to send that message from WRKOBJPDM and possibly in a poorly
worded manner from WRKMBRPDM. That would also explain why the
/object/ name would not be set when using the WRKLIBPDM [i.e. list
of library objects] since PDM tracks the /object/ and /library/
separately to reflect the hierarchy. You could attempt the
following invocation to review if at least the /object name/ appears
correct in the message [replacement variable]:
Regards, Chuck
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