Hi All,
I am in the process of doing some initial research into making it easier for
software (and/or example code) to be obtained by IBM i developers and
installed on their machines. The problem I see today is that it takes too
much effort to get software/code installed onto an IBM i. It usually
involves a lot of manual downloading and copy/paste processes. Wouldn't it
be cool to be able to take an option in RDi/PDM/command line/browser app,
that would retrieve code from a central repository all with a few clicks of
a button? Many other platforms have this in various flavors.
If you own an iPhone or Droid phone then you know how crazy simple the
process can be for normal users.
I know Mihael Schmidt has done some documenting of a system he is working on
that is similar to Linux. That can be found at the following URL:
In the end it would be best if IBM either came up with such a distribution
framework or at least had a free implementation installed by default so you
wouldn't have to first install something to make the concept work - it would
just be there with a base OS install.
Does IBM offer anything in this vein? I know I can get OS upgrades via
electronic means direct to my machine, but is that available to anyone other
than IBM?
Aaron Bartell
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