On 06-Apr-2012 11:41 , Stone, Joel wrote:
Does WRKDEVD show if a printer is *AFPDS capable?
From WRKDEVD *PRT, Option 5=Display against any device name that is
presented in the list will invoke DSPDEVD, and for the displayed printer
device a line of output will indicate the value specified on the AFP()
parameter of CRTDEVPRT or CHGDEVPRT; e.g.:
Advanced function printing . . . . : AFP *NO
Is there a pgm method (in CL) to check if a printer is *AFPDS
The following API can retrieve that information:
_i Retrieve Device Description (QDCRDEVD) API i_
_i DEVD1100 Format i_
This format returns detailed information about a device of category *PRT.
Offset Type Field
Dec Hex
0 0 Returns everything from format DEVD0100
162 A2 CHAR(10) Device type
172 AC CHAR(10) Device model
182 B6 CHAR(10) Advanced Function Printing™
192 C0 CHAR(10) AFP™ attachment
_i Advanced Function Printing (AFP). i_ Whether this printer is used for
Advanced Function Printing™ support. (See the AFP parameter in the
CRTDEVPRT command.)
_i AFP attachment (AFPATTACH). i_ The type of attachment that is used
for printers that are configured for Advanced Function Printing support.
(See the AFPATTACH parameter in the CRTDEVPRT command.)
Regards, Chuck
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