Sounds like it might be time for a new toolset.
We have a product called Automate that might be able to help if you're open to a commercial option.
You can read any spreadsheet and write directly to a database and more.
Richard Schoen | Director of Document Management Technologies, HelpSystems
T: + 1 952-486-6802
RJS Software Systems | A Division of HelpSystems
Visit me on: Twitter | LinkedIn
message: 1
date: Tue, 13 Oct 2015 23:08:34 +0200
from: "gio.cot" <gio.cot@xxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Problem transfering numerics value from excel to DB2 Table
Hi to everybody
I have an procedure (CLP program) that transfers a file PC excel to As400
with client access using the FDF; I have a column
that can contain both Alphanumeric or only numerical values....
It happens that, if in this column have a value alone numerical, example
88888997987987900, when it transfers him/it to As400 it transforms him/it in
8,8889E+16. Do you know how and if it can be obviated to this problem?
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