I do work for an IBM business partner and I don't mind answering simple
questions here.
Advanced Job Schedule is NOT free as Rob pointed out, but there is NO
increase to your IBM I software maintenance if you buy it. The IBM I
software maintenance cover most of the IBM LPP (Licensed Program Products)
which you can add to your system. Those products which have a different Type
than the OS (5770-xxx, 5761-xxx) usually do have additional maintenance,
such as Web Query.
AJS is available for a 70 day free trial. You just need to download from the
IBM Entitled Software Site and install it. I would also recommend reapplying
your latest CUME package as well.
Here's a link for a full description of the features of AJS. Does it do
everything ROBOT does? I doubt it but it may do everything you need it to
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Howie
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2016 9:36 AM
To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Advanced Job Scheduler
Is AJS something that IBM is still selling/enhancing? I've seen
information that indicates they might not be. We are on V5R4 but are going
to go to V7R1. I know some of you said you're currently using it. I'm
wondering if it's a viable alternative to something like Robot. Please
advise. Thanks!
Bill Howie
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