let us try to analyze your programm snippet:
Using :SqlPwd;
this should work, if ArdGate is configured well (verifyed by strsql) and
user annd password are correct (verifyed by debug) checking in the programm
would be better.
Exec Sql Set Connection AXTRN01;
you won't need this, the last connect is current connection untill changed
by set connection, but this will do no harm to your programm.
zSqlCmd = 'Select count(*) into ? from AXTRN01..UNITOFMEASURE'
+ ' where Symbol = '
+ Q + %trim(pUOM) + Q;
Parameter markers are replaced later by vars and are only allowed where a
literal could be (in other words: the vars are read only)
=> here we have your problem!
Exec Sql Prepare SQLRMTCMD from :zSqlCmd;
DB2 can't check this, it doesn't see the current value of the prepareString
at compiletime. At runtime this is checked by the remote database and
diffrennt databases could have very diffrent behaviour. Important is the
SQLSTATE in the joblog and for additional information the javalog. The
SQLCODE might be misleading, because ArdGate has to derive it from a
SQLSTATE of a remote database - it's only guruanteed that success is 0,
warning is > 0 and error is < 0.
This might crash for one database and pass for another database. You should
check SQLCODE or SQLSTATE for success after every SQL Operation.
Exec Sql Execute SQLRMTCMD using :Count ;
now is the latest point where it will crash.
As I stated over and over again: the easiest way to running programms is, to
take an example and go on. If you are not familar with SQL and dealing with
remote databases, it might be betterto pay for an expert (BTW: I've done
coaching and/or writing the needed programms - it's my business and mostly
cheaper than tumbling around for days).
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