On 27-Sep-2016 12:31 -0500, GioArt wrote:
I need to be sure that a particular batch job is always active; is
there any system service that can I use to check that ?
This is my scenario : at IPL start my job IMP_ORD (that import
customer orders) and another job that should check every five
minutes if the IMP_ORD is active.
There is no [direct\supported\ ability to access the _system_ portion
of the IPL for that purpose. The _user_ portion of the IPL is the job
started for activating the System Startup Program [as defined by the]
(QSTRUPPGM) system value.
Similarly to that automatic startup, those jobs can be activated by
one or more Autostart Job Entry (AJE) just as is the StrUpPgm; see Add
Auto Start Job Entry (ADDAJE). Be aware that the Controlling Subsystem
[as determined by the system value] (QCTLSBSD) could change; the
QSTRUPPGM is started for at least both QCTL and QBASE with the QSTRUPJD
Job\Job Description (JOBD).
But for that scenario, as described, consider [and I think the idiom
from which these name-references are derived, is sufficiently
international]: the JOB(CHICKEN) and the JOB(EGG), *or is that* the
This morning for some IPL problem (that I have to understand) this
jobs are not started and so I have had problem with orders import.
My first approach would be to investigate and understand the origin
of that specific failure [not yet communicated to readers of this topic;
e.g. the error message identifiers\context], and code\configure to
prevent that and any similar potential problems; i.e. put off pursuing
/monitoring/, esp. if the processing had long been starting and running
without difficulties until this particular incident.
So I would find a system job (that I'm sure that run always ) that I
could use as monitor for my IMP_ORD job.. I hope I shall be clear
IIRC the system job QALERT [while unable to start or actively monitor
the two jobs] does supply a means to inform if the job fails while
starting or ends [should also be able to establish a means to inform of
a condition logged by program that requests but fails to start the jobs.
See GO CMDALR for the Alert (ALR) related commands; and IIRC there was
a separate manual for alerts.
For monitoring, review the Watch feature; see GO CMDWCH for Watch
(WCH) related commands. There are surely more creative means to utilize
those than just a specific Message Identifier (MSGID) which might be too
limited; e.g. a Watched message queue (WCHMSGQ) might utilize another
Notify (NTFY) feature that sends a message to a queue. This feature
should be able to /watch/ for the same messages that alerts could be
defined to handle; while alerts may have the ability to notify
externally via SNMP traps, AIUI the watches will require a job on the
server to react.
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