On 27-Sep-2016 13:18 -0500, James H. H. Lampert wrote:
[…] given that hex'0A' has been entrenched in the application for
over two decades, changing the application is not an option.
If the code point 0x0A is required to be stored in the EBCDIC
application data [to avoid changing the application], then consider:
That 0x0A is the Repeat (RPT) control character in EBCDIC, into which
the Single Shift Two (SS2) control character should translate from the
code point 0x8E in ASCII.
CDRA Appendix G. Control character mappings
Where the prepared-statement version has
$temp = "Name: " . $name . "
Email Address: " . $emailAddress . "
Phone Number: " . $phoneNumber . "
Message: " . $message . "
$nnotes = str_replace( " ", "", $temp );
which then gets passed as a parameter in the prepared statement,
A similarly improper entrenchment ;-) might be able to overcome that
issue; try the following revision to the above:
$temp =
"Name: " . $name . x'8E' .
"Email Address: " . $emailAddress . x'8E' .
"Phone Number: " . $phoneNumber . x'8E' .
"Message: " . $message . x'8E' .
$nnotes = str_replace( " ", "", $temp );
the non-prepared-statement version has
$nnotes = " 'Name: " . $name . "' || x'0A' ||
'Email Address: " . $emailAddress . "' || x'0A' ||
'Phone Number: " . $phoneNumber . "' || x'0A' ||
'Message: " . $message . "' || x'0A' ||
'HTTP_REFERRER: " . $_SERVER[ 'HTTP_REFERER' ] . "' "; // Notes
Which probably explains the difference in behavior.
Might seem inexplicable at first glance, without learning\knowing
more; but easily enough intuited, that the above text would be inserted
into a statement that would be generated, in ASCII, and then passed-to
and run-at the IBM i as the server -- run as&in EBCDIC. Thus the x'0A'
gets inserted as an EBCDIC 0x0A rather than inserted as the originally
ASCII 0x0A being translated into the EBCDIC 0x25.
$nnotes =
"'Name: " . $name . "' concat x'0A' concat
'Email Address: " . $emailAddress . "' concat x'0A' concat
'Phone Number: " . $phoneNumber . "' concat x'0A' concat
'Message: " . $message . "' concat x'0A' concat
; // Notes
$insert_stmt_string =
"INSERT INTO " . $library . ".NOTEFILE" .
"( " . $nrecid .
", " . $nnotes .
") "
So essentially something like the above would have generated
something like the following effective equivalent statement to be run
with the DB2 for IBM i SQL, i.e. at the IBM i as server, as if typed in
at the STRSQL statement entry; the ellipses previously replaced with the
data from the corresponding $variable data:
insert into SomeLibraryNameFromVariable/NOTEFILE
( …
, 'Name: …' concat x'0A' concat
'Email Address: …' concat x'0A' concat
'Phone Number: …' concat x'0A' concat
'Message: …' concat x'0A' concat
Having been a fully resolved character string passed to the IBM i,
the above statement indeed inserts the 0x0A between the different
resolved text variables.
Either the prepared-statement version has to behave like the
non-prepared-statement version, or they have to stick with the
non-prepared-statement version.
While I loathe making a suggestion to do so, I suspect what I offered
as an effective /circumvention/ above, could be used to suffice to
"overcome" the issue experienced with the prepared statement; i.e.
effectively trick the conversion into effecting what is the desired result.
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