On 15-May-2017 14:30 -0600, Versfelt, Charles wrote:
subject: RE: FTP issue Authentication (Rich Loeber)
Are you going to IBM i?
Then I suspect you forgot to change from namefmt 0 to namefmt 1 and
it's trying to put a csv file into the qsys.lib file system.
Or, you are using namefmt 1 but you are trying to go to /qdls and
that crap only supports 8.3
Rob Berendt
The above quoted text is quite confusing, because the attributions
are incorrect; despite being sent by you, your portion of the message
was "lost", due to, in combination, posting without NNTP-style quoting,
and bottom-quoting. See how in the archive, just as in the above quoted
text, you appear to have posted only/exactly what Rob posted, even
appearing to sign the message as "Rob":
While I am in no way [any longer] a fan of top-posting, if you
bottom-post *and* there is an end-of-signature line preceding your text,
then _minimally_, remove the line with the two dashes followed by a space.
A copy of your message does appear in the archives, copied by Jeff's
email client [my NNTP ignores text after the signature-indicator] in the
following archived message; note the gray vertical bar on the left,
showing the "quoting" of your message that did not properly quote Rob's
Better than just being sure to trim the signature denotation, IMO, is
to ensure use of the proper quoting [i.e. preceding each line with a
less-than sign and a space], such that the messages appear correctly in
the archives; i.e. so the text in a message is conspicuously associated
with a particular author. FWiW, IMO, ditching the digest versions, and
just using an NNTP or email client to group/organize the messages
greatly simplifies; minimally, as improvements, there is no need to
"fix" the subject line [which some posts added some extraneous "RE:"]
nor trim out so much unrelated text, as the "reply" feature should
automate both the continuum of the subject line *and* contextual quoting.
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