Most of our 3rd party products use the update process you describe. It's rare, but I've had to rename AppLib to AppLibNEW and AppLibOLD back to AppLib. Having the option is comforting.
-----Original Message-----
From: B Stone [mailto:bvstone@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, August 09, 2019 2:41 PM
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Use of QGPL library for custom objects
Well, now we're getting into another pet peeve of mine, if we're talking about the same thing.
Putting 3rd party libraries in the system library list. So now it's locked by every job out there and upgrading is a little more tricky.
Normally for our software its:
1. Rename current library
2. Restore new library
3. Copy over settings
#1 can't be done because it's in the system library list. So then its:
1. Create a new library
2. Move objects from current library to new library 3. Restore objects from save file to current library 4. Copy over settings.
It's more steps and more complicated. But, we do offer those instructions as we know it's inevitable that the library will be locked.
Why rename the current library? If things go wrong, its easy enough to restore the previous version. Its rare, but it happens, and I find most customers like having that option when updating software that's vital to their operations.
Bradley V. Stone
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